I have been getting in trouble with the cops as of late. I dunno wtf is going on….
HERE SHE IS RAPING JACOB: NOTE HER LACK OF PARENTING SKILLS (NOTE THE WINE BOTTLE IN THE BACKGROUND WITHIN THE BABY’S REACH)… Here are more screenshots… NOTE HOW UNKEMPT THAT CHILD’S HAIR IS while for her to have gotten her hair “did” must have ran into the $400’s considering mini braids like that take a loooonng time and THEY DO NOT COME CHEAP (this is knowledge from experience)… THE WHOLE TIME AS YOU CAN SEE BELOW: She was literally BEGGING for people to watch her while her 2 year old possibly (based on evidence
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Look at this shit here taken from #realzero ‘s instagram which you can see here: Need I say more??! Here is his instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realzero/ Now, I did an article on him a while back which you can read here: https://toplessinla.org/2014/11/24/tranny-hooker-sensual-cristyn-who-works-for-backpage-com-deletes-rival-sex-workers-ads/ and here: https://toplessinla.org/2015/09/11/crowncams-com-thinks-that-racism-and-childhood-sexual-abuse-and-rape-is-okay/ in which he voraciously and vociferously HARASSED ME for being black and natural haired as well as a strong woman on top of all of this, which you can see here: He even went so far as to COME TO MY NEIGHBORHOOD AND DROP THIS FLIER WHICH YOU CAN SEE BELOW: HE THREATENED ME AS YOU
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Look at the dude who he is posing with here who looks like a fucking child with a shit eating grin, grinning from ear to ear…. That said, he came to my attention after he wrote this very vicious and libelous review defaming my name, claiming I let the fucking air out of his friend’s tire simply because of his friends’ sexual orientation: Now, I have never met tho mofo a DAY I MY FUCKING LIFE! I probably saw him in passing but for him to attack me when I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO HIM OR HIS FUCKING FRIENDS
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HERE is a bigger picture! I am not fucking shocked…not by a long shot! – PS the charges were dismissed CAUSE SHE REFUSED TO TESTIFY, probably out of fear due to his power and possible financial (perhaps?) dependency on him as well as a slew of other things. After all, cops get let off for killing unarmed folks, RAPING WOMEN, so when he gets off what is to stop this possible powder keg from getting that gun and attacking her? Here is more info… W 432 Camino Flora Vis San Clemente CA 92673 which was taken from here: That said,
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…I am trademarking that fucking shit: “Trick Kwon™” before a rapper takes it! WOULD YOU BELIEVE THIS BILLY BOB THORNTON SLINGBLADE LOOKING MOFO POSSIBLY BEAT UP ON A WOMAN, as you can read right here: http://blogs.ocweekly.com/navelgazing/2013/04/dale_wayne_ziesmer_lapd_threat.php And see right here: I will talk about him MORE in the next article…. Anyways, getting back to the main topic at hand… Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29193″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] HERE IT IS, YOU WAITED FOR IT… I don’t like bullies..and these mofo bullied me. That said, Officer TRICK KWON™ might of been a trick I have seen back in my day as
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They even VANDALISED my car by drawing DICKS ON IT: I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried. That said, the crookedness of the LAPD Wilshire division station just shows more and more and that is probably why they hated me during my time as a copwatcher because I was capable of exposing something much bigger, something more… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29142″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, let me give you a backdrop: A while back I got harassed – most notably, sexually – by these group of fiends who illegally tow cars (they got the burger king
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There is something not right about him based on my own suspicions: He has showed up for a call for me before which you will be able to see later way down below in this article and I have always – being highly perceptive, psychic if you will – gotten a weird vibe such as when he showed up for the meth addict which you will be able to see in the video further down below who was stalking me in the miracle mile area of Los Angeles on Hauser Blvd – WHERE MY HOME IS – while walking home.
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…or any other woman for that matter. That said, the pic up above (and video down below) are what I am referring to: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29168″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] A couple of weeks ago I got sexually harassed by that driver you see in the featured pic up above as well as in the video, which is above as well. Basically, I was minding my own business when all of a sudden he made some comment, some gesture and next thing I knew it came from that truck. Now, I am not somebody with a flight response: I
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REMEMBER THIS GUY HERE: Who harassed me for being topless in public as you will see further down in the video below: (Here is a picture the dumbass sent with the email and compare with the above pic and note the similarity in eyes, nose, face and he REFUSED to send a side pic which would really confirm): Well, HERE HE IS SOLICITING ME FOR PROSTITUTION: So I am good enough to have my breasts be sexually utilized for SEXUAL EXPLOITATION, but the minute my breasts aren’t being used for his sexual pleasure a he feels they exclusively should
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This is Adrian Waite aka “423chattanooga10worldwide”: Here is his instagram, which is chock full of prostitutes, things about sex: https://instagram.com/423chattanooga10worldwide/ And…even underage – potential underage – prostitutes as can be seen here: That said, this mofo is a convicted MURDERER and rapist as the court documents show in which in 1993 he was CONVICTED FOR
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