Ninja Turtle Dressed Abu Gharib Bitches In Burqas Harass Me For Being Topless In MY Country

Ninja Turtle Dressed Abu Gharib Bitches In Burqas Harass Me For Being Topless In MY Country

That said, this is how I handle people who got a problem with and wanna fuck with me:

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I don’t fuck around! I put my own family on front street and that was the HARDEST THING TO DO and necessary for my therapeutic development. That said, I am capable of doing WORSE TO YOU: Don’t believe me just watch me talk about it (aka here is my response to that Leonardo teenage mutant ninja turtle dressed skanks):

There is a reason why Europe including Sweden is trying to get these arab, muslim abu gharib – got their women dressed as teenage mutant ninja turtle with those fucking burqas and hajibs in the dead of fucking 122 degree summer mofos – out of there! When you grow up in a fucked up home, like a child molestor, mofos who don’t understand THE SHIT THAT IS BEING DONE TO THEM TAKE IT OUT ON OTHERS who don’t fuck with or adopt their sick ass lifestyle which is what you got going on over in Europe right now with the muslims and what you have going on across the street yesterday. Now, I am not throwing shade at all Arab muslims – I have seen ladies pass by and don’t fuck with me! That said, these hoez were LOOKING FOR A FIGHT! If they woulda came across that street and put hands I woulda sent all their teenage mutant ninja turtle dressed asses FLYING! YOU DON’T IMPOSE THAT SHIT IN MY FUCKING COUNTRY, BITCHES! I am black and part indigenous (as black Americans are since we were one of the first people here in NA BEFORE THE FUCKING SLAVE TRADE) to this fucking country! Our slave labor BUILT IT SO BITCH THAT TAKE THAT SHARIA LAW AND THAT ABUSED WOMAN’S SYNDROME YOU GOT AND TAKE THAT SHIT AND GET GONE FROM MY FUCKING NATION! That said, those skank ass nasty ass (prob. be doing more fucking – at least with their one husband who prob. got multiple wives and thy are prob. sister wives and one of em look like she underage (I shoulda called the cops) – then I have ever done in my fucking life.). These bitches ain’t go no respect for themselves, cause they grow up in households where their “menfolk” control em so as a result they develop these fucked up ass attitudes towards themselves and their fucking bodies and covering their asses from HEAD TO TOE IN THE DEAD HEAT OF FUCKING AUGUST CAUSE THEIR SICK ASS MENFOLK OVERLY SEXUALIZE EM! They stay treating their lil filipino and other foreign maids like shit in the arab countries! Bitches, I am a strong black woman: You come up to me with that reptilian sexualizing the feminine, suppressing the feminine, hating women shyte bitch and just as that Australian white bitch in Park La Brea (that hoe LOOKS like a reptilian)

Ugly Ass White Australian Bitch
This her right here! She live at Park La Brea! $50 to anyone who tells me WHERE exactly she is!

Here is the article on THIS SKANK: (And I bet that Arab bitch with her that day is probably those tmnt dressed ass hoez’ relatives).

…learned, bitch, I will plow your ass with my 40lbs if I see you around and you fuck with me again! I don’t fuck around! And get out of my country flying fucking planes into twin towers, hoez! To note, I don’t hate anyone but YOU GET ON MY BAD SIDE AND I WILL USE YOUR GENDER, RACE, WHATEVER AT MY DISPOSAL TO ATTACK YOU AND NEUTRALIZE THE THREAT! Like I said before, I put my own family out there and that is the hardest thing to do so I am capable of doing WORSE TO YOU!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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