Running Wetback Biker Gang Up The Skreet With 6000hz Frequency

Running Wetback Biker Gang Up The Skreet With 6000hz Frequency

Dealing with these mofos is no different than dealing with the reptilians, I swear.

It’s spiritual warfare with them!

That being said, as I used on these morons here:


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Who again were talking shit.

Looka how I clear out places…..


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There was also sorta a fire in Malibu yesterday:


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As I breakdown here:

Those mofos are certifiably evil. They are not people.

President Trump has tried to articulate it:

But unlike him I have been given the third eye vision and power to see beyond the material and see things for what they truly are – spiritually!

Thankfully, and I notice, my words are getting around.

– Good!

I wonder how many wetbacks got 15 years for murdering our people, as if we are nothing (it’s like they are programmed to think like whites except, due to low IQ’s, they are unfiltered about their shit), like for shit like this:

Ase ✊?

– He “forgive” her cause he knew he did something wrong!

The article should be retitled: “Black Woman Gets A Medal For Defending Her Child From Wetback Pedophile Rapist.”

This article explains more of her side:

There are later articles where that old ass reptilian wetback spawn of Quetzalcoatl ADMITS to trying to touch the lil girl low key! Those mofos as I know all too well mete out violence against black girls and women and do it without repercussions cause they know we blacks will be quick to have another nations’s back then our own!

Sist⭐r Renegade Witches breaks it down PERFECTLY:

I know how e-vile those mofos are. I have no illusions.

Here is the basturd who did it:

Where are we at to show sympathy for each other when they commit genocide against us:

The Southern Poverty Law Centre monitors hate crimes. Let that sink in!

These mofos are treacherous, they are conniving, misogynistic, sadistic, obsessed with sex, they like to provoke folks so they can mete out their violebt tendencies as they did to this black couple:

Here two wetbacks trying to steal this poor lil homeless man’s car – his last refuge if all hits rock bottom!

That’s why I don’t hold my tongue with em. Fuck black and “brown” ? pride. We’re better off with whites cause, despite their history, they have a reason behind why they did the things they did (fear of white genetic annhilation). These mofos are just sadistic and evil for the sake of it, like reptilians.

V was a documentary:

– Notice she look like a wetback!

Also peep that V which meant The Visitors was about an alien race who invaded the planet ?????

Who dat remind you of? Illegal aliens from south of dat borderrrr

They also came in peace ?

Just like a certain group like to dress up as maids and landscapers and invade the US under the auspices of needing work (more like ‘woke) and just wanting to help folks while pricing Americans outta jobs….

FLIPPING OUT — Pictured: Zoila Chavez — Bravo Photo: Vivian Zink

Crafty mofos…

Hollywood was telling us something ???????

These mofos like to come to the PCH, antagonize me, then start shit and act
like they didn’t do shit! Mofos like these assholes here:


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Almost like on cue – as if they are here with me – they will cease talking shit when I whip out the camera (that is why I STRONY believe they got some type of reptilian hivemind connection thing going on) to film and act innocent on tape – but, like these things they will say shit like, like in the case of these POS’s, “She walking around with her titties out,” and “We gotta do something about her
(heard some wetbacks in a row of nice cars – they stole off of some white man – say the same thing the other day) etc. etc.

To get rid of em, play between 4000hz to 9000hz frequencies, same frequencies you use to get rid of reptilians and other negative entities, like them!

Now, I could say if I were white they’d treat me different (which is true since Quetzalcoatl, the reptilian who made them, would shapeshift into a white men, hence why they war-ship and wannabe white!

After reading that article, it explains why alot of brownish cult-ures war-ship whites!

….Anyways I was told by an Israeli man that a white dude with long blonde hair who looked like a surfer who was dating a messy-can back in the 70’s got beat. to nearly death for dating her in NYC. Not by a Cuban, or Puerto Rican or Dominican – the predominant hispanics in NYC – but a fucking wetback!

Imma go ahead and wrap this article up by saying this: When I was driving in LA one day, they had an old lady who looked Mexican at a bus stop. She gave me the fake smile, I rolled em and she hissed at me!

Tells ya all you need to know!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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