Meeting Youtube CELEBRITY Colton Wood

Meeting Youtube CELEBRITY Colton Wood

I was sooo fucking star struck ? the first night I met him: Fuck a Rhianna and alll the rest of dem mk ultra SELLEBRITY heauxs it’s about ?Colton Wood ? OMG!!!!! ??????✨???? Here our meeting….. In the first one it popped off with some drama….. This old ass white man (Imma talk about the nastay ass old crakkka syndrome in the next blog) who I saw a coupla weeks ago looking at me with this intensity – and even then I near blew up on his ass – well ole Colton mah boi SENSED his ass was trouble and

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Weirdo Stalker Catches White LAPD Cop Fucking A Young Black Prostitute

Weirdo Stalker Catches White LAPD Cop Fucking A Young Black Prostitute

When black lives matter said, “Fuck the police” I don’t think they had this in mind…. Based on the radio chatter this nigga out of the southwest station…..   Hope his crakkka ass paid her….. This “gem” lol was sent to me from this weirdo ass nigger stalker named Mark Jackson who has been “following” aka harassing me for years…… Here this nigger’s email address [email protected] since he is apparently lonely (send him an email)….. That said I suspect Mark Jackson a trick who just so happened to catch this gem ? of a video. Thank you nigger Mark, thank

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How To Handle An Arrest By The Cops

How To Handle An Arrest By The Cops

…..I am so tired of hearing of Rayshard Brooks, who ran from the police and pulled a gun on him: Or the other niggaz (as Colton Wood would say) here ?? The Killing of Dijon Mustard Kizzee and Why Niggaz Need To Stop Running From The Police THIS is how you handle an arrest (“I was saying sum dumb schitt ahead of time about how I’ll fuck em and lick they ballz and sheeit but they cut it out lol):   LOL just watch!

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The Killing of Dijon Mustard Kizzee and Why Niggaz Need To Stop Running From The Police

The Killing of Dijon Mustard Kizzee and Why Niggaz Need To Stop Running From The Police

STOP RUNNING FROM THE FUCKING POLICE! – That’s a big ass nigga. I’d shoot him too! Most of all don’t fucking hit em! YOU KNOW WHAT PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF! IN ALLLL these circumstances it wasn’t good people or respectable people who got shot but almost always pos thugs who needed to be taken out of this world. Michael Brown for instance beat up an old black man and robbed a store: George Floyd in my opinion needs to be given a medal ? ??☄?? for whipping a pregnant wetback and robbing her ass….. Sí! BTW ain’t George Floyd

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Egg Cleansing Is THE BEST Thing I Ever Did For Myself Spiritually

Egg Cleansing Is THE BEST Thing I Ever Did For Myself Spiritually

You know, a coupla nights ago I heard an entity, it was an ugly lil grey-reptilian hybrid that looked EXACT like this: – I saw his ugly ass posted last night right by my passenger side rearview mirror….. …..that WALKED his ugly ass up to my car! I saw via my third eye he was trying to send a deceptively light but evil ass orb my way and then I heard a deep gravely throaty voice – like how reptilians are described as sounding – saying, “Leave her alone!” He knew it was the end. I did some egg cleansing

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CHP And Public ‘Wokes Take Over The Highway And Run Dial Net Sky Net OUT

CHP And Public ‘Wokes Take Over The Highway And Run Dial Net Sky Net OUT

I sense both them niggaz are homosexuals…. Homeless Gangstalkers Get ‘Woked I don’t know why I was tripping…. take that back (happy I confirmed ?? cause I thought they were on some lecherous stare across the street schitt) – happy they (possibly) gay ✊?✊??️‍? Also happay I did that fucking egg cleanse…. That shit there, if you all KNEW the bad shit I had on me causing overwhelming DE-structive urges….. most of ya’ll would commit suicide if you all were spiritually in my shoes. It was hard but….. I’ll take about it in the next blog….. The cops and public

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Why You Gotta Look At The Messenger Before Accepting The Message

Why You Gotta Look At The Messenger Before Accepting The Message

No real soulled being with a real third eye open would need “spirits” to show her shit….. ….Wishing I’d die in 2022. This an organic vessel for reptilians ?? This mug’s REAL face as seen via my third eye: = Now IT is boasting of how IT is my spiritual senior while having reprimanded me for having an “ego” which we all do…. I love hypocrites! Now IT is saying it will get me – THEY – will get me for exposing em! I knew that was a fucking reptilian ???? All I asked this reptilian bitch (that’s a reptilian

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Megan Thee Stallion A Fucking Man And HIS Voice And Nuts ARE Proof

Megan Thee Stallion A Fucking Man And HIS Voice And Nuts ARE Proof

…..Cause he is a guy! Even Google telling us. Google “Joshua Pete”: Man I got drunk ass fawk yesterday and went fucking around (and cursing people out) in Malibu:   Why some asshole post “ACAB” on that poor lil farmhouse….. Fucking assholes….. Imma have to do an egg cleanse….. That said, Megan Thee Stallion a fucking man….. LISTEN HARD TO *HIS* PART HERE     Here the original vid – I was drunk when I listened to diss and that is the ONLY way I’d listen to this shit: – My spiritual abilities get heightened when I drink so I

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Dreams Of School And What They Mean For Our Spiritual And Life Progression

Dreams Of School And What They Mean For Our Spiritual And Life Progression

You know, as of late – whereas in the past I would see visions of high school, I have been having astral travels to college….. Coupla days ago it was to Cambridge University which is an EXTREMELY prestigious school in England (Oxford is the most prestigious). As a teen, rearing to metriculate into college – it woulda been a pipe dream for me to go (I was a B student cause I always failed math but EXCELED LIKE A MUG in other places – esp. English and Spanish – sometimes phrases come back spontaneously). – Bitch I wish…. I was

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