Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!
Edit: Alot of people think this the bitch who did it; this whyte bytch! Years ago, back in 2009, a young black womyn went missing…. No, she wasn’t a Trayvon Martin, or another lil nigger thug (not saying Trayvon is) named Michael Brown who beat up on a store security clerk and somehow got the adulation (and well deserved jeers) of the public for being a lil nigger thug and causing a strong armed robbery and so thus causing his own demise…. No, she wasn’t any of these pieces of shit (saving Trayvon, cause in my mind’s eye
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This a pic of Oprah from the Color Purple side by side with a SOUTHEAST ASIAN WOMAN Tell me I’m lying…. Happy topless 4th of July!! Here are some pics of me during the 4th of July! Don’t I just look like I belong in a “bush”, lol! I just wanna take the time, the day out to say THANKS to this “great” country of ours, for lifting the land from up under our feet and doing what they did to us, which is deny our history as well as put us in chains AND
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