How to be crazy and live lyfe – like me!
Fucking Mortal Kombat: Before I begin, I just wanna start off by saying – to the creepy ass, I presume based on the accents I heard coming from their voices, WETBACK mofos in the black jeep who be passing by close to my car – I saw ya’ll for TWO FUCKING NIGHTS PULLING THAT SHIT – Imma ‘woke ya like I did that crakkka in the big black-green truck Imma talk about later on, “telling me to leave….” THE MAIN EVENT (I know you heauxs been waiting for this video): I remind me of this song here cause no
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Makes ALOT of sense the more I think and think on it….. There is ALOT of power in my right eye but not my left: – This is RIGHT after I removed a vril I believe via egg cleansing….. This how I looked a week before: – Looka how full my face is with similar lightening! They some ugly mofos….. I looked pretty in that photo I just took yesterday, like a different person – features are weird. I look like that lady (in the most recent pic) in terms of bone structure from, of all things, American Horror Story:
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My shit is WORKING! The demons are on the outside again instead of in – causing organic portals, esp. WETBACKS to hate me ????☄?? Means my shit is working but I gotta plenty more ‘woke to do…..
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You know, a coupla nights ago I heard an entity, it was an ugly lil grey-reptilian hybrid that looked EXACT like this: – I saw his ugly ass posted last night right by my passenger side rearview mirror….. …..that WALKED his ugly ass up to my car! I saw via my third eye he was trying to send a deceptively light but evil ass orb my way and then I heard a deep gravely throaty voice – like how reptilians are described as sounding – saying, “Leave her alone!” He knew it was the end. I did some egg cleansing
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Can’t really complain about my life…. Some of these beach scenes are GORG-EOUS: I was chilling with a biker who is middle eastern (I would NEVER chill with a wetback)….. Here some weird schitt….. Now, I gotta say this: WHY TF is there a navy ship off the coast of Malibu? Someone else been noticing it too! Imma say this – cause it connotes to the next article – it is important to fucking live! We all have that right! Moderation is key ? But I gotta say….. this war with these spirits – with these mofos tampering with
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– I peep some holy free holy wetbucks were doing that donuts shit back here. I woke and saw like a nice new car with a dude in it saying, “Oh shit she up” and they left…. I caught fruit bat the other day dropping her shit…… I swear I hear bottles and shit dropping from her fruit bat truck late at night and KNEW it was her ass….. I also cussed this wetbuck here! LOL! People gotta learn to respect the Earth that takes care of us! We live on this mofo and depend on it for
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This shit ALWAYS happens as I become more powerfull, slamming down addictions, healing…. I say NO LIES when I said these fuckerz are some type of low vibratory organic portals for the reptilians to work thru…. This the 4TH TIME this mofo (his name is Raymond like Rain Man lol) came around (funny cause RIGHT BEFORE THIS I was telling my friend that it seems that as of late that reptilian “King of Pentacles” was helping)…. Guess I got proven wrong….. You damn right I did something to run that low vibratory demon seed of Quetzalcoatl up the street!
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….As manifested by this demon seed of Quetzalcoatl who claims IT is indigenious but IT ain’t (nah we copper coloured people ARE in fact the true indigenious): The original. Here it is lightened up! You can SEE a draco reptilian-grey zeta reticuli sitting next to him (with his seat looking like a face behind him): It looks JUST like this reptilian thing here…. “Scientists” will say this is paredolia. A Cuban shaman once taught me that hyperdimensional (meaning higher dimensional) beings will make use of 3D light and shadow to manifest themselves in our realm. THIS is what we are
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The face says it all…. – THAT is the epitomie of the nasty face, the perverted nature of the wetback! Woe, I say no lies…. I don’t play! The more I learn to protect myself, know my worth – I SEE AND ACKNOWLEDGE the difference in how these wetbacks would treat me as a black woman vs a white woman and I ain’t putting up with shit (I did before I started my healing period) anymore…. This wetback, I recall, when he helped me with my EGR (shoulda got the license plate) groped me. I felt that that was “okay”
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RIGHT BEFORE I WAS GONNA PUBLISH THIS ARTICLE LOOKA THIS BITCH HERE These nasty ass sacral chakra stealing sexual energy vampires…. I break the shit down in the blog! I’m 37…. pushing 40! Anyways, looka the pic above. I look young, huh!? Finally! I can’t believe this day has come. It took a long time, 19 years to be exact, but I have healed. The healing process ain’t fucking easy either. I can’t tell you all the disruptions I faced like, take a look at this wetback motherfucker here named Raymond: – Don’t he look like Charles Manson? Alright,
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