Dreams Of School And What They Mean For Our Spiritual And Life Progression

Dreams Of School And What They Mean For Our Spiritual And Life Progression

You know, as of late – whereas in the past I would see visions of high school, I have been having astral travels to college….. Coupla days ago it was to Cambridge University which is an EXTREMELY prestigious school in England (Oxford is the most prestigious). As a teen, rearing to metriculate into college – it woulda been a pipe dream for me to go (I was a B student cause I always failed math but EXCELED LIKE A MUG in other places – esp. English and Spanish – sometimes phrases come back spontaneously). – Bitch I wish…. I was

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Homeless Gangstalkers Get ‘Woked

Homeless Gangstalkers Get ‘Woked

It’s sooo nice out here….. Looka the way this moon look….. I know someone will argue it’s outta focus but it don’t look like that even when shit blurry….. Just nice and peaceful and fucking serene….. I’d rather deal with the worst of my ghosts then to deal with pee-pole and they foolishness….. That said, then the fucking riff raff gotta show the fuck up….. But I show em out wit ‘woke ????‍♀️ These fools, earlier came by trying to do – I could tell – that dumbass ride around u turn bullshit that them gangstalkers be doing….. But he

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