Possible Identity of the Misogynist Perv Who Stalked Me: Recks Robert

Possible Identity of the Misogynist Perv Who Stalked Me: Recks Robert

::BREAKING:: THIS GUY IS A FUCKING STALKER! His obsession with seeing me “topless” combined with obsessing over telling me that it is not “socially acceptable” for me to be topless COMBINED with him knowing I went to the eyecare place on Monday and Thursday of this week shows he is a STALKER and possible rapist who is obsessed with policing what I do with my own body as well as imposing gender norms on me and has been stalking me so he can figure out one day when is the right time to attack and put my “feminist, string willed”

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I Will Amend the Federal Lawsuit Against The LAPD For Violation of My Topless Rights

I Will Amend the Federal Lawsuit Against The LAPD For Violation of My Topless Rights

In light of what just had happened today, which you can see here:   I will go ahead and amend the complaint to my civil lawsuit in which I am pursuing in federal court for violation of my rights based on gender to be female and topless in public!   Here below are screenshots of my complaint sent to the main decision makers: Captain Howard Leslie of the LAPD Wilshire station and Chief Charlie Beck who overseas operations for all of LAPD all throughout the city!  

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5th Incident of Harassment by LAPD for Being Female and Topless In Public In L.A.

5th Incident of Harassment by LAPD for Being Female and Topless In Public In L.A.

Alright, I thought that this shit would NOT persist after I filed my federal lawsuit but it is: Buy all 3 dem vids here [purchase_link id=”29026″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] You can see here where I filed my lawsuit against the LAPD for this SAME, EXACT THING: For being topless in public, which you can read here: http://dockets.justia.com/docket/california/cacdce/2:2014cv04803/593138   Just today, as I was working out in front of, well, near my home you see, I got approached by a bunch of LAPD officers – MOSTLY MALE and I am noting this as well to note the inherent sexism in this abuse

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Difference In How LAPD Treats Man Pissing In the Bushes Vs A Woman Who Is Topless and Supposedly Pissing

Difference In How LAPD Treats Man Pissing In the Bushes Vs A Woman Who Is Topless and Supposedly Pissing

Alright, a while back, I recall an incident which you can see right here: Buy the vid here [purchase_link id=”29017″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] ….where a man, a gay man, was pissing in front of my apartment building (presumably). Well, he had his dick out and I caught it on tape. Well, I recall the dispatcher – a lady – saying that, “Well, he could be pissing,” to EXCUSE herself and the boys and girls in blue from coming out to investigate and do their jobs. Now, as you can listen here below:   Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29022″ text=”Purchase” style=”button”

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Having A Bully For A Neighbor

Having A Bully For A Neighbor

UPDATE: HER NAME IS TIYANNA (AKA TIYANA) OSORIO AND I HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE THAT HE MAY BE COMMITTING WELFARE FRAUD AND HERE IS WHY: I BELIEVE THAT HE IS STILL LIVING WITH HER BOYFRIEND/ HUSBAND. NOW, UNDER WELFARE GUIDELINES, YOU HAVE TO REPORT THAT YOU LIVE WITH THE OTHER PARENT: http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/free-books/living-together-book/chapter4-9.html and here: http://www.shouselaw.com/welfare_fraud.html and in many instances PEOPLE LIE, THEY DON’T DO THIS O THEY CAN GET MORE BENEFITS WHICH IS WHAT THEY PROBABLY DID so feel free to report here: http://www.cdss.ca.gov/cdssweb/PG21.htm She performed in some po dunk film named, “Dysfunctional Friends,” which I can tell was never released: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6010499/ NOTE:

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Tranny Hooker Sensual Cristyn Who Works For Backpage.com Deletes Rival Sex Workers’ Ads

Tranny Hooker Sensual Cristyn Who Works For Backpage.com Deletes Rival Sex Workers’ Ads

THIS JUST IN: CRISTYN SENSUAL ADMITS THAT SHE GOT FIRED FROM CROWNCAMS FOR ALLOWING A FUCKING DOG TO PERPETRATE BESTIALITY O HER BY BASICALLY LICKING PEANUT BUTTER OFF OF HER PUSSY – HER DOG DID THIS TO HER AND SHE ALLOWED IT! That said, she has a young child as you can read here: http://crowncamsmodel.blogspot.com/2014_07_01_archive.html A small baby at that! That said, who knows WHAT she is doing to that baby. I got her coordinates ie her ip address so anybody out there can you please track down where she lives and get her and call cps in the L.A.

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Black Male Robs Office Depot on 5665 Wilshire Blvd And LAPD Captures Him

Black Male Robs Office Depot on 5665 Wilshire Blvd And LAPD Captures Him

Here is the video of the LAPD in action: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29000″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Capturing a negro male while he is the process of stealing from Office Depot on: 5665 W. Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036. I said to this guy, “Bye, I am out”, and “Good job, LAPD”, and that is when I he said, “Mind your own business”, and that is when I said, “NIGGER!” in response! He claimed the Office Depot on mid wilshire was closed when he tried to ROB IT (Bullshit! It was open at 7:35pm when this occured!).

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Niggas Gonna Nig Crakkkas Gonna Crack and Undercovers Gonna Undercover

Niggas Gonna Nig Crakkkas Gonna Crack and Undercovers Gonna Undercover

This was one crazy ass day! First off, some crakkka beast cop decided to tell me to “put a shirt on.” I was like, “Bitch, you know I got a federal lawsuit going on, right?”   I hope somebody End of Watch your crusty ass, bitch! Here are the two tapes of my chasing him below: Buy all 6 vids here [purchase_link id=”28996″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Then, second, I had another officer roll the fuck up, and then just, I don’t what he was doing, but you can check it out, here: THEN, a fucking NIGGER BEAST ape decided to start some shit

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Spooking Some Spooks Dressed Up As the KKK During Halloween 2013

Spooking Some Spooks Dressed Up As the KKK During Halloween 2013

* This post is Stormfront.org and Chimpmania.com approved, lol! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28976″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Alright, here I am, spooking some SPOOKS dressed as the klan for Halloween 2013, lol! Basically below are a set of all the pictures I took while walking in West Hollywood and into various police stations, including the Wilshire Community police station and the Hollywood police station on Wilcox – LAPD – asking if they know of any cross brunings – festive aren’t they – going on in the area. In one instance, I walked into the police station DRUNK which you can

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We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

I will not lie to you…black men are fucking animals which is why I almost feel the need to say that we need more George Zimmermans as well as Darren Wilsons for them.   Let me explain. See, as the victim of street harassment, I can not tell you how many times I have been THREATENED by NIGGER MALES for not liking them, with physical violence involved or the threat thereof. I do not get this with Asian, latino even or even white men, but NIGGER MALES and they always look to deflect from their fucked up way of behavior

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