Sex and Human Sexual Genitals Are EXTREMELY LOW VIBRATORY THINGS

Sex and Human Sexual Genitals Are EXTREMELY LOW VIBRATORY THINGS

I had this thought while watching this vid in which I saw a bat hanging upside down with it’s penis and balls exposed:

I started thinking about how a human males’ anatomy resembles a dog, a dolphin’s and various other animals and just how disgusting human anatomy is and the way you all have sex (they don’t call the disgusting act you all do of mating like a dog “doggystyle” for nothing).

It is fucking gross, low vibratory, primitive and disgusting. – On one note it is why some very powerful Soulled beings and starseeds get attacked with sexual urges – aside from other low vibratory activities and vices – when try to spiritually ascend and escape the realm of the demiurge aka samsara!

I honest think that males would look better looking like Ken dolls with no genitals whatsoever. It just looks so primitive and disgusting and just a low vibratory mechanism for ushering human vessels into the world:

The way you all mate is disgusting!

See, in higher densities civilised and more advanced alien species usher in new beings via combining sound frequency and the power of their minds via thought, telekinesis to create new life! That is the more advanced way of how it is supposed to be done. I recall Baba Bobby Hemmitt speaking on how womben had that power till men stole it from them and forced them to risk their lives by ushering in extremely corporeal beings via a very dangerous method which you all call “childbirth” which, up until latter advancement’s in you all’s late 20th century a good majority of womben were not able to survive.

Do you all see how disgusting that ritual is and why you all need to transcend it?

I understand that – due to a lack of knowing me and other mitigating, oppressive circumstances – I was forced into being a sex worker. I did not enjoy it. I was only able to put on a good show via dissasociation, which many rape victims, child abuse victims do when enduring a trauma that is too harsh on their Soul so it won’t leave a mark on it.

I have truly reached Christ consciousness. I have been hearing tarot readers talk about this.

Being away from the toxicity here:

Breaking Away From These Tricks Has Helped Me To Break Free of My Alcoholic Addiction

And here:

Why I Enjoy Intimidating Men

….has helped me to reach that! By being out of reach of those thing’s spiritual stds, low vibratory energy has helped me to restore my own energy and have it be free of the spiritual debris left by others’ low vibratory energies in that I am no longer exchanging that or better yet letting others siphon it. My natural state is asexual. I don’t have a sex drive at all! Sex does nothing for me. With that ball and chain of sexual slavery (pretty much) off of me, I am free to pursue spiritual pursuits unhindered.

It is said that the grey aliens will be us in the future:

That said, according to this site (a brilliant read) grey aliens do not have sexual anatomies as you all do but a literal “X” that is externalised on the males and an “X” imprinted inward in the females to facilitate sexual exchange which does not strike me as being that dirty to me:

I love this here because this should be the wave of the future:

It does not require pain – which is loosh designed to feed the demiurge hence why the demiurge aka “god” forced this on your females – which occurs as your human womben give birth to human young and averts physical death of human females as well. It is the step in the right direction for human society as you all start to evolve and gravitate towards a new era of human technological advancement and – hopefully – human spiritual evolution thru the opening of abilities you all have via the dna: telekinesis, telepathy, etc. All of the things that are requisite to lead you all to a Type 1 civilisation!

That said, even the way you all mate is disgusting and primitive. You treat your womben as broadmares. Your mating ritual is chockfull of dominance and brute force meted by the males to force their will upon the females so that the females are literally in some cases forced to and corraled into mating with a male to continue what – in his perversely misogynistic bloodline – he perceives to be “his” bloodline without taking into account the hellish 9 months your human females endure to usher in new physical vessels!

This is exactly why I work out and am extremely hostile towards your human males so if you all try to pull this shit on me I can beat your ass!

…..That’s why I knocked that shit right outta fat boy’s hand:



You all are no different then the fucking reptilians I call out on my blog and your misogynistic, patriarchist society is headed dead straight towards a darker path of 0 service to others if you don’t change and take on a more healthy outlook for your society aka a matriarchal outlook as it should be…..

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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