I will be calling men “dick demons” from now on…..

I believe it is time to have a serious conversation on men and what we must do with them. Men are a threat to the planet and womynkind and the Divine Feminine and must be eliminated.

Thereby I will be looking to the methods utilised by the late great serial killer, Aileen Wuornos and famed dick cutter Lorena Bobbitt on how to deal with these dick demons….

I Am A Woman Of My Word

I Am A Woman Of My Word

***I DELIBERATELY waited a coupla hours later since I know folks read my blog and I knew someone would come out to help em cause of it*** ****PS I NOTICED THE ENTIRE TIME THEY WERE HERE they didn’t walk out and ask anyone else for help, just putting the onus on me like I am supposed to fucking oblige, as if I am supposed to help them, as if my reasons that made me hate their asses don’t matter. Lacking in empathy mofos, that’s I hate em!**** Now I hear them talking shit. Imma curse they ass, like I am

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People Got To STOP Putting Black Women Into The Category Of The Super Strong Black Woman Terminatrix

People Got To STOP Putting Black Women Into The Category Of The Super Strong Black Woman Terminatrix

I wanna say that I find interesting that all other races – including wetback males and whyte males, got lessor testosterone then us: https://depts.washington.edu/bonebio/bonAbout/race.html It’s probably why wetbacks attack (esp. the original akq black) woman and why white bois envy black men (THEY ALL DO) = cause they are genetically weak! There is even a ufo contactee named Alex Collier who said whites are the weakest, genetically, and were bred that way:   I am a human being who is extremely fucking sensitive, has been hurt and so thus is forced to be “strong” as a survival mechanism to protect

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How I Defeated A Reptilian Spiritual Husband Using Spiritual Fasting

How I Defeated A Reptilian Spiritual Husband Using Spiritual Fasting

It was an UGLY motherfucker and FOR YEARS really tried to stop me from coming into my power…. He look just like this motherfucker….. – What a FUCKING subliminal representing this topic! I got the screenshot from 2Circles channel on Youtube. That is his video up above. Check him out cause he is the premier youtuber on the subject of reptilians. He (the reptilian) was one of the ones who tried to come to me in the spirit realm and claim he “related” to me (while committing incest?)! [purchase_link id=”35366″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] ….My phone started fucking up as I

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Wetback Male Tries To Put Hands on Black Female Just Now

Wetback Male Tries To Put Hands on Black Female Just Now

*** Imma stop calling them “men” or boys and start calling them the dehumanizing term “males” just as MALE animals are referred to as cause that is what they are *** This why I HATE those mofos! Wouldn’t of done it to a white woman as you can see here: https://toplessinla.org/2020/04/26/wetbucks-treat-white-crackhead-like-gold-while-treating-black-crackhead-like-shit/ And she could be doing all sorts of extra. You see this behavior with them here to: https://toplessinla.org/2020/06/07/this-is-why-the-wetback-is-our-enemy/ Trump said not a lie and I hope to awaken Black America more to the real enemy: – Saying passive aggressive shit to fuck with me! Early in the night I

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There Is No Black and Brown Pride Only Black vs Brown WAR

There Is No Black and Brown Pride Only Black vs Brown WAR

****ATTENTION**** To the illegal ass wetbuck who keeps driving his candy rape van sneakily past my car – if I catch you pulling that shit again Imma hurt your ass some bad and have you WISHING Trump woulda deported your illegal, wetback ass! Stick with your own women, bitch! I just wanna say Asé ✊? to the brothers who stood up for our community, killing the wetback leader of the “Latin Kings” in Cicero, again Asé ✊? – He is Shango, a Santeria Warrior God ✊? who you can read more up on here: https://aaregistry.org/story/shango-an-african-based-religion/ I gotta thank these brothers

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I don’t know if it is this wetback here named Diego Meza who subsequently wrote some bull not too long after this happened (Jav sounds like Javier, a shortened version of a typical wetback name), but as you can see the smarminess, THE ENTITLEMENT to my fucking energy OOZES thru that post…. And you wonder why womyn, womben hate men! No man is getting my mofo womb or even into it…. then I’ll abort ????? That said, I talked about this before: my plans to have a kid with a gay male as a sperm donor and wanting to have

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Why The Reptilians Hate And Fuck With The Most Reptilian Hybrids

Why The Reptilians Hate And Fuck With The Most Reptilian Hybrids

That’s Katy Perry in the opposite pic split: I was just showing how dichotomously reptilian hybrids who go along with the program are rewarded materially while mugs like myself are punished materially. Finally explains why for all of you I got great spiritual power but can’t make shit materially manifest. Like I care ??‍♀️? There are other non humans amongst ya’ll, too. Tell me she don’t look like the sightings of the old hag: Shit is just NOW all starting to make sense and come together. I keep seeing triangles ever since I started my spiritual journey: That was the

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Breaking Free of The Reptilian Curse

Breaking Free of The Reptilian Curse

I don’t know what the fuck these mofos want from me! I’ve talked about them numerous times….       [purchase_link id=”35357″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”]   [purchase_link id=”35359″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] When I trace back when shit went downhill, it can be traced back to them. They are trulty the masters of deception and deflection. Just like here when they pretended to come along to help:   [purchase_link id=”35362″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I saw early this morning in the spirit realm that when I tried to cut they ass off – after all when I exposed them on my biggest

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Has Anyone Else Had Issues Entities Attaching To Them or Energies Activating Within Based On What They Say Or Do

Has Anyone Else Had Issues Entities Attaching To Them or Energies Activating Within Based On What They Say Or Do

I won’t lie, I felt something take over the upper forehead crown chakra and block what I was gonna say and influenced me to write about Lilith when I was practically finished writing this article here: https://toplessinla.org/2020/04/27/why-i-never-had-kids/ There must be truth to the notion of words being used as spells to cast things cause the minute I put the “Call me Lilith” part it, I felt something become activated, almost as if from within, my cellphone started messing up (a strong sign of spirit or spiritual energy coming thru), causing the screen to glitch and then, I felt something heavy,

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Using Third Eye For Soul Loss and Fighting Battles In The Astral

Using Third Eye For Soul Loss and Fighting Battles In The Astral

You gotta have the third, pineal gland and maybe some of your crown chakra to ‘woke:   [purchase_link id=”32561″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Today I used it to slay inner demons by reincorporating a part of myself I lost due to soul lost. Ain’t gotta fully astral project (you can use gregores to do ‘woke from a mad safe distance) to put yourself in harm’s way pr nan of that which are incurred in the risk of astral projection. Handle bizzness and take care of shit spiritually!

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