How To Tell Shapeshifter Eyes WITHOUT The Slits

How To Tell Shapeshifter Eyes WITHOUT The Slits

As I have shown in the past look at how my eyes can do this: Here the shapeshifting starting… …And here is the full shapeshift: Here a close up to spook you out… THAT’S TO SHOW YOU THIS SHIT IS REEAL!!!! That said, I want you to check out the “ring” around this young woman’s eyes  which are screenshots taken from The Outfield’s “Lose Your Love.” Look closely and peep the ring around her eye: Note it looks like sshe got a second pair of eyes! I have noticed this on myself as well (even in similar lighting conditions I

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Fleurbrun Tells Young Man Youtuber Ryan Cropper To Suppress His Psychic Abilities

Fleurbrun Tells Young Man Youtuber Ryan Cropper To Suppress His Psychic Abilities

Here is what I’m talking about: That is some evil, deceptive shit right there, some passive aggressive, underhanded shit that can only come from a jealous individual! Why tell him to suppress his gifts cause “they watching” when she SUPPOSEDLY exposes them all the time! That can only come from feelings of jealousy towards that guy! That said, I’ve long sensed evil, alot of negative energy from her! I never sensed she was a sincere individual, hiding behind giddy laughing and looking “bubbly” when alot of dark waters run underneath! I can sense people’s spirits and sense shit very well

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Proof of Fairies AND Archangels Around Me

Proof of Fairies AND Archangels Around Me

Something told me to take these pictures! Here is what popped up: THAT’S AN ANGEL! Note the wings around it! An archangel or a fairy or both. This article states it could be BOTH: This one here is an orb and I always see his adorable cutee lil ass ALWAYS in this area. Here is a pic I took of him awhile back! I am CONSTANTLY taking pics of orbs, having em show up in my photographs! I’ll do an article – one day – showing all the orbs I have captured on camera! Until then – enjoy these!

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The Los Angeles Lost Hills Sheriffs’ Are Into Baphomet Worship with PROOF

The Los Angeles Lost Hills Sheriffs’ Are Into Baphomet Worship with PROOF

I talk about it here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29823″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Look at this symbol here: Let me show each from the sides… It is not just the “Star of David”. Look further… As I talked about here: WOMBman represents the 5 pointed star – the pentagram, a symbol which is used alot in pagan-feminist themed modern day spiritual systems as well as what was once used as a symbol of protection against evil in the early TRUE CHRISTian church – that is why I always say the Eucharist was representative of the woman’s blood, our natural

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NatureBoi Come Get Some Land In Malibu

NatureBoi Come Get Some Land In Malibu

I don’t know if this shit up for sale but you can do like this honkkkey did here: And just pitch a tent up – with your people – and “live off the land” – Free of charge! But, then again, you black so I don’t know how the Lost Hills Sheriff’s (Here’s their phone: 818-878-1808 number to ask) would feel about that, lol! Watch the video as I “scout them some land!” for em here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29818″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here are some pictures which you don’t have to even own… or rent, just SQUAT

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Why Are Fat Black Women So Nasty And Hateful

Why Are Fat Black Women So Nasty And Hateful

– This HONESTLY makes me wanna get some chicken! I talked about how evil and cruel black women (Esp. DARK SKINNED BLACK WOMEN) can be in the past, here: – Hell, ALL MY REGULAR JOBS WERE LOST DUE TO BLACK BITCHES (OUT OF ENVY) WHICH IS WHY I CAN RELATE TO TOMMY SOTOMAYOR!!! To be honest, when I did this; I’m starting to think that all the shit I got was the result of a psychic attack! That said, I recall throughout the ENTIRE having other mofos talk shit like these two passing white fat BITCHES who said some

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Old White Homeless BASTARD TRESPASSES ON OTHERS’ PROPERTY But Tells Me Not To Trespass On Property HE DON’T EVEN OWN

Old White Homeless BASTARD TRESPASSES ON OTHERS’ PROPERTY But Tells Me Not To Trespass On Property HE DON’T EVEN OWN

I was about to lay this nigga out: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29810″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] – Considering the mood I’m in! I don’t have time for the bullshit! The demon (or shall I say, reptilian) was about to bounce out! I did an article on this fool a while back: Homeless Crakkkaroach Tells Me He Own Public Property No Trespassing This old homeless CRAKKKA ASS CRAKKKAROACH BUM had the nerve to tell me to exit property WHICH HE DON’T OWN like he some “proper” CRAKKKABUM! Then, today, I catch him walking up the walkway of SOMEONE ELSE’S PROPERTY like

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Facebook Out of Racism FALSE FLAGS Link to Article About REPTILIANS For Nudity

Facebook Out of Racism FALSE FLAGS Link to Article About REPTILIANS For Nudity

Here is a link to the article which I wrote on my site: Now how the FUCK can a LINK to an article about fucking REPTILIANS (mostly about ME having shapeshifting eyes) GET FLAGGED FOR REMOVAL FOR FUCKING NUDITY: Then they tried to get me for some other shit, talking about “are all my legit pics FUCKING NUDES” FOR BEING TOPLESS (I ought to sue their ass under the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution) just for the sole (sick satisfaction) of FUCKING WITH ME!! Then they leave this “friendly feedback notice” bs! They gonna hear from me one

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This shit tripped me out; made my day… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29806″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Earlier them mofos were RIGHT ON THE ROAD like they cars like they READY TO GET HIT… Must have a death wish!!! Anyways, there was a lil pedestrian lane they coulda rode through but I guess those niggaz were like, “Fuck it! Let me hog the road!” Lol! They readyz ta DIE!!! LMBAO!!!

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