Is The LA Metro Union Station Being Used For Illuminati Human Sacrifices Along With Occult Symbolism

Is The LA Metro Union Station Being Used For Illuminati Human Sacrifices Along With Occult Symbolism

LOOK at this weird shit that happened when uploading a small vid to youtube (it says “private” as indicated by the locker icon but when you click it on it says, “PUBLIC” as indicated by the “world/globe” icon): SHOWING IT’S “PRIVATE” AFTER LISTING IT: HERE IT IS SHOWING THAT IT’S PUBLIC WHEN YOU CLICK IT: * NOTE THE TIMESTAMPS BEFORE YOU DISMISS WHAT I SAY!!!! HERE THE SMOKING GUN: YOU CAN HEAR “CREAKING” NOISES AS I WALK ON THE SEEMINGLY STABLE CEMENT TILE AT THE LA UNION METRO TRAIN STATION! Buy all three vids here [purchase_link id=”30733″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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Weird UFO Floodlight Light Seen In Malibu By Mastro’s Ocean’s Club

Weird UFO Floodlight Light Seen In Malibu By Mastro’s Ocean’s Club

For some reason, I dunno why but I can’t astral project FOR THE LIFE OF ME out in Malibu and I kept trying to do it all last night and I would feel the vibrations and the thing around my crown chakra but NOT BE ABLE TO LEAVE!!! That said, I witnessed a weird, anomalous light by the Mastro Ocean’s Club in Malibu last night in which I’ve seen before: there was no light pole on which it was affixed on, IT DID NOT MOVE OR MAKE ANY NOISE like a helicopter would, it was WAYYY to low in the

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This Is Why Ugly Things HAPPEN to Ugly People

This Is Why Ugly Things HAPPEN to Ugly People

I WANNA SAY THIS GUY HAD A STRONG DEMONIC ENERGY – I COULD FEEL IT FROM A DISTANCE!!! That’s WHY he’s so hateful – I could feel it from a great distance from his ass! I was trying to help this person here whose in crutches… Buy all three vids here [purchase_link id=”30721″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] THIS MOFO TURNED AROUND AND THREATENED ME cause I look different (THIS where I can see eye to eye with homos and transgenders cause I’ve been rejected my whole life). I talk about it here… This BASTARD even had the NERVE TO PROJECT amd

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RED UFO Spotted Over Malibu and Green Orb Pops Up Again

RED UFO Spotted Over Malibu and Green Orb Pops Up Again

I SEEN IT AGAIN! This time I saw it with a RED UFO (saw it in two nights): Here the first night! Buy all 5 vids here [purchase_link id=”30715″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] …Followed by not too long after three nights after… And here again goes the green pulsating light! I can tell it was NOT A PLANE OR CHOPPER!!! Planes got multi color white, red and sometimes green lights from what I recall, choppers got red AND green. This wasn’t an airplane! All I gotta say is between this: and here: THERE’S A WHOLE LOTTA WEIRD SHIT

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Effects of Etheric Astral Travel: My Eyes Changed Color

Effects of Etheric Astral Travel: My Eyes Changed Color

I DON’T KNOW IF YOU CAN SEE (But I can see) I peeped that my eyes changed color AFTER doing etheric/ astral travel! I brightened it up so you all can see the contrasts: Dark eyes don’t contrast like that… I even put it in greyscale: I SWEAR some of the ones down below look like a variety of greenish hazel, straight hazel (which is rare for my eyes to be that color) or even blue at some points. Though some may argue that’s due to having “reflective eyes” my eyes are a light brown and usually lighter eyes DO

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Alien LA Cops Threaten Me In Malibu

Alien LA Cops Threaten Me In Malibu

This shit was vivid! Very very vivid! I feel ESP. as I am now coming into my own power there’s “shit” watching me that’s otherwordly and I’ve been saying it for awhile now. That said, I had a “dream” last night or rather a vision where I was in a place in my old neighborhood of Park La Brea (I lived near it) where the Queen (of England’s) palatial residence lies. I’ve been here before AS OF RECENT and don’t know why I keep “dreaming” it. That said, I walked through there – topless – and I recall there being

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Los Angeles Sheriff and LA County Doing Head Counts For Agenda 21

Los Angeles Sheriff and LA County Doing Head Counts For Agenda 21

They think a mofo is seriously fooled… I did cards on it which you can see here: But I further explain in the vid, here: Also, here I am asking WHY THE SHERIFFS ARE DOING IT (WHICH GETS IMPEDED WHEN ONE SHERIFF SAYS SOME STUPID SHIT): Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30702″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] These mofos wanna corral people for Agenda 21. Read more about Agenda 21, here:

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Visited by Bee and Ladybug After Visiting the Astral

Visited by Bee and Ladybug After Visiting the Astral

For some strange reason while on my spiritual journey BEES ARE MAD ATTRACTED TO ME: Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”30695″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I killed the poor lil thing (I was excitable after waking up, felt something crawling on me and went into mindless “protect” mode since I didn’t want it coming back, fucking with me – I had the windows down and my top off cause it was hottt!!!). I also had a ladybug as of recent today – Jan 24 2018 – visit me after taking my “spiritual bath” in the ocean: Animals convey a great deal

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Another Etheric Traveling Experience

Another Etheric Traveling Experience

Unfortunately, many people confuse the etheric realm with the astral when they are totally unrelated! That said, I had the most totally interesting, recent etheric projection which took place earlier! I placed some stones on some chakra points. After I did that, I recall seeing partially my etheric legs up in the air while I’m guessing my etheric head was lowered and I was seeing with my etheric eyes (all this was vivid). I then remember seeing – and hearing – in the etheric realm – a group of workers with the caltrans orange hats talk about “what to do

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