Cut men’s dicks off and stop the patriarchy is all I will say ??

Degenerate Meth Prostitute Gets Into A Fight With Me Over Calling Out Her Nasty Mexican Tricks For Sexual Harassment

Degenerate Meth Prostitute Gets Into A Fight With Me Over Calling Out Her Nasty Mexican Tricks For Sexual Harassment

I kept wondering why the David Lee Roth song, “Girls Girls Girls” kept playing in my head everytime I saw this meth-heaux….. Now I know why. Here the pick me ??‍♀️ bitch in ALL IT’S GLORY! – LOOKA THAT NASTAY ASS MOUTH! ? Ole yuk mouth ass bitch. She looked like she done sucked a thousand dicks at a truck stop. Here her license plate: Here her license plate, guys, esp. Messy-cans ????? Washington State (where they got all dem meth-tents lined up on the s(kr)eets of Seattle at) license plate number B0T0983! And here her van….. Go hit her

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I Was Astrally Called To Investigate The Kidnapping And Sex Trafficking of A Woman For Babies

I Was Astrally Called To Investigate The Kidnapping And Sex Trafficking of A Woman For Babies

No, Billy Zane, the actor from Titanic, is not doing this! It’s a mofo who apparently works at an airport who is doing this. Reminds me of this case right here involving this demon seed threatening this woman he raped that “She gonna have my baby.” Wetback Rapist Tells Rape Victim That She Will Have His Baby Men are some foul mofos. This is why I be saying what I say about em. I don’t like me. That’s why I said all the shit I said here about em….. Men Are Innate Predators I said not a fucking lie. Abd

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Wetback Rapist Tells Rape Victim That She Will Have His Baby

Wetback Rapist Tells Rape Victim That She Will Have His Baby

Only a demon seed…..   Here is the Youtube video to be able to see it better in case that at the top stops working….. In all honesty – Imma say this now – I hope he knew her cause, if not, that is some fucked up random shit to wanna steal a random stranger’s life and force them into “motherhood” with a basturd seed they don’t want. That is Ariel Castro shit. That is demon seed of Quetzalcoatl shit. And ya’ll say I’m lying…… Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians As can be gleaned from

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Pick Me Crakkka Nolan Ivanov Reveals The Innermost Workings of The Misogynist Mind of The Nice Guy

Pick Me Crakkka Nolan Ivanov Reveals The Innermost Workings of The Misogynist Mind of The Nice Guy

Now this fool sending (tiny) dick pics….. I told his ass I don’t have time for the back and forth and unless he plans to meet me to dance ???? I ain’t entertaining that….. But here his emails….. [email protected] [email protected] Since his lil dick ass is obviously lonely. Next Imma find his job! OOPS found it….. Might be him….. WHY mofos being doing this shit to themselves….. This bitch a NIMBY! I already saw the ‘woke ‘wokeing on one of em…. that group of crakkkas in the white mini- I don’t know wtf that is….. Rest in hell

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Could Actor Toby Bronson Have Kidnapped Raped And Murdered A Little 13 Year Old Girl?

Could Actor Toby Bronson Have Kidnapped Raped And Murdered A Little 13 Year Old Girl?

Full video here:   Best to read the article tho…. I told ya people who fuck with me are deliberately sent to me to become sacrifices….. HOLY SHIT I just realized something…. The Asshole Who Shot At Me Is A Hellyweird Child Sacrificing Actor Named Toby Bronson BEFORE I SAW THIS ASTRAL VISION I SAID THIS MOFO WAS A HELLYWEIRD CHILD SACRIFICING OCCULTIST MOFO….. FUCK how right I was! Daaaaammmmmmnnnn……. I said that shit to be facetitious but didn’t know it would be real! Damn…. That being said, this is why that mofo couldn’t hurt me (when I heard

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You Will Not Come Around Here And Treat Me Like I Am Some Sideshow Spectacle

You Will Not Come Around Here And Treat Me Like I Am Some Freakshow Spectacle

Oh yeah, these mofos here – this low self esteem ghetto low IQ nigger bitch and her wetback ass beau….. Bedwench Wants To Fight Me After Calling Out Her Wetback Fake Boyfriend Who Wolf Whistled At Me Well, they got ‘woked! Saw their asses living in a piece of shit car early this morning – had their belongings in there so I know they living in it – and he looked like he had AIDS (didn’t even recognise him) and I heard her last night saying, lamenting “You shoulda let me beat her.” Bitch, I oughta kill your ass! I

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Why Womben Need To Avoid Niggaz With The Baby Boy Mentality

Why Womben Need To Avoid Niggaz With The Baby Boy Mentality

This is why I am thankful that my friends have been gay men…. and even they can be on some shit….. This is a baby boy….. Black Ass Crip Gangmember Attempts To Rape Me And Attacks Dude This nigger is the type who hates women and esp. strong womben ?? – like me – but just “gotta be” around us to leech off our strenght, even trying to attack us in a rapist manner, just as these niggers leeched off they ma’s tithe aka tit ? Here another one….. You can see the misogyny and desire to control women seething

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I Know What The Fuck You Doin’ Motherfucker

I Know What The Fuck You Doin’ Motherfucker

Like I said here men are predators! Men Are Innate Predators This Is Why I Say That Men Are Innate Natural Predators I won’t let you think you can play me, fool me! I call ya asses OUT! The truth is the truth and that’s all that matters to me, like with here…..   See old basturd run (even the term basturd got misogynist connotations denoting that a man gotta claim a child for the child to be “legit” – womben and grrls we gotta re-christen it) when I pulled ‘dat weight ??‍♀️ And this mofo here – why he

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I Got PROOF That A Skeletal Archon Entity And A Demon of Lust Is Around Me Fucking With Me

I Got PROOF That A Skeletal Archon Entity And A Demon of Lust Are Around Me Fucking With Me

I love how I look I look so mad 90s… and I actually grew up in that era ✊? I got fucking proof….. I told you dumb ass dudes that the lust energy you are getting “from me” is not from my masculine ass but a demon trying to get you to fuck with me so I can ‘woke you then sacrifice you to terrible ass powers (then have you in hell when you die)….. Her name Virgaon, a demon of lust. When I searched it it came back to Asmodeus, a demon who also runs lust (many of these

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This Is Why I Say That Men Are Innate Natural Predators

This Is Why I Say That Men Are Innate Natural Predators

I am never wrong. Cause of my intuitive, psychic senses…. you can’t tell me shit cause I am always right! Cause of this….. As I was adjusting myself in my minivan I caught these half bred, looking like Wally Szczerbiak from the Minnesota Timberwolves and his darker skinned knee-grow pal jump up, anticipating see “the topless lady.” Instead they got a militant feminazi (yeah, call me that, niggaz) who called they asses out on their expression of male patriarchl misogyny…. and got the fuck right after ???? Then these mofos….. I SWEAR to the Goddess (Me) I heard them arguing

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