King of Wands Confirmed As Yellow Eyed Entity and Experiences With Goblins And Other Forest Elementals

King of Wands Confirmed As Yellow Eyed Entity and Experiences With Goblins And Other Forest Elementals

I see some real shit: You can see even hear that there was a yellow eyed entity sitting with me in my car last night…… Here is how my car is setup: Nothing coulda created that. Now look at the eyes…. I went ahead and lightened them up…. Here they are: Early this morning a man says he SAW a “person” in my car while I was taking out the trash…..   Also look at how nice and clean it is on Topanga – wasn’t like this before ???‍♂️   Cause the goblins and other forest elementals – including my

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Google Allows Google Employee To Steal Copyrighted Material

Google Allows Google Employee To Steal Copyrighted Material

No way in hell they should be responding with this….. Not after sending this….. Basically, as confirmation of what I talked about below regarding Youtube/Google conspiring to keep me and my voice marginalized they are basically illegally obstructing my ability to remove unauthorized uploads by one of their enployees/minions so as to keep my voice from ever being heard, even on my own paid for platform so folks will go to this sham channel which is illegally using my likeness and is parading around as “my” channel. Looka the nonsensical route they want me to take, how hard they wanna

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Just ‘Woked A White Bitch Telling Me What To Say On Youtube

Just ‘Woked A White Bitch Telling Me What To Say On Youtube

To THIS JUST IN: Boy my intuition was right – it never fails me – she is an ARROGANT WHITE BITCH (who needs to be humbled by da ‘woke) ? LOL! Chris Case bitch Chris Case Chris Caseeeee – stupid whyte BITCH! Hear ??? my response to her arrogance, calling me a heifer (had to correct it for her) like I’m a slave – It’s the last one…. Always wanna tell others what to think and say. I talked about that here: White Folks: Not Everybody Is Like Ya’ll Now she can enjoy da helllyfe ?? TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE:

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