My lyfe is interesting…. you’ll see ?️?️?️
THIS was the simple minded child like glib “deflection” type style arguments I made the point of wetbucks throwing out when they are confronted: – I mean, look at this demonic Lisa Simpson he got up here (which is consistent with their cult of death based on reptilian cult-ure which I talk about below)….. LOL I broke all that down here: Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians BTW I AM HAPPY that more folks are awakening to these hostile reptilian demon seed’s true nature: – Peep while trying to bullshit “rally” me into hating whites this
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Instead of black lives matter protesting against whites they need to be protesting against the demon seed of Quetzalcoatl which I break down here: Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians And stop the las cucarachas brown ? invasion of OUR NATION! This all started cause this fat ILLEGAL wetback threw something at my car and – like the bully they are – got pissed cause I threw something back at him! [purchase_link id=”37672″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Also this mofo was FARRRR so why was he down here? It wasn’t for the beach cause there are
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I was drunk ass hell yesterday…. Here full vid of a dude shitting in an porta potty with no door on it and more crazy shit! Here me taking a spiritual bath: Can’t believe they ain’t fixed the door on the porta potty…. I saw a lil mouse run in it earlier…. Here is how I spent my day…. That’s my day…..
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As I go thru this healing phase alot of bad shit is bubbling up the surface. Thus I shoulda been aware (but emotions take over) that bad, lecherous people – who are sent on a spiritual level to throw me off my path – will come. That happened today! [purchase_link id=”37348″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here he is with a knife in hand Here some other photos…. Naw I’m the last person to complain about nudity…. Showing Off Pictures of My Naked Body To Help The Sheriffs I Decide To Run Naked To Run Folks Out In Midst of Corona
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I wanna say for the record that when you look at the thing that is holding the child in the vat in the Matrix…. Don’t that look like a bird-reptilian, the same things that David Icke – based on knowledge from Credo Mutwa – states is running our planet ? I ain’t never wrong…. read this to see what I mean…. Even before writing this I feel a sharp tightening on my throat chakra and crown and I saw thru my third eye early this morning a fucking reptilian putting that shit there. I’ve said it and talked about
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…..But my powerfull spirit stopped. THE SHIT outta his ass…. [purchase_link id=”37278″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I think he got something to do with those folks involved in Mitrice Richardson’s rape and murder (who are apparently holding another lady captive) here: Third Eye Shows Me Red Haired Dude Involved In Mitrice Richardson’s Death Holding Woman Hostage In Basement In An Old Mansion In Malibu I walked across the meridian cause I overheard these lil NIGGERS (one of whom looked like 40’s caricatures of black people like you would see in racist cartoons) and a, I dunno what you call it,
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As I go thru this healing I got ALOT to say about niggers: ALOT! [purchase_link id=”36870″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Go to a white spiritual worker. They know what the fuck they are doing. Most of these niggers (and hispanic spiritualists) are still operating under the low vibratory, backwards ass war-ship of spirits, which is why if left to their own devices they are still living like BEFORE the stone ages as can be seen on the North Sentinel Islands: Ape-rika (Zimbabwe): ….After kicking whites off the land they need them back cause them ignorant ass niggers can’t farm fucking
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It makes perfect sense hence why I can’t heal my throat chakra though I have been desperately, DESPERATELY trying…. [purchase_link id=”36863″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I now realise that the alcohol urges were cries for help due to my throat chakra being blocked (I damn near made major headway last night and nearly unblocked it but something internally “pulled it back in” and allowed it to remain blocked). That being said, now I see why I keep seeing triangles…. – You can even see a demonic finger there which I sense belongs to this entity here who took over my
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Or any place for that matter…. [purchase_link id=”36842″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I talk on the MK Ultra agents they done sent – including (but not limited to)…. That fruit bat lady The RejuvOhm chick and This white broad who liked to smoke weed and was overly clingy…. Also the nigga in the blue van who raped kids and I KNEW low key was in some informant program…. Ole boy here, a homeless dude who was a part of Solar Warden – learned alot from him – put me on to know-ledge of something called “Green Wall” during the
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THEY MUST HAVE SOME WOMAN TRAPPED IN THEY CELLAR cause they got these nice looking cars (like RIGHT NOW) monitoring me…. – And my cards showing I’m right! Before I begin elaborating on that…. – Fuck ya’ll, I’m making an illegal joke. I bet half then mofos making the pledge are illegal. There. Anyways, I wanna start off (before I start revealing my astral vision) by saying that…. this shit, this psyop with cities allowing cops to get attacked and defunding the police and shit has got to end…. THIS is fucking schadenfraude: – YOU CAN TELL this a psyop
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