Nigger Mayate Kareem Rashid Is Gonna Get ‘Woked With Black Magic For Sexually Harassing Me

Nigger Mayate Kareem Rashid Is Gonna Get ‘Woked With Black Magic For Sexually Harassing Me

I am going to kill this nigger:

WHO THE FUCK DOES THIS NIGGER MAYATE THINK HE IS – this is part of that Malibu gangstalking shit (and to what appeared to be the Asian no driver honking her horn – and the other wide bish – ya’ll gettin’ ‘woked too so good luck when your car breaks down or crashes ??). Early this morning I was doing some ‘woke on myself in my car AND RIGHT WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO GET MY TARGET this ugly black bald headed nigger fucking mayate male shows the fuck up in some black fancy car (like I give a fuck) and starts saying, “Hey baby,” – some shit like that – and I cussed his ass OUT!

Next thing I know this shit shows up….

Here his ugly bald headed nigger ass….

That being said….


This nigger gonna die! I don’t know WHY – after proof like diss:

TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump

And like diss:

The Museum of Da ‘Woke

WHY mofos wanna take their life – and their afterlife too – into their hands by bullying me, picking on me (I saw you sent your nephew too who tried following my insta-heaux and Imma get him too ???). You mofos still don’t learn. You gonna have to burn ???? and be made an example out of.

You wanted my attention, now you got diss ‘woke ?????⚰

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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