Gus In A Bus Is A Sexual Predator And The Nasty Old White Man Syndrome

Gus In A Bus Is A Sexual Predator And The Nasty Old White Man Syndrome

The people here said NO LIES about this fuck…… He tried to pull dat shit on me but I ran his ass up the sktreet…..   But we know how I do (pee-pole)! Don’t fuck with me. Sexual Predator Still Stalks Me Even Though I Whipped His Ass That said the dudes watching his channel called his ass out a while back….. He was sexually harassing/flaunting the ladies who was paying HIM to take photos of em (see, dem white goirls got it ass backwards and Imma break down why)! That’s probably why I ain’t seen his ass in SoCal

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Meeting Youtube CELEBRITY Colton Wood

Meeting Youtube CELEBRITY Colton Wood

I was sooo fucking star struck ? the first night I met him: Fuck a Rhianna and alll the rest of dem mk ultra SELLEBRITY heauxs it’s about ?Colton Wood ? OMG!!!!! ??????✨???? Here our meeting….. In the first one it popped off with some drama….. This old ass white man (Imma talk about the nastay ass old crakkka syndrome in the next blog) who I saw a coupla weeks ago looking at me with this intensity – and even then I near blew up on his ass – well ole Colton mah boi SENSED his ass was trouble and

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