This is my favourite portal ??✊? ‘woke! It chronicles my brand of witchcraft which I call ‘woke cause the shit wakes you up when you fuck with me ‘woke ✊? (Chris Case Chris Case motherfucker Chris Case). It is named after a man named Christopher Case who actually fell victim to a witch’s curse. You can read the actual article on it here:
To THIS JUST IN: Boy my intuition was right – it never fails me – she is an ARROGANT WHITE BITCH (who needs to be humbled by da ‘woke) ? LOL! Chris Case bitch Chris Case Chris Caseeeee – stupid whyte BITCH! Hear ??? my response to her arrogance, calling me a heifer (had to correct it for her) like I’m a slave – It’s the last one…. Always wanna tell others what to think and say. I talked about that here: White Folks: Not Everybody Is Like Ya’ll Now she can enjoy da helllyfe ?? TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE:
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HANDS UP! DON’T ‘WOKE LOL ONE THING I CAN’T STAND IS A NASTY OLE DEGENERATE ASS CRAKKKA WITH WHITE ENTITLEMENT/WHITE PRIVILEGE ISSUES: I ‘woked his predatory ass to HELL! Hope he enjoys that hellride, fucking with me, ole dumbass bitch! That said, I CAN’T STAND when a mofo wanna leer at me like I am a 1 dimensional object, a thing. Naw bitch you fucking with a Hell Goddess. My specialty is ‘wokeing mofos and sending them to hell like I did theelse wetbacks the other night…. Drag Me To Hell Is REAL And These WETBACKS Are About To
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Don’t talk shit about me. That dog ran out cause I opened a portal to hell in their rv and that dog stopped mid step cause he saw the real me ??♀️?????
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It’s sooo nice out here….. Looka the way this moon look….. I know someone will argue it’s outta focus but it don’t look like that even when shit blurry….. Just nice and peaceful and fucking serene….. I’d rather deal with the worst of my ghosts then to deal with pee-pole and they foolishness….. That said, then the fucking riff raff gotta show the fuck up….. But I show em out wit ‘woke ????♀️ These fools, earlier came by trying to do – I could tell – that dumbass ride around u turn bullshit that them gangstalkers be doing….. But he
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….cause they still got a dog enslaved in they fucking facility at 18000 Topanga Canyon Blvd in Malibu ?? Here proof of when it happened….. Again, call PETA at 757-622-7382 That said I ‘woked this heaux…. I was wondering why she had that big raggedy ass truck sitting out there ALL NIGHT (she do some ritual shit where she moves it down there then drives it to her usual spot then back down the fucking street again ??♀️). Eye ? Sea ? everything….. I saw a public ‘wokes truck cavorting with her, getting coconuts (ya’ll public ‘wokes mugs
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Looka how I treat the black who stops and stares….. Compared to the other races…. …..All yesterday was gangstalking day…. it was intense! One (wetback) even took off LIKE A LIGHT THE SEC I played 6000hz frequency…. This mofo thought I was stupid, like I couldn’t see what he was up to…. This wetback here HAD THE AUDACITY to tell me to leave cause I don’t like being gangstalked…. looka what he does next…. Wonder why he in a fucking neckbrace…. These assholes thought they were gonna use that u turn around shit to have a
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****UPDATE: LOL she took it down**** I heard her ole black nigga mayate say, “A ha”. I talk more indepth my experience here: That said, here the screenshots from her channel low key mentioning it: – Funny how her eyes appear here…. You can SEE ? she look tired and worn out from the psychic attacks after trying to fuck with me. That said, I know – whether I like it or not – there is STILL a fucking red dragon around me ? from my satanic days. That said, in typical kitchen witch fashion…. she makes about something else
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Why people do diss to themselves given my track record…. TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump The Museum of Da ‘Woke Given my track record of ‘woke (witch ??♀️??) he will be added too….. Telling me not to abort after saying racist shit….. That (anti-abortion stance) is enough alone to earn a ‘wokeing from me: Well, he about to get aborted AND deported ????????
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I am going to kill this nigger: WHO THE FUCK DOES THIS NIGGER MAYATE THINK HE IS – this is part of that Malibu gangstalking shit (and to what appeared to be the Asian no driver honking her horn – and the other wide bish – ya’ll gettin’ ‘woked too so good luck when your car breaks down or crashes ??). Early this morning I was doing some ‘woke on myself in my car AND RIGHT WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO GET MY TARGET this ugly black bald headed nigger fucking mayate male shows the fuck up in some black
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LORDT HAVE MARCY I STILL CREAM OVA THIS ‘WOKE TO DISS DAY LORDT HAVE MARCY HEY-Zeus H CRAKKKA CHRIST: TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump – Flawless victory. LORDT HAVE MARCY THAT ‘WOKE WAS SO BEAUTY-FULL! Lemme share withs ya’ll the magical instance where he let me kno’ that ‘woke I puts is POWER-FULL ?? I’m petty tee hee ???☠☠☠ My ‘woke done killt three people relatives (who fucked me over HORRIBLY) since then! Imma kill this Richard Wachowski mofo’s 15 year old son for talking shit about
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