The Racist and Misogynist Tricks We Sex Workers Have To Put Up With

The Racist and Misogynist Tricks We Sex Workers Have To Put Up With

I am Raven, need I say more:   Example 1 Black Man Harasses Sex Worker for Not Seeing… by ravenmasterson A while back this person who called me from this number here, a 760-443-3455 number, would call me the n word and every other sordid thing under the stars – which you can view in that video there – just because I am a sex worker and he felt ENTITLED TO (simply by stating that by virtue of my posting my number that gives him the “right” to call and harass me which sounds very familiar to the tactic that

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Bald Headed Bugga Bat Chicago Cop Alminko Hota Calls Black Woman the N Word on Youtube

Bald Headed Bugga Bat Chicago Cop Alminko Hota Calls Black Woman the N Word on Youtube

FUCKING DUMB ASS CLUCKERBEAST I mean, if you’re gonna say shit and BE IN THAT PROFESSION, AT LEAST COVER UP YOUR FUCKING SCREEN NAME AND DOX, DUMBASS! Anyways, last week I noticed this mofo with his gorgeous mail order bride had the nerve to make the misogynist and RACIST comments which you can see below Here it is, in text form, what the DUMB BALD HEADED BUGGA BAT (I GOT THAT WORD THANKS TO MY MOM) CLUCKERBEAST (I CREATED THAT MYSELF™) SAID: – “This moron woman is so stupid. Only thing you do is harassing cops. He was professional you

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Watch My New Youtube Channel The Topless Coparazzi

Watch My New Youtube Channel The Topless Coparazzi

  I’m sorry, here is the whole screenshot:   You’ve know me as the The Topless Mechanic (Actually, as HH83 as affectionately known by the cops or TheHappyHooker83 🙂 but that’s a story for another time… But now you will know me as the Topless Coparazzi, going around and exposing police brutality by videotaping them as they do their jobs while I expose myself’, lol! Anyways, here is the intro to The Topless Coparazzi  the UNCENSORED AND UNEDITED VERSION! HURRAHH: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29071″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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Topless Woman Stalked By A Gay Man on Hauser Blvd

Topless Woman Stalked By A Gay Man on Hauser Blvd

Yes, I can’t believe this! Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”29067″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This guy is gay! He gave off the vibe of someone who has been watching my numerous youtube videos for quite some time, waiting for the right time to “talk” and that is why he insisted, I mean, fucking IMPOSED HIMSELF today on me as I was talking to my best friend! Note the fucking rapist justifying comments he says of, “The cops won’t believe you with you being dressed like that,” and other creepily sexual innuendos he throws out there. Just because a guy is

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Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White Woman Gets Credit

Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White Woman Gets Credit

I knew this was gonna happen:   Link to article here:   Here is PROOF I did it first: I felt it in my bones which is why I STOPPED “blogging” about “topless activism” on my site and started focusing on MYSELF on the site that I PAID MONEY FOR AND CREATED. None of these bitches helped me and this is why I say: FUCK WHITE FEMINISM AND FUCK ALL THE PEOPLE WHO APPROVE OF IT! Just as I threw the people with the “prostitution rights” movement under the bus after they threw ME under the bus. Yes, and somehow a

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Nasty Ass UNNATURAL Dyke Lesbian Threatens to Call Cops on Topless Women On Hauser Blvd

Nasty Ass UNNATURAL Dyke Lesbian Threatens to Call Cops on Topless Women On Hauser Blvd

Here is the bitch’s license plate (which is CA 6RTY574) here for any MAN here interested in “straightening” this DYKE THING OUT, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, LOL by giving her that “D”, maybe perhaps unconsensually 🙂 :     Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29055″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Now, anyone who knows me knows how I feel about homosexuality and “transgenderism”: I feel they are both WRONG! The divine powers did NOT make you so you can lie with another woman (if you are female) or with another man (if you are a male). There is a reason

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Visit My New New Youtube Channel: The Topless Mechanic

Visit My New New Youtube Channel: The Topless Mechanic

I like to work on cars….     Soooo…..   …I merged together my “love” – fuck it – NECESSITY with being topless on a hot, sunny day with working on my Pontiac G5 2008 (I started this channel mainly because nobody else was showing how to work on this type of car on youtube). So, with that said, visit my new Youtube channel: Thank you and please come visit (ESP. if you got a Pontiac G5 2008)!

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Speaking Out Against Childhood Sexual Abuse In My Family

I FORGIVE HIM! I did a video a while back on this which was hard to do but due to some memories resurfacing independent of any “outside” manipulation, I felt the need to do the video you see down below: That was a very hard thing to do, to put “family” if I could call those people that, out on front street. See, I believe in airing “personal business” as a therapeutic measure cause some people need to be put out there on front street. For instance… This is my oldest HALF “brother”, Kerry! He is a sexual predator who

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Harassed by Crate & Barrel Batty Boi and the Mental Illness That Is Homosexuality and Transgenderism

Harassed by Crate & Barrel Batty Boi and the Mental Illness That Is Homosexuality and Transgenderism

*NOTE: I DON’T THINK IT’S A MENTAL ILLNESS BUT IF YOU COME AT ME MORALIZING AND YOU SKATING ON MORAL THIN ICE YOUR DAMNSELF – I’M CALLING YOU OUT!! Now, before I go into my rant on gays, trannies, etc. I just want to start off the topic that kinda started it (well, my thoughts have been in the works for some time) on this (PS: when I talk, it is to get mofos OUT OF MY FACE when I feel threatened): Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”29051″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]    Last Saturday, a faggot came up to me, brandishing

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