Society is shit and I expose it!

How I Got Rid of A Reptilian Living Inside of Me And How To Do It

Many folks have said it couldn’t be done: I did it! I haven’t genuinely smiled like that since I was…. 13 (yes, high school had that brutal of an impact on me). I explain it right here:     I honest think sorta closing the right chakra and letting it be open a lil ran him up the street since he could not feed off the negative energy that I was unwittingly putting out due to antagonistic organic portals he influenced to fuck with me…. but did I really win….. I have never been this joyfull ????✨?? I feel whole.

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Keep Fucking With Raven The Bull And You Will Get These Horns

Imma May baby. I was born on May 14, 1983 in New Orleans, LA. The bull, Taurus, is my astrological sign: – You know, I don’t ordinarily pay attention to the norp, organic portal version of spirituality cause I – unlike most people, have a better understanding of other factors coming into play like genetics, natal chart, NAME – plus, taking all dat into account, not everyone can have the same traits on the same day, plus the Chinese calendar, which is older, has my whole entire YEAR pegged as being born under the pig ? …..but this ?? dead

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Insta-heaux Listened: They Stopped Posting Lil Half Bred Designer Baby Mutt Basturds On My Timeline

This is what I prefer…. This it! That ?? Even my porn ads got with the program, sorta….. Yet they STILL gotta post them mofos, but at least they dark ?? I hate niggaz like this. She ain’t half black (American) and Puerto Rican. Puerto Rican an ETHNICITY AND A NATIONALITY! You have black Puerto Ricans just as you have Black Americans: I got serious tired of seeing these lil half bred multiracial MUTTS insta-heaux kept posting to my timeline who are really testaments to their parents’ – namely the BLACK ONE – insecurities in that black women are siring

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You Malibu Nuts Esp. At Levinaia STAY THE FUCK OFF MY SOCIAL MEDIA

I don’t like you mofos. I put fyre ‘woke on you hoes. Malibu Is Gonna Get Another Fire ‘Woke AND I Feel I Am Revenge For What Ya’ll Did To Mitrice Richardson Stay the fuck off my shit. I know how you thingz operate – I saw in the astral last night ya’ll were gonna pull some shit like this. As I ascend, become more Power-FULL, ya’ll ain’t creating no etheric chords with me. I don’t wanna be a part of your satanic, demonic possessed, reptilian possessed baby eating organic portal ass clique! I know them assholes at Levinaia followed

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How To Protect Yourself From Organic Portals

I know I haven’t written in a while cause I been fasting and working on my healing but I wanna still drop a vid on something that needs to be talked about….. That said, I wanna say that when you see a mofo doing this, the “they crazy” finger twirl….. They doing it to do witchcraft on you by opening a chakra. See, in your fingers you have chakras and when you go clockwise you open it and when you go counterclockwise you close it. It is not goodt to have that chakra open unless you got the crown esp.

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This Is How Gangstalking Works

The other day, right after this happened: Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man THIS happened…..   I turn around and notice mofo is ABRASIVELY, IN MY FACE AS A FORM OF DISRESPECT taking pics….. Damn right I ran up on his ass and ran him and his gucamole ass eating wife (who looked like she ain’t never missed a meal) up the skreets…. Now, let me break it down…. WHAT are the chances of TWO HIPPIE LOOKING ASS MOFOS – in dude’s case from yesterday he a “white” wetbuck – antagonise me

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I Don’t Fuck With The Lamestream….Don’t Fuck With Me

I don’t fuck with ya’ll…… This got sent not too long before this shit happened….. Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man And RIGHT AFTER I posted this….. I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry People say folks like myself are crazy about calling out these synchronocities but nan we not! That said I REMEMBER when I first started my topless thing they tried to “white wash” it in terms of who they gave it credit: Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White

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Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man

Listen to his ass hear when he says, “You so cute!” – That was designed to taunt me. Looka how he looks in my direction, then looks away, as I film him….. This says ALLL I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WHY HE CAME AROUND! Here is the fight. Mofo kicked me in the stomach like I am a grown ass man! You can hear an explanation he throws out at one point which all sexual harassers do to put blame on the victim: You can hear him said during fight, “I’ll let you go” after I fought him off of

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Rapist Decides To Reupload My Vids To Youtube Channel The Life and Times of Raven Masterson

I touched on it years ago! Attacked By New Millennium Barbershop Employees In Los Angeles and Selective Enforcement by LAPD This mofo – while I was drunk (this was back in my old apartment) I believe took advantage cause I noticed the odd dissemination of my clothes, took a $100 bill I had then acted like he was buying something at Ralph’s right around the corner like he a gentleman. He looked like a black version of this thing here: Flag this shit: It is called “The Life and Times of Raven Masterson.” Flag the WHOLE FUCKING CHANNEL DOWN:

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I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry

Fucking Mortal Kombat: Before I begin, I just wanna start off by saying – to the creepy ass, I presume based on the accents I heard coming from their voices, WETBACK mofos in the black jeep who be passing by close to my car – I saw ya’ll for TWO FUCKING NIGHTS PULLING THAT SHIT – Imma ‘woke ya like I did that crakkka in the big black-green truck Imma talk about later on, “telling me to leave….” THE MAIN EVENT (I know you heauxs been waiting for this video):   I remind me of this song here cause no

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