Part 1 Part 2 I just got word that Alex Nacimento, the evil sadistic Puerto Rican entity that Baron Samedi
David Reina Just Tried To Kill My Light With A Crown Chakra Attachment Meant To Take It Away
As soon as the light shone forth from my head I could hear the astral spirit of David Reina aka Gooru, one of his entity attachments, saying, “No, we can’t have that.” That said, I realize why the other “consciousnesses” were easy to take: they were not mine to begin with. They were fascimiles meant to allow me to endure in a cruel, harsh world – one that expects one to “be hard”, be unempathetic, and most of all, unforgiving. That said, my true consciousness is a loving one: it’s my very innate nature to wanna make even the worst
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