Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!

The Reptilians Want To Turn Me Into A Sacrifice Cause I Won’t Be Their Antichrist

The Reptilians Want To Turn Me Into A Sacrifice Cause I Won’t Be Their Antichrist

I hinted at this in the last article… That said, last night, I had this “dream”, this vision in which I honestly don’t recall most of it but it seemed like it was the aftermath of WW III in the astral and it seemed like I was in my childhood home which then seemed to be in my grandfather’s home. Before then, I recall looking up to the sky above the round circular neutral-ground as we called it in New Orleans and before – my old childhood backyard – wondering if the aliens were monitoring us. This part is interesting

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How The Reptilian Archon System Tries To Destroy System Busters

How The Reptilian Archon System Tries To Destroy System Busters

In this blog I will be EXPOSING alot of demons or rather, REPTILIANS who have been following or getting in my path! Now, I am NOTHING special to look at! There is nothing special about me. BUT WHEN YOU READ THE PROFILES AND INCIDENTS ACCOMPANYING THESE PEOPLE WHO HAVE FUCKED WITH ME – by the end of this blog article it will leave you wonder… what the fuck is going on and what is so special about me. ALOT of weird things have been happening to me as of late! I got attacked by this bastard here: Which you can

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Kanye West’s Soul Is Being Held Hostage In A Deep Underground Military Base By Aliens In the Astral

Kanye West’s Soul Is Being Held Hostage In A Deep Underground Military Base By Aliens In the Astral

While writing this article here… https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/09/susan-rinderle-linkedin-invite-is-an-illuminati-attempt-to-try-to-recruit-raven-masterson-to-become-a-lamestream-advocate/ The revelation came to my mind! THIS Kanye you see here IS CLONED: – You can TELL by the soulless vacant look, STARE and lack of talkativeness that that ain’t Kanye! Even the Hellyweird (pun AGAINST HOLLYWOOD and not the mag itself) Reporter hints at it by saying that the blonde hair indicates the person is now locked and loaded under mind control: While writing the article up above, the following vision/info came to me: “This how they got Kanye (referring to how they TRYING to get me!): I got the sense that Kanye

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Susan Rinderle Linkedin Invite Is An Illuminati Attempt To Try To Recruit Raven Masterson To Become A Lamestream Advocate

Susan Rinderle Linkedin Invite Is An Illuminati Attempt To Try To Recruit Raven Masterson To Become A Lamestream Advocate

Emphasis on the “TRANS” or shall I say “TRANCE” LIKE “TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA” BY FORMER MK ULTRA “PRESIDENTIAL MODEL” CATHY O’BRIEN WHO WROTE THIS BOOK: http://trance-formation.com – which was used in the letter as if to TRANCE-FORM me into something THEY WANT ME TO BE SO I CAN BE USE-ABLE FOR THEIR OWN ENDS!!! AFTER ALLL I BEEN THRU, LIKE HERE: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/06/i-was-attacked-last-night/ … I told ya these MOTHERFUCKING BASTARDS – THE ILLUMINATI – behind their curtains of minions, they were gonna try to recruit me and this Susan Rinderle person is the latest in those attacks! That said, here is

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They Can’t Kill My Spirit

They Can’t Kill My Spirit

Though they try… I RECOGNIZE that the reason behind why THIS happened: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/06/i-was-attacked-last-night/ Along with the subsequent RACIST trolls like Irene Brennan looking to pick on me while in a weakened state like vultures to (what they think is) a carcass here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/06/irene-brennan-a-breakdown-of-the-type-of-reptilian-demon-possessed-people-who-come-for-me/ Along with DEMONICALLY POSSESSED/INHABITED individuals like here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/03/this-is-what-true-demonic-possession-looks-like-the-donna-martinez-story/ IS cause they wanna kill my spirit! Like reptilians, they feed off of misery, pain like the reptilian induced attack that occurred against me, recently! It’s designed to throw me off course, divert my attention from doing what I came here to do and I recognize that, I recognize

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Irene Brennan: A Breakdown of the METH HEAD Demon Possessed WHITE SUPREMACIST Who Come For Me

Irene Brennan: A Breakdown of the METH HEAD Demon Possessed WHITE SUPREMACIST Who Come For Me

HERE THE NEW ADDITION TO WHAT THIS CRAKKKAROACH FEELS: …And try to destroy my work! THIS BITCH HERE, NAMED IRENE BRENNAN, IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THE TYPE OF MOFO WHO HATES ME! Look at the very EVIL message this CUNT sent while I was in a very vulnerable state (so she THOUGHT weakened but I’ll explain WHY reptilian and/or demon possessed people like “that” send evil messages and place them in comment sections of my videos/ social media accounts when I am really going through something). That said, here it is: NOW, HERE IS THE RACIST ASS COMMENT SHE

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Reptilian Pazuzu Fucking With Me Because My Topless Rights Runs Afoul of the Evil Agenda The Illuminati Wants to Use Me For

Reptilian Pazuzu Fucking With Me Because My Topless Rights Runs Afoul of the Evil Agenda The Illuminati Wants to Use Me For

Talking about this here: I can think of a time in the astral dreamscape in which I encountered Pazuzu in the form of a 30ish, young Hispanic dude, built, light skinned who I saw on a Tibetan pagoda in the astral! I recall the jist of it in which he basically had an attitude with and didn’t like my being topless. There was someone else there who I can’t recall but I recall at one point he pulled down his pants and exposed his 20 inch penis LIKE HE HAS THE RIGHT TO DO THAT CAUSE HE IS MASCULINE (REPTILIANS

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Mexican Attacks Black Woman

Mexican Attacks Black Woman

HERE IS HOW THE BASTARD LOOKS: LOOK AT THE LAST THREE NUMBERS ON THE DASH IN EACH PIC: (THIS WAS EARLY THIS MORNING): (THIS WAS LATER IN THE EVENING): * SPIRIT WORLD WORKING OVERTIME HERE * LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED: Here are MORE pics: THIS THE BASTARD WHO DID IT: This PSYHCO, POSSESSED MOFO I FILMED HERE A WHILE BACK, always calling me (ever since I recognized he is an energy vampire) mayate’s which is the Spanish word for NIGGER and all sorts of shit cause I won’t let him near me to HAVE MY ENERGY! Buy vid here [purchase_link

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Youtube Takes Down My Channel For Exposing Astral Child Sacrifice

Youtube Takes Down My Channel For Exposing Astral Child Sacrifice

LOOK at what they took my channel down, for: HERE’S what they banned me for, which you can read, here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/01/21/stopping-child-sacrifice-in-the-astral/ Alot of it has to do with Youtube sending CRAKKKAROACHES like this person here SENT by youtube to “endear themselves to me” I feel: – I see evil and dangerous deception in that bitch’s face! …Since that vid had been up FOR WEEKS after I had this online encounter with some occult “cult” group (Here are links to the articles): https://toplessinla.org/2018/01/22/white-reptilian-bitch-threatens-me-after-revealing-child-sacrifice-ritual-in-the-astral/ https://toplessinla.org/2018/01/23/cult-of-white-reptilians-fucking-with-my-ass-for-not-being-able-to-use-me/ That said, I already OBSERVED fucking YOUTUBE AGEHT TROLLS like Lord Imaginative, here (notice this mofo doesn’t

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Christ United Methodist Church of Shreveport La CAUGHT LOOKING UP FEMALE NUDES

Christ United Methodist Church of Shreveport La CAUGHT LOOKING UP FEMALE NUDES

HERE THE EVIDENCE EVERYBODY: LOOK AT “KEYWORDS SEARCHED FOR”: NO ONE WILL PUT ME IN THAT CONTEXT! NO ONE! I don’t fuck around… this is why I wouldn’t fuck with churches, either (alot of hypocrisy and demonic activity because they worship Satan aka the Demiurge which you can read more about, HERE: https://toplessinla.org/2017/05/29/god-is-satan-the-demiurge/ That said, I caught them along with Bayview Asset Management (which you can see above whom I will do A SEPARATE ARTICLE ON) doing the same. That said, THIS IS WHY I LOOOVE the Age of Aquarius = the Age of the Womban WHICH I TALK ABOUT

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