Thinks that Racism and Childhood Sexual Abuse and Rape Is Okay Thinks that Racism and Childhood Sexual Abuse and Rape Is Okay

DO NOT DEAL WITH CROWNCAMS.COM! I want you to read these messages down below:

Vic Lynxton RACIST Censored

Vic Lynxton Condones Child Rape Censored

They came from a “Vic Lynxton”, who, when I googled the name, all this came back up:

Vic Lynxton Google Plus Info 2

Vic Lynxton Google Plus Info ‘s address is 6230 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 and their number is: 323-977-8009

Here are vic lynxton’s links:

Here is vic lynxton’s youtube:

Also, to note, I am doing ALOT BETTER in the Alexa ratings and I am not even a porn site:

Raven Topless Park La Brea

Here are the Alexa ratings:

Crowncams lack popularity 2 Crowncams lack popularity





Basically, in effect this person feels that black men are so lowly as if to say that EVEN they won’t see me as if they are the lowest of the low. Note this person also simultaneously taking jabs at my natural hair, nevermind the infestation of lice and other hair – and sanitary issues such as smelling like wet dogs, you know, they’re lovers – that is present and prevalent amongst may whites.

“thanks for sending the link. at first i was worried but then i realized you are a psychotic skank whore that likes to get fucked by her own family members and you need to just die to make the world a better place..

please kill yourself.
thank you.
i will email Donovan the link so he knows you are bat shit crazy. that way, he wont believe a word you say!
feel free to die now. i give you permission.

Now, I would think this was a white person or associate it it weren’t for this:Donovan McCloud Founder

The owner of is a black male by the name of Donovan McCloud (He also appears to own another business outside of Crow Visual Media Group which you can see a link to here: and that number is 323-860-888 and the fax no.# is 323-993-8669 and here is their email: [email protected])

I did more research on this shady ass building – 6230 Wilshire blvd, which is not too far and was across the street from the New Millennium Barbershop at 5230 Wilshire Blvd before it moved to it’s present location, all of which you can read about here regarding my nasty encounter with them. That said, there is a computer tech place called Advanced Data, which you can read about here in yelp reviews:

Here is a screenshot of what they are saying:

Advanced DataAdvanced Data 2





Advanced Data 3

Now, I suspect that, based on these links below, considering they are already operating and working in the sex industry, I do not put it past em, especially since it is NIGGERS involved and we all know how they like to pimp while thinking everyone wants their low I.Q. calibre “big” dicks – that award actually goes to the jews – to be engaged in human trafficking, of which tranny hooker Cristyn Sensual may be a part of:

Here are their emails: [email protected] and here: advanced data front for

Now, the owner of crown cams seems to hate women and I have a tendency to attract misogynist to me for the mere fact that I am strong AND female and I come off as indestructable to these cowardly beasts who prefer to sit behind the computer scree and harass me cause their cowardly “male” asses COULD NOT handle me in real life. Here is the blogpost and here is an excerpt taken from their blog:

Crowncams Misogyny











Here are quotes:
#24. Always treat a woman’s tantrums like you would treat a child’s. Firm and unpersuaded.

#23. Buying gifts, groveling, begging and changing for a girl will never keep her around. You’ll only intensify her disdain for you and speed up her hunt for an alpha cock.

#22. If you think she’s cheating, she already has. Learn to trust your instinct. It’s ‘talking’ to you for a reason.

#21. Never fully trust a woman. It’s not in their nature to be trustworthy. Self-preserve by only allowing for 60% of your trust given after a full and long courtship of at least 2 years.

(Here is their license plate, which you can see as taken from a screenshot from their very own instagram):

Crowncams SUVThe license plate number is CA # 7HSN437

Here is another screenshot taken from that racist’s own instagram:

Racist Joke Crown Cams
He quips about purple kool aid here.







Here is who I think from crowncams might be sending the messages as “vic lynxton” (I personally think it’s a computer programmer and note the same tattoo sleeve in two photos which is more than coincidence for me in terms of identifying at least one of the owners of crowncams aka crownSCAMS):

Crowncams ID Crowncams ID 2

That said, ever since I put out that article of one of their deceptively advertised transgender workers – Cristyn Sensual, which you can read here – I have been getting steadily harassed by these people, which you can see here:

Cristyn Sensual Lambaste Online After All These Months Censored




Alot of this is also due in part to the fact that I was asked by one of their operatives, a “jason coin” who I believe is JASON CANELLI:

Jason Canelli Crowncams
“Jason Coin” I believe is Jason Canelli aka possibly Vic Lynxton.


…who I guess either is a co-ower or at least runs a studio with em – to prostitute myself for them. I refused ad so below you can see the attacks he is purveying upon me as you can read:

James Canelli Crowncams

Webcam models, webcam folks, people in the sex industry, people outside of it, whether you agree with me or not, look at what I am going through: DO NOT DEAL WITH CROWNCAMS AKA CROWNCAMS.COM AS THEY WILL HARASS YOU IF YOU BREAK AWAY IN ANY WAY FROM THEIR VOLATILE, UNPROFESSIONAL, ILLEGAL, UNETHICAL WAY OF DOING BUSINESS, which includes from my experience human trafficking, which is why they are now harassing me now and will persist for some time.

UPDATE: NOW, MENTALLY UNSTABLE VIC LYNXTON, I GUESS THE OWNER (?), IS STALKING ME! Look at the ominous message, hell the FACT he even left it on my window while I was OUT! That said, these are the type of dangerous people you will deal with if you enter into ANY BUSINESS CONTRACT WITH EM! I also suspect he is behind me getting lockedout of my computer ie HACKING IT! That said, do NOT DEAL WITH CROWNCAMS.COM This is what happens WHEN YOU DO!

20150924_221910 20150924_225547








Here is a screenshot from his google plus page in which he insinuates wanting to rape me:


Vic Lynxton Threatens Me WITH DEATH 7 Vic Lynxton Threatens Me WITH DEATH 2 Vic Lynxton Threatens Me WITH DEATH 4 Censored


If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.


  1. That crown cam business seems like it tries too hard to be masculine and cool. I usually run circles around men like this, It’s pretty laughable that they’re calling you names, but their business seems like a flop :U

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