Society is shit and I expose it!
It all started when I saw $1.33 being donated to me by a tow truck driver I am cool with in the astral…… Saw it in my list of Youtube subs a week ago….. SAW IT JUST NOW…. on Youtube again in one of my playlists…. Yesterday I saw all sorts of spiritual numerological signs like 22:02 here: …..Mofo JUST HAD to be right next to a dinosaur….. with a #6 = material realm in numerology! What’s crazy is for the experiment I just so happened to pick up a towel with dinosaur patterns…… Along with one showing ghosts in
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Actually, I liked more like this as the angel of death….. The crazy thing is….. I been working on something now and guess who popped up to disract from my great work….. Also, 888 popped up while making this video: …..Cause I’m smart, I put two and two together and it all makes sense…. All these visions I had of being Abaddon made perfect sense….. Raven Masterson Named Abaddon In A Dream Spiritual Confirmation That I Am Abaddon I wasn’t even thinking of it….. Makes sense why even going back to when I was a little child shit around
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The film called Legion with Dennis Quaid was trying to tell you all something: Here another abomination….. This supposed to be how heaven looks like and the sound someone heard from it: That shit sounds and looks demonic, huh!? Everytime I get closer to fighting the demiurge aka god’s demonic kingdom I see walls with the all seeing eye! Most folks know that the all seeing eye is demonic and associated with freemasonry. Well, look at all them eyes on your favourite demons, oops I mean angels which merely means messenger in Greek: Here is re-ligious symbolism proving god the
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….like no other…… I am so pissed off (they feed off of that). I was thriving, doing WELL after cutting off them tricks and then the fucking archons hit me with alcohol urges that were. THE WORST! I ever endured! On Thursday night – after cutting off the two toxic tricks – I did energy work on myself to remove this entity that seems to have imposed itself – it looks like the king of swords of the tarot deck: Right after fighting it, I fell asleep (it’s a stubborn mofo to get out)! I was then in a cave
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I had this thought while watching this vid in which I saw a bat hanging upside down with it’s penis and balls exposed: I started thinking about how a human males’ anatomy resembles a dog, a dolphin’s and various other animals and just how disgusting human anatomy is and the way you all have sex (they don’t call the disgusting act you all do of mating like a dog “doggystyle” for nothing). It is fucking gross, low vibratory, primitive and disgusting. – On one note it is why some very powerful Soulled beings and starseeds get attacked with sexual urges
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He was about to say hi to a drop kick…… – Even the fucking cop knew that demon seed wetbuck was el loco (for el pollo) ole fat azz chomo looking child molesting ass beaner bag built fat bitch! Ole ugly ass, looking like that big ugly fucking rock monster from Neverending Story: And that fucking troll from trolls that 1986 film ole ugly ass motherfucker…… That really pisses me off cause that demon seed was really thinking IT got demon seed privilege due to IT’S illegal azz living in the state of California, which is full of demon
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ESP. if you are a wetback and this goes for crakkkas, too! I can read from a mile away…. I saw this bitch coming with her low key white supremacist headlights in the distance….. This is a bitch who sees black people as pets – meaning IT has a tendency to fetishize us, sexually, and is the type to act like this white bitch here in The Color Purple by getting indignant when black folks won’t allow her into even our personal spaces….. ….Scene reminds me of what was done to that poor sister at the Capitol when she defended
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When you are as energetically empowered as I am, spiritually, you have to be careful of who you merely associate with. Looking back – I now realEYES that these two were like, the connecting connectors, still keeping me connected to that old haunted apartment, apartment #5 at 637 Hauser and that neighborhood, which has brown energy grid lines, a colour that resonates with addiction in the astral. I COULD NOT STAND BEING WITH THESE MOFOS! As proud, brave and strong a womban I am, I could not reconcile the fucking image of catering to these assholes. Tho as nice as
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There was this girl who was around here staying with the Syrians (my home star system) and she was bringing some weird fucking energy….. cops were circling me, crakkkas – but the liberal variety (which brings me to why I am writing this article here) filling up the beach, commenting all snobbishly about my Make America Great Again hat (just wait till they see the ICE shirt with my website on it ?)….. I hate liberal crakkkas. Let me preface by saying I am not in any way endorsing or caping for conservative crakkkas cause as I explained assiduously here:
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On a side note, before I begin….. I found Tom Berenger’s Messy-can cousin….. You know your country FAWKED-UP anytime you gotta take orders from another country to arrest your so-called “defense minister”: Looka how they had him, uniform all loose fitting – soooo unprofessional….. LOL looka what this article here is next to: ….How that “defend the police” shit going on, dumbasses….. ….That niqqa tallllll……. Ya’ll looka his son: you got this dude, looking like Sgt Barnes (probably cause of all the times the cartels kidnapped him) and his son a fabreige egg: – You can see that military dude
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