Society is shit and I expose it!

Dog Rapist Colton Wood of Lake Forest California Turns On Me And Threatens Me For NO REASON

Dog Rapist Colton Wood of Lake Forest California Turns On Me And Threatens Me For NO REASON

He got the wrong fucking person….. He got the wrong fucking one….. He come his fat lord of the asses ass up here to fuck with me and I’ll stab the shit out of his ass! NOW I see what folks been saying about his crazy weird retarded ass….. How the FUCK you gonna accuse me of “stalking” and file a restraining order for said thing when you the one sending me motherfucking messages….. You weird motherfucker. That said, a lady who seems knowledgeable about his ass said that he raped his dog, Nibbler, who was taken away after folks

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White Man Tells Me About Wetbacks Kidnapping White Girls On The PCH For Sex Slavery And Running American Homeless Off

White Man Tells Me About Wetbacks Kidnapping White Girls On The PCH For Sex Slavery And Running American Homeless Off

We’re gonna need the Proud Boys for them thingz: These thingz need to know their fucking place as I said here….. Don’t Think You Can Come Over Here To America And Disrespect Us Americans I’ve said it time and time again (I KNOW I am beating a dead horse) that there is something innately demonic and evil about them…. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns Article Showing MS 13 Members War-shipping Satan CONFIRMS That Wetbucks Are The Hellspawn

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Putting ‘Woke On Crakkkas With White Entitlement Issues

Putting ‘Woke On Crakkkas With White Entitlement Issues

HANDS UP! DON’T ‘WOKE LOL ONE THING I CAN’T STAND IS A NASTY OLE DEGENERATE ASS CRAKKKA WITH WHITE ENTITLEMENT/WHITE PRIVILEGE ISSUES:   I ‘woked his predatory ass to HELL! Hope he enjoys that hellride, fucking with me, ole dumbass bitch! That said, I CAN’T STAND when a mofo wanna leer at me like I am a 1 dimensional object, a thing. Naw bitch you fucking with a Hell Goddess. My specialty is ‘wokeing mofos and sending them to hell like I did theelse wetbacks the other night…. Drag Me To Hell Is REAL And These WETBACKS Are About To

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How To Handle An Arrest By The Cops

How To Handle An Arrest By The Cops

…..I am so tired of hearing of Rayshard Brooks, who ran from the police and pulled a gun on him: Or the other niggaz (as Colton Wood would say) here ?? The Killing of Dijon Mustard Kizzee and Why Niggaz Need To Stop Running From The Police THIS is how you handle an arrest (“I was saying sum dumb schitt ahead of time about how I’ll fuck em and lick they ballz and sheeit but they cut it out lol):   LOL just watch!

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The Killing of Dijon Mustard Kizzee and Why Niggaz Need To Stop Running From The Police

The Killing of Dijon Mustard Kizzee and Why Niggaz Need To Stop Running From The Police

STOP RUNNING FROM THE FUCKING POLICE! – That’s a big ass nigga. I’d shoot him too! Most of all don’t fucking hit em! YOU KNOW WHAT PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF! IN ALLLL these circumstances it wasn’t good people or respectable people who got shot but almost always pos thugs who needed to be taken out of this world. Michael Brown for instance beat up an old black man and robbed a store: George Floyd in my opinion needs to be given a medal ? ??☄?? for whipping a pregnant wetback and robbing her ass….. Sí! BTW ain’t George Floyd

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Why You Gotta Look At The Messenger Before Accepting The Message

Why You Gotta Look At The Messenger Before Accepting The Message

No real soulled being with a real third eye open would need “spirits” to show her shit….. ….Wishing I’d die in 2022. This an organic vessel for reptilians ?? This mug’s REAL face as seen via my third eye: = Now IT is boasting of how IT is my spiritual senior while having reprimanded me for having an “ego” which we all do…. I love hypocrites! Now IT is saying it will get me – THEY – will get me for exposing em! I knew that was a fucking reptilian ???? All I asked this reptilian bitch (that’s a reptilian

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Megan Thee Stallion A Fucking Man And HIS Voice And Nuts ARE Proof

Megan Thee Stallion A Fucking Man And HIS Voice And Nuts ARE Proof

…..Cause he is a guy! Even Google telling us. Google “Joshua Pete”: Man I got drunk ass fawk yesterday and went fucking around (and cursing people out) in Malibu:   Why some asshole post “ACAB” on that poor lil farmhouse….. Fucking assholes….. Imma have to do an egg cleanse….. That said, Megan Thee Stallion a fucking man….. LISTEN HARD TO *HIS* PART HERE     Here the original vid – I was drunk when I listened to diss and that is the ONLY way I’d listen to this shit: – My spiritual abilities get heightened when I drink so I

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Homeless Gangstalkers Get ‘Woked

Homeless Gangstalkers Get ‘Woked

It’s sooo nice out here….. Looka the way this moon look….. I know someone will argue it’s outta focus but it don’t look like that even when shit blurry….. Just nice and peaceful and fucking serene….. I’d rather deal with the worst of my ghosts then to deal with pee-pole and they foolishness….. That said, then the fucking riff raff gotta show the fuck up….. But I show em out wit ‘woke ????‍♀️ These fools, earlier came by trying to do – I could tell – that dumbass ride around u turn bullshit that them gangstalkers be doing….. But he

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The Path To Enlightenment Is Duality And Hypocrites WILL Show You The Way

The Path To Enlightenment Is Duality And Hypocrites WILL Show You The Way

Before I begin let me show you all some of the insane shit I’ve been getting from stalkers (found these in spam)….. LOL at this wetback calling ITSELF “white” when it ain’t even human….. This bitch IS going crazy…. I check my cards…. This fucking weirdo here LEGIT thought I was gonna pay his ass 66.66 for….. I don’t even wanna get into it….. And this coocoo child neglectful weirdo (not witch) right here…. Let me tell you about her….. Say, you know what’s strange – all this shit was sent last night yet they’re dated at Aug 10, Aug

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Amanda From Soft White Underbelly Is A Victim of MK Ultra Gangstalking

Amanda From Soft White Underbelly Is A Victim of MK Ultra Gangstalking

You can’t tell me any different…. At 8:54 YOU CAN SEE – and this has happened to me – a wound on her third eye which is a psychic attack: At 10:43 she speaks on EXACTLY the type of gangstalking I have faced where, to reiterate, dudes who I am not spiritually and physically compatible with seem to develop this obsessive tendency towards me, like they are addicted to my very presence. It is NOT the same as ordinary stalking or have the same reasons. Again, a guy even told me that he did not understand why he was being

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