How to be crazy and live lyfe – like me!

Why It’s Mostly Men Who Wanna Fight Me Over The Topless Thing I Do

Just today I heard this ole cowardly ass Australian crakkkaroach on a bike shout some shit about, “I wish you would leave” while I was feeling HIGH which I discuss here: How Binural Past Life Regressions Got Rid of My Alcohol Addiction UPDATE: I FOUND THE IDENTITY OF HIS ASS AND DISCUSS IT HERE: Identity of Australian Asshole Who Shouted To Me To Get Out REVEALED – Anyways, bitch, I wish you would! I’ll take your ass down under, bitch… into a grave you cowardly ass faggot kangaroo fucking hoe! – Imma stick that rusty ass dumbbell up your ass

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I Can Not Believe How Photogenic I Am

I am – naturally – a VERY BEAUTIFUL PERSON, physically – thanks to my mom and dad! – My dad don’t like taking pictures, lol! Looking like “dead man walking”. Just playing, dad. Lol! Anyways, here are some pics that make me think this. I look like a model – no filters, no make up, nothing! Nothing but natural sun kissed skin! I live outta car. Small face – lithe body; very cute if I must say so myself πŸ™‚ BTW thank you for the compliments madam whipass!!!! You got me thinking this! Peep how the light shinning on me!

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How Binural Past Life Regressions Got Rid of My Alcohol Addiction

THIS THE BEST HIGH EVER! I AM THE MOST HIGH!!! I’M SO (NATURALLY) HIGH RIGHT NOW I CAN’T EVEN THINK!!! I don’t even feel connected to this Earth Realm like mad for real! This shit helped to open and clarify ALOT of trauma holding back my emotions and thus connections to others and thus AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS! I FEEL HIGH ASS FUCK! THE SAME HIGH I GOT WHEN I DRUNK ALCOHOL BUT THIS TIME FAR BETTER CAUSE IT IS LESS DESTRUCTIVE! [purchase_link id=”31735″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] It even got the Light of Archangel Gabriel shining of me! I feel like Cloud

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White People Fucking With Spiritually Protected People

Just as I said in the Youtube comment section here: “Ya’ll playing with fire. It’s like with low birth rates, HIGH meth/heroin use rates – ya’ll wanna die! STOP FUCKING WITH PEOPLE or else I’ll answer that death wish!” STOP PEGGING PEOPLE INTO BOXES, THINKING THEY AIN’T SUPPOSED TO SEE YOUR BULL! I had a white boy try to play me for sex yesterday. He thought I, a woman who worked as a sex worker for 9 years, couldn’t see his bs! He tried playing the “you hate men” card in an ANXIOUS FASHION (cause he knew I was onto

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Fat Crakkka Allen Tries To Get With Me And Gets Dissed

::2020- 2018 update: I now know his name is Allen:: I’m sorry he kinda look like a pretty ass girl… I’m sorry but most white BOIS do! This nigga a shapeshifter. With each change of his facial expressions he looks like a different person. Ya’ll gotta watch this video… [purchase_link id=”31447″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This shit funny. Imma repost here cause we know youtube ALWAYS taking people’s videos down: I’m surprised his fat ass didn’t kill that bike or can even ride a bike with his fat ass, walrus bad built demonic crakkkaroach ass self. I think he related to

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Homeless Chic 3: Nigga N Nature

The other day, I did a vid of me posing on the streets! Here is the video: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31180″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here are screenshots: – Look at my face, I’m sooo cutee XD – If men can show off their chests to show how HOTT they are (mine ain’t drooping and I am 34), why can’t I #faildoublestandards I LOVE this shot here – my body looks SOOO NATURAL, WAYYYY before all the fake curves womben grew out of surgeon’s office, fake EXTREME hour glass shapes created from FAKE ASSES, BREASTS (Which shouldn’t be sexualized as

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Homeless Chic 2: Return of The Raven

I had to present the second part of my series/ fashion line – “Homeless Chic” – in which I show myself in variius poses and various states of undress while homeless via way of living outta my car. I took some nice pics of myself last night. Hell, before I manifest that – let me show an old pic I took awhile back where I looked like a white womban in the face, a pretty one (how I missed this gem is beyond me). Here it is… Now, here the ones taken last night… Anyways, after a long and crazy

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Homeless Chic

I wish to introduce to you all what I call “homeless chic”: I will start doing a blog series showing sexy shots of me posing in my car – since it is my home! I also believe that womben should be celebrated for our naturalness and not have to wear makeup, such as what I show, here: Here is a video: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31173″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Along with more pics (I am posing at the beach, in my car!): Yes, this is bum life, folks and I have been in a few bum fights, too!

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