$ellebrity bullshit – move right alone….
Funny. I saw an eye staring up at me right. before. doing this article…. Peep the 77 appearing. RIGHT. AFTER I saw the eye which resonates with the spirit realm in numerology…… I’ve been saying that alll along…. NOTE HERE in the last sentence it states that the eye gave birth to mankind…… I was on to something….. There Definitely IS A Parasitic Etheric Snake In My Right Eye I RealEYES That The Black Snake Right Eyed Entity Attachment Is Designed To Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix John Ellizz’s All Seeing Eye Book Confirms That Christians and Muslims War-ship
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It’s the truth…. Whoever was telling him in the chat to drink given that Black (now) Bigalow is under attack by possessing reptilians, causing him drinking urges like I had….. is a pos! I also noticed, again – Black Bigalow shapeshifting….. – That’s some real interdimensional intrusion shit going on there, hence the pixelation! But peep below the thumbnail for said video looking normal….. Also, peep how young he looks here….. But old here….. That’s reptilian-archon intrusion cause that would happen to me after succumbing to alkie-hole induced urges caused by a possessing entity, which I am in process of
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This guy’s an idiot…… Fool ironically made that video to disprove my article here I sense….. Don’t Take That Covid Shot: Man DIES After Taking Covid 19 Flu Shot Let me tell you about Colton Wood….. Colton Wood got mistreated by some rich, hypo-christian adopted parents who mighta stole him (he said that there was no trace of him in the system when he went to apply for services as an adult). They wouldn’t as rich as they were give him new shoes as he says here….. These people were also conspiratards as he calls em….. That said Colton is
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Full video here: Best to read the article tho…. I told ya people who fuck with me are deliberately sent to me to become sacrifices….. https://toplessinla.org/2021/04/05/you-will-not-come-around-here-and-treat-me-like-i-am-some-sideshow-spectacle/ HOLY SHIT I just realized something…. The Asshole Who Shot At Me Is A Hellyweird Child Sacrificing Actor Named Toby Bronson BEFORE I SAW THIS ASTRAL VISION I SAID THIS MOFO WAS A HELLYWEIRD CHILD SACRIFICING OCCULTIST MOFO….. FUCK how right I was! Daaaaammmmmmnnnn……. I said that shit to be facetitious but didn’t know it would be real! Damn…. That being said, this is why that mofo couldn’t hurt me (when I heard
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This where I covered him: https://toplessinla.org/2021/03/25/crakkka-who-i-sense-to-be-a-cop-with-chp-shoots-at-me-for-rejecting-him/ I got sources…. ????? https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1061082/ https://www.themoviedb.org/person/1378244-toby-bronson?language=en-US Fucking Hellyweird douchebag entitled mofo! He ain’t even on the level of Harvey Weinstein, trying to act like him tho. he look like him: Calling me a fucking crackhead. I ESP. HATE Hellyweird entitled douchebag mofos….. Well, he about to find out can’t judge a book by it’s cover…. or project with his ole raggedy ass car! Wannabe. And Imma be honest with ya – living out here in Malibu and being around these rich entitled assholes I have developed a hatred for them. Same with Hollywood Sellebrities
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Paul Dienach predicted this in his diary (and plenty of others including the Great Reset, a boost in technology and limitations on civil rights in the near future)…… That said, I understand why these organic portal hiveminded drone idiots in our society war-ship these douches….. In the British (they make goodt ?? tv unlike America’s lame ass big on action, no plot shyte) tv series Black Mirror, which America fuckef up later on, there was an episode named Fifteen Million Merits (aka $15 million dollars) where you can get up off the treadmills (allegory for typical jobs) and become an
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This video came out WAYYYY before smartphones existed – amongst the general population! Look at how in one of the pics she holds it up to her ear like she is talking like one would do with a smartphone… Why would she do that if it wasn’t a smartphone…. You can watch the video in it’s entirety here…. That said, let’s talking about cloning…. The one on the right is Christina Millian and the other is Lark Voorhees aka Lisa Turtle of “Saved By The Bell.” That said, Lark Voorhees has suffered “mental illness” aka split personality for a long
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I think ole dude is dead. Ever since that fight last week, I don’t think he here. Based on his locale – and the fact that he was constantly, ALL THE TIME DRUNK – I surmise he fell into that canyon here and never madd it back. Now that I think of it I saw his ghost running thru the forest in that EXACT area the other morning….. It’s sad! He told me that this gas station here: Diss Patrick’s Roadhouse: I’m a nut! Lol I was lit AZZ ALL FAWK (off alcohol) that day ?? NOW, he admits it
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I was sooo fucking star struck ? the first night I met him: Fuck a Rhianna and alll the rest of dem mk ultra SELLEBRITY heauxs it’s about ?Colton Wood ? OMG!!!!! ??????✨???? Here our meeting….. In the first one it popped off with some drama….. This old ass white man (Imma talk about the nastay ass old crakkka syndrome in the next blog) who I saw a coupla weeks ago looking at me with this intensity – and even then I near blew up on his ass – well ole Colton mah boi SENSED his ass was trouble and
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I always say that ANYONE who is BIG in the public eye IS PROTECTED! About Tariq Nasheed – I’m not a fan of him and I wrote about him AND Syntheteia G (WHO IS NOT spiritually protected as she has no soul to protect) here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/06/21/how-i-knew-tariq-nasheed-and-cynthia-g-are-agents/ I BEEN sensed they are both agents and are creating disruption to 1) make blacks feel they can never believe in a leader (same thing “Brother” Polight did). That’s why I say blacks need to stop looking to (government orchestrated) leaders and movements for help and start looking within. With all the vibrational shifts
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