Wetbucks Working For Atmore and Sons and DBI Construction Call Me Nigger While At Public Works

Wetbucks Working For Atmore and Sons and DBI Construction Call Me Nigger While At Public Works

Mofos looking like they lined up to ‘woke that Home Depot:


These assholes AROUSED me from my meditation – early that morning as told here:

Wetbacks Get PISSED That I Reject One Of Their Ugly Old Reptilian Influenced Demon Seeds

I saw in the astral realm a hispanic couple attacking me and I guess this was the end result. Even as I drove to Miracle Mile regarding the smog issue I could hear solely from hispanic drivers – as if like a glitch in the Matrix – say psychically attacking shit that connoted to the event of rejecting one of Quetzalcoatl’s Finest (????). It was a highly unusual ordeal and I had to do some spirit work to get back on track (these mofos been attacking me VICIOUSLY and I think I finally figured out – or already have – disposed of they asses witch ??‍♀️ I will share in my next blog post).

That being said, I know you hear me talking shit but, as I said before – due to the reptilian hivemind they have (witch ??‍♀️ I recently broken away from) IT’S LIKE ON FUCKING CUE THEY KNOW I GOT MY CELL RECORDER OUT and they’ll cease talking shit LIKE RIGHT ON CUE:


Later in the day when I came back they murmurs ceased, the shit died down but I can hear em esp. the FAT one with double D’s talking shit, at one point saying, “Nigger” in broken Spanish with his wetback ass.

Wish they asses woulda fell (Chris Case Motherfucker Chris Case Chris Caseeeee):


Looka the fucking trash they left behind, assholes ??


I called Ra Atmore and Sons to report it – wish I had a recording – and they were mad worried about my saying anything while conveying they won’t do shit ie they didn’t want me to put shit in writing as a complaint:

Funny their name is Ra like the Egyptian God:

– A lil mystickal there….

And I called DBI but nothing…..

Well, I ‘woked one. Hope he enjoys the nightmares and worse…..

TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump

The Museum of Da ‘Woke

Drag Me To Hell Is REAL And These WETBACKS Are About To Find Out

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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