Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Elmera Bokor You Shoulda Never Moved To L.A.

Elmera Bokor You Shoulda Never Moved To L.A.

Trust me. Those reps ? are gonna eat your voodoo loas alive (since they created em)….. And he had crackhead dead spirits break into his home here….. I will post this here in case it gets taken down….. You shoulda never moved your ass out here. He had a beautiful home in Georgia but gave it up so he could flex and boast he lives in a whole apartment in Calabasas ??‍♀️ This is reptilian territory…… https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/citydig-the-underground-catacombs-of-las-lizard-people/ http://www.laalmanac.com/mysterious/my02.php https://documents.latimes.com/jan-29-1934-lizard-people/ This niqqa here a straight reptilian, talking about disproving a “theory” and he right there…… That said your voodoo loas are

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The Great Reset and Agenda 21 Is Meant To Stop A Future War Over Overpopulation That Will Wipe Out The Black And Asian Races

The Great Reset and Agenda 21 Is Meant To Stop A Future War Over Overpopulation That Will Wipe Out The Black And Asian Races

Crakkkas like this one from reddit HATE being told the truth….. That’s why they lying, deflecting, projecting conquering asses are getting wiped out in THIS timeline ?? His white supremacist ass WANTS us wiped out! They also conquered the Jews and forced them to christianise….. Agenda 21 and Bill Gate’s depopulation agenda is designed to avert this white supremacists’ wet dream dystopia: Thank you Bill Gates ?? The funny (awesome ??) thing is now, quite the opposite is happening….. – That is why I myself contributed by killing my half crakkka ass keeds – including with using my third eye

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Colton Wood Is Losing His Mind After Getting Covid Vaccine

Colton Wood Is Losing His Mind After Getting Covid Vaccine

His eyes look psycho in that thumbnail shit huh….. They letting ya’ll know years earlier…. I told his stupidass…… Here he is, thinking a fucking honking horn is harassing him (sounds very much like the gangstalking he likes to deny) and then – he ain’t ever done this – steals from the fucking store. Here he is thinking a hard working person gardening is harassing him….. All these are the results of him getting that covid shot, which right here even the doctor administering it admits it ain’t good for ya! Dumb fuck. Don’t Take That Covid Shot: Man DIES

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The Difficulties of Being An INFJ Personality In A Mental Health Facility

The Difficulties of Being An INFJ Personality In A Mental Health Facility

….or anywhere really! It is a repeated cycle that comes up constantly anytime I gotta be around other people. I severely rue dumb ass people who say in any shape or form or try to encourage me to be around other people. Imma own this: I am smarter than most people. I can’t be around these dumb fucks – people in general period – esp. not drunk – since I see past assholes’ bullshit and I call em out. Here is my story: Here are the assholes who put me on front street and got my shit fucked up: Spiritual

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Cookie Tookie aka Samantha James Needs Spiritual Healing

Cookie Tookie aka Samantha James Needs Spiritual Healing

She don’t need this shit….. – Look I ain’t the most politically correct mofo. You get at me I cut your jugular – philosophies go out the window. This a fake account btw as shown by her response up above ?? – This bisch asking for money, lying in Cookie’s name….. https://instagram.com/cookietookielive?utm_medium=copy_link And these are the nicer ones…… This will get updated….. Cookie needs prayer. Look at her eyes shapeshifting here…. That is a reptilian attached to her, connecting to her two lowest chakras, the sacral and root chakras – hence her alkie-hole and drug urges (reptilians FEED off of

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First A Fire, Now People Are Protesting The Lost Hills Sheriffs For My Return To Malibu

First A Fire, Now People Are Protesting The Lost Hills Sheriffs For My Return To Malibu

As if the first fire fest of 2021 wasn’t enough….. – They must be satanists, like me (sike) cause they don’t give a fuck about god the demiurge as they are holding this shit on a Sunday loool! This is definitely for me ??? https://m.facebook.com/LostHillsSheriffsStation/photos/a.521242064684585/2099711013504341/?type=3&source=48 Too bad tho. I am on vacay. Get me a new minivan then I’ll consider…..

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The Ultimate Symbol To Defeat The Reptilians and Other Archons

The Ultimate Symbol To Defeat The Reptilians and Other Archons

It is no secret I am related to Egyptian royalty…… That being said it is no secret I hate reptilians and other archon groups….. Reptilians and Archons Changing Your Timelines For Worse and How To Change It BACK The Whole New Age Hippie Spiel To Be Peace And Love And Light Is A Trick By The Reptilians To Suppress Humanity’s Spiritual Potential Astral Projection CONFIRMS That Heaven Is Hell Which Is Ran By The Archons The Reptilians These Fucking Reptilians Are Really FUCKING WITH MY ASS Breaking Free of The Spell The Reptilians Archons Aliens Have Placed On Me How

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