The Witch’s Mark

The Witch’s Mark

Just in time for Halloween…… NOTE I got two long strands of hair on the right side of my breast. However, on the left side, you see none….. That is what you call a witch’s mark….. A witch’s mark is deemed to represent an entity such as as popularly believed here the devil taking ownership of a person, laying a mark as claim to them as would be done by a cattle rancher to cattle. It was used during the Salem Witch’s trials and the Grand Inquisition to determine if one was a witch or not. I notice these

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Satan Is The Black Person’s Kundalini

Satan Is The Black Person’s Kundalini

Google IMMEDIATELY age restricted this video that I am about to show you cause it is telling truths….. I Am Satan: – NOTE how white people have portrayed “Satan” as having black people’s features for eons…… It is because we ARE Satan. Let me explain…… See, as explained…. blacks hold the key to chaos magick. Now, in many afrocentric groups as can be seen in the diaphram above melanin breaks down to = 666….. – This ?? is a GREAT blog that breaks it down….. Baba Bobby Hemmitt further broke down the etymology of the word, saying that

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Meth Mouth Prostitute Reveals She Is A Satanist And Is Proud To Be Possessed

Meth Mouth Prostitute Reveals She Is A Satanist And Is Proud To Be Possessed

Que The Exorcist music ???‍♀️ It’s no wonder she takes up for em ?‍♀️❤???? Mexicans and South Americans Resonate With The Satanic Energy That’s why dat mouf look black….. Messy-canTs have at ha loool… No wonder. I am never wrong! Just watch the tape and you can low key see she got a ghoulish draining spirit in her…… That’s why she look nas-tay! Stank. Look at the video and note her jerky movements like in the sceencapture here….. She move and got the same jerky movements as ole gyal in “The Exorcist”! Or like in the Evil Dead which also

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Satanism Has Taught Me That You Gotta Go Thru The Darkness To Get To The Light

Satanism Has Taught Me That You Gotta Go Thru The Darkness To Get To The Light

I almost wanna say light = Lucifer as Lucifer means “light bringer”. This is what illuminati, freemasons strive to achieve (but fall short and instead succumb to just war-shipping these demiurge archetypes in futile capituation). It’s what shamans acquire by creating artifical tests of strenght where you endure near death experiences – yes, lit – to get there! In my cases, satanism brought me ’round! What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch Having A Spiritual Husband: Lord Satan ?? I think I fucked up cause – as one tarot card reader pointed out – I think this mofo

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How To Remove Evil Entities That You Were Sacrificed To Before You Hit The Other Side

How To Remove Evil Entities That You Were Sacrificed To Before You Hit The Other Side

Before I begin, I have arrived….. I had an astral vision in which I saw a white woman with reddish blonde hair wearing military garb who worked for the US military. I saw that she was hunting to kill an Asian female activist who I saw who looked like your typical Asian – round face, her skin was The Simpsons yellow tho. and wearing a white night gown flowy summer dress….. Anyways I saw that the lady had ran into some barracks which turned into a vacation spot where I sighted some hunters all talking about their vacation – and

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Offered A Seal of Solomon Like Symbol To Have Demons Under My Control

Offered A Seal of Solomon Like Symbol To Have Demons Under My Control

This was offered to me awhile back:   I have a policy where I am afraid to work with entities outside of what I create ie egregores. That being said, listening to this video on Hecate last night: WHO IS SOOOO LIKE ME (someone said Lilith but I don’t believe in going around killing other folks’ kids like she supposedly does even though I had two abortions which don’t count) – the trajectory she took in life while physically alive, vowing to be alone, never having kids, misunderstood…. THAT IS ME in so many ways…. damn! That being said, I

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The Whole New Age Hippie Spiel To Be Peace And Love And Light Is A Trick By The Reptilians To Suppress Humanity’s Spiritual Potential

The Whole New Age Hippie Spiel To Be Peace And Love And Light Is A Trick By The Reptilians To Suppress Humanity’s Spiritual Potential

Before I begin, I JUST FOUND THIS BLASS FROM DUH PASSS: What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch I had a crush on this depiction of Lucifer from Paradise Lost. I thought he was cutee ?? That being said, that whole thing of being “peace and love and light” is wide peepole schadenfraude (my new favourite wurd ??). We live in a fawking unity-verse ? of duality, as broke down by this BRILLIANT (with a fine ass devil btw) fairytale film by Ridley Scott called “Legend”: Devil fineeee ass a motherfawker here: I’m going to hell for this

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I Now Realise That I Had To Go Thru My Satanic Phase To Heal My Soul

I Now Realise That I Had To Go Thru My Satanic Phase To Heal My Soul

….I think! – You can btw see the spirits to the left (our right) coming from the spirit realm as exemplified by the ghostly light while I in the 3D fight them. I think it was designed to do so! Based on what I am knowing, finding out NOW I truly believe that the satanic phase I went thru – at least for me – was designed to, well fuck I said it here: Soul Healing: Reuniting The Higher Chakras With The Lower Chakras and Removing Implants Removing Spider Web Internal Programs And Entities While Healing designed to help me

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What Is True Possession

What Is True Possession

I had an ephiphany last night – and what I am about to say will run CONTRARY to what most people think of possession! I recall Bobby Hemmitt said it best: “True possession is when a being, an entity can take perfect stock within your subconscious mind, becoming One with you…” – Those are actually my words, paraphrasing what he was getting at! People MISTAKE demonic possession for being something that takes over your body TO DESTROY YOU which in one aspect it is, but – in my experience, it is something much more… See, when I worshipped under Satan,

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