My shit is WORKING! The demons are on the outside again instead of in – causing organic portals, esp. WETBACKS to hate me ????☄?? Means my shit is working but I gotta plenty more ‘woke to do…..
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From what I know the only truth to reality is frequency and vibration.
My shit is WORKING! The demons are on the outside again instead of in – causing organic portals, esp. WETBACKS to hate me ????☄?? Means my shit is working but I gotta plenty more ‘woke to do…..
Read moreYou know, a coupla nights ago I heard an entity, it was an ugly lil grey-reptilian hybrid that looked EXACT like this: – I saw his ugly ass posted last night right by my passenger side rearview mirror….. …..that WALKED his ugly ass up to my car! I saw via my third eye he was trying to send a deceptively light but evil ass orb my way and then I heard a deep gravely throaty voice – like how reptilians are described as sounding – saying, “Leave her alone!” He knew it was the end. I did some egg cleansing
Read moreI sense both them niggaz are homosexuals…. Homeless Gangstalkers Get ‘Woked I don’t know why I was tripping…. take that back (happy I confirmed ?? cause I thought they were on some lecherous stare across the street schitt) – happy they (possibly) gay ✊?✊??️? Also happay I did that fucking egg cleanse…. That shit there, if you all KNEW the bad shit I had on me causing overwhelming DE-structive urges….. most of ya’ll would commit suicide if you all were spiritually in my shoes. It was hard but….. I’ll take about it in the next blog….. The cops and public
Read more…..Cause he is a guy! Even Google telling us. Google “Joshua Pete”: Man I got drunk ass fawk yesterday and went fucking around (and cursing people out) in Malibu: Why some asshole post “ACAB” on that poor lil farmhouse….. Fucking assholes….. Imma have to do an egg cleanse….. That said, Megan Thee Stallion a fucking man….. LISTEN HARD TO *HIS* PART HERE Here the original vid – I was drunk when I listened to diss and that is the ONLY way I’d listen to this shit: – My spiritual abilities get heightened when I drink so I
Read moreYou know, as of late – whereas in the past I would see visions of high school, I have been having astral travels to college….. Coupla days ago it was to Cambridge University which is an EXTREMELY prestigious school in England (Oxford is the most prestigious). As a teen, rearing to metriculate into college – it woulda been a pipe dream for me to go (I was a B student cause I always failed math but EXCELED LIKE A MUG in other places – esp. English and Spanish – sometimes phrases come back spontaneously). – Bitch I wish…. I was
Read moreIt’s sooo nice out here….. Looka the way this moon look….. I know someone will argue it’s outta focus but it don’t look like that even when shit blurry….. Just nice and peaceful and fucking serene….. I’d rather deal with the worst of my ghosts then to deal with pee-pole and they foolishness….. That said, then the fucking riff raff gotta show the fuck up….. But I show em out wit ‘woke ????♀️ These fools, earlier came by trying to do – I could tell – that dumbass ride around u turn bullshit that them gangstalkers be doing….. But he
Read moreBefore I begin let me show you all some of the insane shit I’ve been getting from stalkers (found these in spam)….. LOL at this wetback calling ITSELF “white” when it ain’t even human….. This bitch IS going crazy…. I check my cards…. This fucking weirdo here LEGIT thought I was gonna pay his ass 66.66 for….. I don’t even wanna get into it….. And this coocoo child neglectful weirdo (not witch) right here…. Let me tell you about her….. Say, you know what’s strange – all this shit was sent last night yet they’re dated at Aug 10, Aug
Read moreMore like New York Times Best Stealer aka culture vulture, ole culture vulture ass bitch…. Imma be real: I kept SEEING fucking visions of a white bitch author in NY doing some shit, putting spells to take my blessings…. This my fucking life. I’m fucking homeless, on the street and my name is Raven Masterson. NOTE that this story was written 2 years ago back in 2017: Yes, bitch, you DID do a dirty deed – against ME! She is even stealing black paralance, using “Low Down and Dirty.” HERE where she published that bullshit, making money off my life
Read more….cause they still got a dog enslaved in they fucking facility at 18000 Topanga Canyon Blvd in Malibu ?? Here proof of when it happened….. Again, call PETA at 757-622-7382 That said I ‘woked this heaux…. I was wondering why she had that big raggedy ass truck sitting out there ALL NIGHT (she do some ritual shit where she moves it down there then drives it to her usual spot then back down the fucking street again ??♀️). Eye ? Sea ? everything….. I saw a public ‘wokes truck cavorting with her, getting coconuts (ya’ll public ‘wokes mugs
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