How The Netflix Film Bright REVEALS That The Antichrist Will Be The Savior To Blacks

How The Netflix Film Bright REVEALS That The Antichrist Will Be The Savior To Blacks

All yesterday, I kept seeing the number: “144” (even today I saw it). When I looked it up in numerology, by googling “144 numerology”, THIS STUCK OUT: I always knew I was born into this world with a special mission, a special purpose and it is – more and more now – becoming revealed to me which is why I have so many dark forces coming at me as I talk. I am not an ordinary person. I have always known this. And I have ALWAYS hated white people. I will explain to you why; it’s part of my life

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The White Jews Are Really Creole Jews Who Prove Black Americans Are The True Jews

The White Jews Are Really Creole Jews Who Prove Black Americans Are The True Jews

The Hebrew Israelites are gonna love this one… To prove my point, you need ONLY look at the people caught passing for black: Rachel Dolezeal:   She has a similar nose to mine… – I look like a fucking scheming evil demon bitch in this, lol! – I look like I am 12 here, maybe 21. Anyways, I wanna take the time out to say – I am one beautiful mofo! I am in Awe of Me: I love my flaws, my face, nose… EVERYTHING! I am sooo entranced with me – see, this why I won’t let any man

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I Wanna 187PC This Motherfucking Crakkkaroach

I Wanna 187PC This Motherfucking Crakkkaroach

I finally can write this! I BEEN wanting to put this mofo on blast! I wanna steal this bitch blood AND tissue-meat (so when I say “meat” WE HAVE NO CONFUSION where I am coming from) and… you know, I ain’t gonna even lower myself to drinking this bitch’s blood and eating his TISSUE-MEAT as I feel this organic robotoid crakkkaroach is too far beneath me to even be having me eat his blood and tissue-meat. THAT SAID (NOW I UNDERSTAND VERITAS AND WILL SEND WAVES OF VENGEANCE ON HER BEHALF HER WAY) IS TALKING ABOUT (GIRL, HOW COULD YOU

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Why White People TRULY Hate Black People

Why White People TRULY Hate Black People

As I said here, a looong time ago… White people are organic robotoids (your conventional “white”, really, creole jews – which I will explain later – are excluded from this), hence why they want OUR WOMBS (REFUSE THEM AND KILL THEM IF THEY ASK) BY REPRODUCING WITH US – THE SO CALLED “INFERIOR RACE” – SO THEIR TRULY INFERIOR ASSES CAN LIVE ON AND ASCEND WHEN WE PASS INTO THE 4D, 5D, 6D Dimension since their lower chakra asses DO NOT have the capability to ascend because they were created SPECFICALLY by the reptilians to suppress the SPIRITUAL talents

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The Demiurge Wants To Keep You From Becoming Your Own God

The Demiurge Wants To Keep You From Becoming Your Own God

These are facts! Yemaya, Oshun – the whole crew I am quite certain started out as little people like us then their legends grew over time as their acts got bigger after they died. That’s how people become Deified! Watch here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31108″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] To note, you can see a purple fairy represented as a “solar flare” on my right shoulder towards the bottom…

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Why I Am Supposed to NOT Get Involved In Relationships

Why I Am Supposed to NOT Get Involved In Relationships

Look at what the spirits tried to do to get my ass… pull me in quicksand cause I reveal shit about the Demiurge which you can see here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31099″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] …And I wouldn’t want to, either. The whole idea of them MADE ME SICK, EVEN AS A LITTLE CHILD! With that said… Here are some of the reasons I WOULD NOT – AM SUPPOSED TO NOT – get involved in relationships! Relationships are based in the root chakra; the root chakra is the lower part of yourself that keeps you connected to the Earth

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Manipulation and Harassment by Agents of the Archons

Manipulation and Harassment by Agents of the Archons

I’m gonna put this on notice. THIS: Is what’s been fucking with me (at least one or more of the problems) followed by this thing here: I believe they got my baby brother, Bryan, TRAPPED ON THE OTHERSIDE! I was told by a seer that he was in a 3 year old form (he died at 24) and THEY GOT HIM TRAPPED which I have myself seen in dreams and I heard his whimpering – a 3 year old’s voice – being held captive by those fucking black robed, executioner hat whispering mofos (I’ve heard their voice) over there, too.

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Freddy Krueger Exposes How Hollywood Capes for Child Rape and Sacrifice

Freddy Krueger Exposes How Hollywood Capes for Child Rape and Sacrifice

Okay, somehow, in our conventional culture – a “man” discovered to have been raping kids by neighbors has become an underground perennial favorite in, ironically, adolescent thug culture: I remember back even in my day Freddy was seen as a symbol of thuggness, revered underground just like Scarface and – back in the day – Trump before he became Mr. Trump! That said, this guy was an early child rape symbol for pizzagate. Let me explain. But first note the subliminal depictions in this scene that just SCREAMS illuminati and pizzagate: Here he is, in “Dream Child”, SERVING A FUCKING

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Los Angeles Sheriffs Has Undercover Spy Van Parked Across From Me

Los Angeles Sheriffs Has Undercover Spy Van Parked Across From Me

This was funny and I had noticed this: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31094″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here they are, from a distance: Here they are, up close: Here they are – appearing – the next night!   I had the strong psychic sense they were parking across from me to observe me. I no longer see them, but when they left, I heard a female say, “We can’t get anything on her.” LOL!

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