Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!
I SHIT YOU NOT! Peep the temperature – And notice that lil extra 6 where it says, “warmer than Sunday”. IT IS SUNDAY! Now, look at the actual temperature down below: 57 FUCKING DEGREES! I SHIT YOU NOT! Given the astral vision I had a couple of days ago which you can read here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/03/20/i-have-some-powerful-enemies/ Some weird shit going on! On some weird real spiritual shit! Now peep the beautiful night sky of Malibu! – You can see ALL THE CONSTELLATIOMS – IN MALIBU! Who woulda thought?
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THAT’S THAT FUCKING CRAKKKAROACH COP THAT BE STALKING ME! I talked about it before: https://toplessinla.org/2018/03/17/is-this-cop-stalking-me/ This nigga need a cleansing. You can see the entities here: Here the original pic: Here the highlighted version so you can see the spirits better: And the demon here: Here he is in red: Here is an upclose of the “family” in red: Here they are, close up but no red circle around: In the first one, you can tell it is a family and nothing created by normal means as you can see the dress of the mother, a small child, I sense
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I MISS MY CHILD! XO Here she is in her blankie next to some tarot cards: Here she is, lying in her mum’s bosom: I gotta play this song: I only had her for a week! People just don’t know how alive certain stones are. When I first brought her from here: For some strange reason, she wouldn’t get along with her older sister, green flourite (I know I sound nuts) and they would – I FUCKING MEAN THIS – jump outta my pocket if they were together (once I found them BOTH on the road), this purple flourite gave
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Man… I been dealing with so fucking much! I got a jealous ass crystal that loves me and won’t let me have any other crystals. I brought a crystal flourite AND JUST WHEN I WAS GETTING USED TO IT (Before it was draining the shit outta me, bringing me bad luck, etc. – I had a vision that a South American indian man, a drunkard, who raped a girl’s spirit dwelt in it AND IT WAS ONLY AFTER HAVING BROUGHT THAT STONE THAT I HAD THAT VISION), it fell out of my pocket (it stayed put before) AND SHATTERED (its
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As I said before, as I said here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/12/22/how-the-illuminati-attacks-messiah-seeds/ And here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/03/19/i-am-hated-because-of-who-i-am/ YOU DON’T GET AS MUCH HATE, COURT CASES AS I DO – FOR NOTHING – unless you are someone special who is in the world to do something BIG AND GOOD! I won’t go into too many details but for the past two days I had visions, flashes of the Rothschilds where in one I just saw myself trying to warn others and I saw – as I visaged – how the Rothschilds started out – very small but they made deals with these ugly reptilian, blacm creatures
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…Without your input! This why I go pro per! Also, notice how the judge makes accidents yet talks down on me cause I am “pro per.” Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”31066″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]
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I was originally gonna post this on my other site behind the spiritual dangers of doing weed which I talk about here: http://www.raventheshaman.org/2018/03/19/why-weed-is-spiritually-bad-for-you/ But this turned out to be something more – hence why I posted here so if the beginning seems off, just know what I meant to write about π Anything that puts you in a different state of mind AIN’T GOOD and what I mean by that is anything ARTIFICIAL! Artificial stimulators/ depressors like drugs, etc. OF WHICH MARIJUANA IS INCLUDED can put the mind in a different state AS A RESULT OF INDUCING TRAUMA THROUGH ARTIFICIAL
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I’ve always been able to “hear” other people’s thoughts as a little kid (I remember SWEARING UP AND DOWN ahd heard a person, in their voice say something – usually it would be a quiet voice – and them denying it): Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31046″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, it is becoming more enhanced as I finesse my psychic gifts. I’ve seen crystal towers, coloured shapes, all sorts of things EVEN IN MY DIRECT VISION! Well, listen more to the video…
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HOLY SHIT, BOTH THE VIDS I POSTED OF HIM HERE END IN “33” LIKE THEY BOTH LAST FOR APPROX. 33 MINS: The dude I’m about to talk about in this article looks like 90s singer, Mya (the mouth real similar): Excuse me while I start off writing this in my car… – Always gotta start an article off with some BUSH like I did in the last two articles – lol! Anyways – and I am a GREAT student of observation – I noticed not too long after I wrote THIS article here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/03/15/showing-off-pictures-of-my-naked-body/ Lo and behold this nigga STOPS
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I can’t help but to marvel at myself… I am just BEAYOOTIFUL ALLL OVER including here… I love my bush! That said, I can’t help but notice that I look like a veritable shapeshifter in these pics (I kinda look like Scarlett Johansson in em)… – Those don’t even hold a candle to THESE (I LOOK LIKE A DIFFERENT PERSON, EXOTIC, ETHIOPIAN LOOKING) – I got my mama’s eyes. I’m sorry but… I LOOK LIKE A WHOLE DIFFERENT PERSON (The last ones in the dark are my favs.). – AND I WEAR NO MAKEUP AND LIVE OUTTA MY FUCKING CAR!
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