Wetback Demon Seed Threatens Brother Tariq Nasheed Over Telling The Truth That Blacks Paved The Way For Other Races of Color In America

Wetback Demon Seed Threatens Brother Tariq Nasheed Over Telling The Truth That Blacks Paved The Way For Other Races of Color In America

I just wanna preface by saying that I am looking SOOOO forward to getting my two ICE shirts…… I just made the order and they have been promptly sent! I plan to place the name of my website: Toplessinla.org in hotpink so more mofos can see who they are dealing with in me…. That said if you all see this built like a beaner bag beaner walking around…. illegally…… WHYYY all these mofos look like the fucking rock monster from Neverending Story….. Last week it was this wetback here who called the police on me cause I wouldn’t say hi

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Lil Nigglets Get Pissed When Lost Hills Sheriffs Show After Trying To Steal At Westlake Target

Lil Nigglets Get Pissed When Lost Hills Sheriffs Show After Trying To Steal At Westlake Target

Alright – you can tell when a mofo lying….. AS YOU CAN SEE ? them cops were nun but professional. One even showed up after some wetback tried to hassle me…… Demon Seed of Quetzalcoatl Calls Cops Cause I Won’t Say Hi And again and again….. Lost Hills Sheriffs Show Up After CHP To Say I Posted Crakkka To Mike Millz And again…. Stalked By The Los Angeles Sheriffs In Malibu AND AGAIN….. L.A. Lost Hills Sheriffs Fucking With My Ass AGAIN As ya’ll can see these people are actually nice! Los Angeles Malibu Sheriffs Tell Me I Got Warrants

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Fighting Off Severe Right Hip Pain Caused By Ars Goetia Demon Beelzebub As I Break Free

Fighting Off Severe Right Hip Pain Caused By Ars Goetia Demon Beelzebub As I Break Free

This is how he manifest in my tarot cards….. That said ever since I threw away this red rock I had acquired from the ocean as part of my healing process the other night – I been getting ATTACKED! Take that back – I did something to heal my heart chakra – there were hordes of people living in a cave that had pools of fire with folks in em – hell. I am now thinking them ars goetia – I now believe that nasal voiced demon I STAY hearing IS Beelzebub: It is the demon “Jesus” used to cast

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This UFO Orb GOTTA BE Some Governmental Experimental Orb

This Shapeshifter UFO Orb GOTTA BE Some Governmental Experimental Orb

This the mofo that be programming the homeless people in Malibu…..   Peep them just “hovering” over each other then taking off….. Those aren’t planes or helicopters (otherwise we woulda heard a noise). Those are ufos and based on what can be seen in the vid they are of the governmental experimental program variety….. I recall once while it was with it’s red twin which you can see here (that ain’t Mars….)….. Here the red orb up close…. Anyways, while trying to take their pic one morning my phone experienced an anomolous surge of energy (similar to what happens when

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Offering Reptilian Archon Demiurge Removal Services

Offering Reptilian Archon Demiurge Removal Services

  Cause I AM SOOO GOOD AT THIS SHIT: Fighting The Sephiroth Tree Parasitic Entity Attachment And What The All Seeing Eye REALLY Is Soul Healing: Reuniting The Higher Chakras With The Lower Chakras and Removing Implants How The Baphomet Acts As A Matrix Architect To Keep Souls Oppressed I am gonna start offering the removal of archon, reptilian entity attachments to help folks heal. I have suffered greatly at the hands of archon entity attachment induced alcohol urges that has wreaked havoc in my life and are extremely hard to fight cause of the energy surges that get sent

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I Defeated The Demiurge

I Defeated The Demiurge

Eye (pun intended) knew shit would go down when I saw that all seeing eye on the border patrol t shirt….. ? Funny cause I looked young ass fuck too….. Since I was able to stop the demiurge from sending energy surges to my kundalini to bolster my desire for alkie-hole, he instead had a nice gentleman send me McD’s which I had to subsequently shit out – as I do alkie-hole – so my energy body can stay on point ??   It was a long drawn battle but I did it…. Here is P1: And P2: Back in

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Beaner Bag ILLEGAL Fruit Seller Talks Shit About Me Then Gaslights When I Confront

Beaner Bag ILLEGAL Fruit Seller Talks Shit About Me Then Gaslights When I Confront

Before I show you the video make sure to call ICE at: 1-866-347-2423 to report his ass (cause we all know he illegal) and get his ass deported out the country! That said his facial expressions reveal he is lying…..   That said I don’t know why stupid people who are beneath me in terms of intelligence and consciousness think they can fool me with gaslighting given that I am psychic, highly intuitive, perceptive with really good hearing…. ??‍♀️ I don’t understand it. I don’t like this mofo. Ever since he first came here (I been here LONGER AND AM

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Moving Closer To Defeating The Demiurge

Moving Closer To Defeating The Demiurge

This is the thing that controls the local homeless people out here in possesses them….   That orb….. I’ve touched on this before….. I Gotta Watch These Strong Psychic Homeless MK Ultra Mofos Man Shadow Man Hat Man And Yellow Eyed Entity Spotted IN My Car Plus Gangstalking By Other Homeless People Homeless Gangstalkers Get ‘Woked That said I am getting closer to defeating it…..   I was lead to read more on the “eye of Sauron” which is analogous and looks alot like the all seeing eye I see when battling it in the astral….. Touched on it here…..

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An Ankh Found In Mexico Proves That There Is A Link Between Ancient Egyptians And Certain Mexicans

An Ankh Found In Mexico Proves That There Is A Link Between Ancient Egyptians And Certain Mexicans

I be on to shit….. You can see certain resemblances….. That said, I touched on this here: The Difference Between Hebrew, Moor and Egyptian Black Americans I have said it before…. you got certain Mexicans who look Egyptian I swear up and down…… NOTICE that the only one to defend this post was a dude who looks like EXACTLY what I am referring to when I say certain Mexicans look ancient Egyptian….. Also NOTE fucking ig blocked me when I tried to ask him to elaborate on the know-ledge he was trying to spill…. The rest of them racist mofos

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Reptilian Demon Seed Calls Black Panther Star A Monkey

Reptilian Demon Seed Calls Black Panther Star A Monkey

….And why those demon seeds need to be eliminated….. Here they page: https://instagram.com/chilemarvelfans?igshid=1cdw1tgnu915e Here that racist ass meme (calling the Black Panther dude an APE): https://www.instagram.com/p/CKmXz-DFrDf/?igshid=1ms4nl6quxve3 FLAGGGGG THAT WETBACK DEMON SEED OF QUETZALCOATL AND DEPORT IT BACK TO HELL WHERE IT BELONGS with ‘woke! Shit – I sleep with both eyes (including my third eye open) on these demon seeds! BTW when they call us “monkies” it is actually a compliment ??‍???‍? = ? cause – as some articles a while back confirmed – we are the only race with pure human dna by saying everyone else had neanderthal aka

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