Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!
I oin play! Cue Juicy J ??????✨??? When I first saw it I was thinking SERIOUS of going to a law office to resolve it Glaad ✊??️? my ‘woke demons got thurr first, on his blood ?? ?? – He “Ghost Host” here…. Enjoy the sleepless nights, asshole lol! SAY IF HE RESTARTS ANOTHER CHANNEL SEND A LINK HERE AT [email protected] Thank you! – Hope ya go to hell breh, just like where I sent ya! ???? I profiled his ass here: Google Allows Google Employee To Steal Copyrighted Material And hea: Google Employee Creates Impersonation Channel Of Me To
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BITCH GOT FUCKING MICHELOEB IN THE CAR TALKING ABOUT HE LAPD: I gave this bitch fair warning after I told him to step the fuck back….. NOTE how he had to call me a “whore” – yeah I only fuck with men for money bitch and that’s only if I FEEL LIKE IT, IF I CHOOSE YOU! I define my sexuality so fuck you heaux cause you ain’t fucking me! Pissed off cause you think I got my titties out for you like so many of these dumb rancid ass bitches who think that. Heaux, I’m got em out
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He an ugly looking mofo: Bitch look like a Simpson’s character! THIS BITCH HERE: This ugly Elmer Fudd looking ass Farmer Joe sounding ass heaux right here ?? I remember when I first came to mofo Malibu hearing a seeming “disembodied” voice telling me to get out, leave Malibu, blah blah blah ad nauseam shit rinse wash repeat….. THAT WAS HIM! I would hear it all over with no discernible derivation. I recall going back as far as NY, when I was renting a room in the Bronx off of Castle Hill Ave. – I heard what sounded like
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I am sooo pooped from my astral travels….. I gotta defeat the shit that is holding me within, captive from opening up my crown….. That mofo and this bitch too….. That being said, Imma miss my good friend from Arkansas. I FORGOT to take a fucking pic with him – I forgot….. Damn! That said, there is REALLY SOMETHING STRAIGHT keeping me from advancing….. I was in the astral last night, “dreaming,” and I was in a large 7-11 to get some popcorn. I saw a white lady working there who looks like the lady who works at Autozone who
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Looking like I’m about to take a trip to the other side…. I would say that I am about 94.7% there but I can’t believe I am THERE. To think that I woulda sold off this life for a timeline of wealth and fame where I woulda been locked into a unfulfilling role of playing an image that I am not. That’s why I walked off this show: – Boy that brings back so many memories. I remember hating L.A. when they first flew me out here cause I was so used to the NY way of life. Now
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Imma curse your ass out: That being said, damn right I’m bitter and anti-social and am carrying a chip on my shoulder. I got the RIGHT after how people have treated me. People treat me like shit. Aftet that day when I got into that fight with that white dude (vid will be posted tomorrow) no one came to my aid. Yet nasty mofos wanna gawk and stare and expect me not to see deeply into their intentions, their souls. Eye ? Sea ? past mofos. I see deeply. I think deeper than most people. That’s why you can’t
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These people are cutee…. Before I begin though I wanna say wetbawks are some bad luck mofos…. I let a wetbawk for a change following me on insta-heaux and I had a bad fucking luck, fucking HORR-IBLE CASE OF DIARRHEA, A FUCKING SCRAP (WITH A CRAKKKA). As soon as I banished this bad luck mofo, diarrhea went away, overwhelming burdensome dark malevolent energy went away. I said them mofos are under a reptilian curse-connection and they are organic portals for they evil asses….. The Mexicans South Americans and Central Americans Are Under A Reptilian Curse *Imma say this too –
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I am one of those rare people who still retains their childhood innocence (which is a gift) while being hard as fuck, which is why I can deal with all the shit I have dealt with while still simultaneously being hurt easily – esp. when no one helps (witch ??♀️ is why I ‘woke folks who attack me as well as those who don’t – I just killed a man recently for that btw): Now that I think about it, I believe this is the archetype of the joker entity ? An entity that possesses the personality of a
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I have been hearing for awhile now that some false contractual deal was made with evil entities who won’t fucking let me go! I was a child in high school who merely hated her high school and just wanted to use the Grand Grimoire – not knowing what the fuck I was doing – to reverse back time and change what I had wrought on myself (looking back knowing what I know now – and after recently removing an entity that influenced folks to treat me unfairly even if I had been nice – I wonder how much influence maybe
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A few punches got this mofo knocked right ?? You gotta do that shit to all them reptilian possessed mofos to put them in they place: Reptilian Entities Have Been Attaching To Old Ugly Sexually Predatory Men To Get Sexual Energy Out of Me Sexual Predator Still Stalks Me Even Though I Whipped His Ass Then just as I predicted another rose up…. I chronicled the other mofo here….. Stalked By A Child Molestor That mofo wasn’t gonna stop! I had to get black on that wetback (and soon that crakkkazoid too) to make em understand.. Even after
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