Society is shit and I expose it!
SMDH! Protest done abated in the “ground zero” epicenter Minneapolis where poor mk ultra VICTIM, Derek Chauvin, was ORDERED under mk ultra programming to kill George Floyd: – Looka the subliminals….. The occult #6 in numerology which resonates with the material realm and in this case is being used to induce chaos as the old illuminati saying goes: “Ordo Ab Chao” = Out of Order comes Chaos Then you got this demonic symbol here (I am very faniliar with sigils being a former satanist and all)…. That being said, look at this mugshot of Derek Chauvin (look at the eyes
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I don’t know if it is this wetback here named Diego Meza who subsequently wrote some bull not too long after this happened (Jav sounds like Javier, a shortened version of a typical wetback name), but as you can see the smarminess, THE ENTITLEMENT to my fucking energy OOZES thru that post…. And you wonder why womyn, womben hate men! No man is getting my mofo womb or even into it…. then I’ll abort ????? That said, I talked about this before: my plans to have a kid with a gay male as a sperm donor and wanting to have
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– Damn I was right ?? to put that Purge Election Year poster as a backdrop behind his face(s), amirite? HERE IS PROOF ANTIFA DOING THIS SHIT! Ding dong spray paints their symbol on the back of a firetruck (why fuck with the firefighters when they just help): That’s an antifa symbol: And George Soros funds em: An outlet, the NY Times, claiming he “don’t” are letting ya’ll know he due #deceptive And now antifa bombing people: – No regular lil thug ass looter would do this. This is shadow government George Soros shid! If this ain’t domestic
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It explains why they are under the oppression of and more susceptible to: drinking, self destructive thus self loathing attitudes and behaviors, the cult-ure of machismo and many other reptilian traits despite being actually really good people deep down – like me: – Look close at that one That being said, I talk about this here: [purchase_link id=”35419″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I peep they more spiritual then any other group out here (and always had mad respect for them for that ✊?) and hence why they CAN know more about black spirituality then blacks! – This Damballah Weddo of
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Dealing with these mofos is no different than dealing with the reptilians, I swear. It’s spiritual warfare with them! That being said, as I used on these morons here: [purchase_link id=”35319″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Who again were talking shit. Looka how I clear out places….. [purchase_link id=”35322″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] There was also sorta a fire in Malibu yesterday: [purchase_link id=”35325″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] As I breakdown here: Those mofos are certifiably evil. They are not people. President Trump has tried to articulate it: But unlike him I have been given the third eye vision and
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I kinda touch on his trolling methods here: I was watching a Anderson Henderson livestream here: – Gardener Earth Guy aka GEG kinda cutee ? Always says stupid lil shit in my comments: LOL! Anyways, in this clip from said show you can hear him admit – and he sounds honest – that the navy hired him to troll 1st amendment auditors on youtube: I do too (and will be exposing they frauditor asses too)! Anyways, he kinda cutee! Got the Jack Nicholson smile: Kinda reminds me of the Jack Nicholson smile by grandfather on my dad’s side had
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Just look at the texts he posted on his ig account here: This how that creature looks: Tell me he don’t look like the cutty black (white sow) or Alf: – That mofo, the cutty black sow, used to scare TF outta my ass as a child. He was on an episode of “Tales From The Darkside” show. I miss my childhood. Anyways here is the full blown convo.: – That being said, this basically affirms what Dr. Francis Cress Welsing (who write the famous underground book “The Theory of Color Confrontation) and numerous other TRUE illuminatis aka illuminators
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::UPDATE UPDATE:: Dese weird-heauxs just posted up at the Malibu beach where I used to stay right after I called they asses out, lol: – Fucking “gods”. Yeah right, real gods don’t follow other fucking peepole. He trying to get a lil harem started like Nature-kneegrow here: – At least he cutee Looka this shit: – So apparently cause a womban dared spoke up and called his insecure ass OUT she “insecure” ? He says “Black Wives Lives Matter” yet his black ass with this asian girl here: And both his “wives” got European styled long hurr: I got a
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I realise I got a REEAL talent for fucking up people, spiritually. I enjoy it cause I am a sadistic, depraved, vindictive motherfucker! I ain’t one of these “spiritually trendy” people to hide behind astrological signs but I will say that, being that I am a taurus, I have a sadistic tendency of laying low for years then popping you or, just for sadistic shits ‘n giggles ?, popping your ass repeatedly over time. I introduce you to da ‘woke ::Cue the music:: That said, HEAR ?????? MY PROUDEST ‘WOKE I caused a man to lose his mind and end
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I don’t like this bitch! – Now, I like the video she did here…. – Got the same backside as me. Does what I do. I commend her for that ?? That being said, how the fuck does Lauren Hill go from being on top of the whirl in the 90s: To do-gypping people out they money by not showing up to concerts and shit and acting “crazy.” – This says all you need to know! If you saw the shit that I have seen of Erykah Badu and what she does, spiritually, you wouldn’t like her either! She put
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