I got attacked BAD by the illuminati (use 1248 hz to defeat em, 694 hz, 695 hz to see where

Is The LA Metro Union Station Being Used For Illuminati Human Sacrifices Along With Occult Symbolism
LOOK at this weird shit that happened when uploading a small vid to youtube (it says “private” as indicated by the locker icon but when you click it on it says, “PUBLIC” as indicated by the “world/globe” icon): SHOWING IT’S “PRIVATE” AFTER LISTING IT: HERE IT IS SHOWING THAT IT’S PUBLIC WHEN YOU CLICK IT: * NOTE THE TIMESTAMPS BEFORE YOU DISMISS WHAT I SAY!!!! HERE THE SMOKING GUN: YOU CAN HEAR “CREAKING” NOISES AS I WALK ON THE SEEMINGLY STABLE CEMENT TILE AT THE LA UNION METRO TRAIN STATION! Buy all three vids here [purchase_link id=”30733″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]
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