Society is shit and I expose it!
I did this video a while back… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29256″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] But because of Youtube’s RACIST censorship policies which you can read here these mofos forced me to place it here… That said, Clauneck the demon is a WONDERFUL demon to go to in times of money. Hell, this man in this blog here: …talks about the origins of The Great Clauneck the Demon as I further elaborated on in my video…
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HERE IN THE GOOGLE PLUS PROFILE YOU CAN SEE A POSSIBLE GOOGLE EMPLOYEE BOASTING OF EXTRICATING ALL OF MY CHANNELS… PERFECT EVIDENCE this is coming from Google YouTube as there are NO VIEWS yet these vids have already have DONVOTES and they weren’t even VIEWED YET: I never hacked this person or anyone’s account but this is this person’s rather “clever” way of admitting they did it for Google cause how else would they know that address unless they are a Google insider… Wow, what you are about to see down below ain’t even the tip of the iceberg… Note here it says that the amount they
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…After this same mofo called black women “gorillas” which you can see down below: Here is his google plus for anybody interested: Here is the video that got banned by youtube simply because some bedwench negroes didn’t like the truth that it extolled! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29243″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, here is why I can’t stand Christelyn Karazin. As can be seen in the video above – okay, let me make it clear – I myself have a natural attraction for white males (and NO I don’t want cluckerbeast as I call em coming on here
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Alright, the other day I saw these two scumbacks outside, looking in my direction – intently but as if they were “bothered” by my being topless (THEY LOOK LIKE TWO FEGS WHICH IS WHY I DO NOT LIKE THOSE PEOPLE) and so I responded by confronting them AND TAKING A PIC! That said, I don’t fuck around! I defend myself for the reason that I do because I HAVE BEEN BULLIED MY ENTIRE LIFE! I am seen as an outsider. I understand this! I understand that MOST OF THE WORLD IS FILLED WITH FUCKING IDIOTS, WHICH IS WHY I TREAT
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This nigga is a fucking punk (here are his pics and if anyone knows who he is let me know so I can get his ass on street level): I WAS TOLD HE ALWAYS WEARS THESE LOUD ASS SHOES: I’m gonna first preface by saying that someone driving in a speeding car quickly throwing water on somebody is a punk move akin to slashing someone’s tires, etc. This mofo threw water on me AFTER I literally RAN HIS ASS UP THE FUCKING STREET (he couldn’t face me face to face on street level SO LIKE A BITCH he speeds off
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HERE SHE IS RAPING JACOB: NOTE HER LACK OF PARENTING SKILLS (NOTE THE WINE BOTTLE IN THE BACKGROUND WITHIN THE BABY’S REACH)… Here are more screenshots… NOTE HOW UNKEMPT THAT CHILD’S HAIR IS while for her to have gotten her hair “did” must have ran into the $400’s considering mini braids like that take a loooonng time and THEY DO NOT COME CHEAP (this is knowledge from experience)… THE WHOLE TIME AS YOU CAN SEE BELOW: She was literally BEGGING for people to watch her while her 2 year old possibly (based on evidence
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Look at this shit here taken from #realzero ‘s instagram which you can see here: Need I say more??! Here is his instagram: Now, I did an article on him a while back which you can read here: and here: in which he voraciously and vociferously HARASSED ME for being black and natural haired as well as a strong woman on top of all of this, which you can see here: He even went so far as to COME TO MY NEIGHBORHOOD AND DROP THIS FLIER WHICH YOU CAN SEE BELOW: HE THREATENED ME AS YOU
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Are these two in love: Here is what he posted about Harvey Levin of TMZ on his instagram: Anyways, I put two and two together when I noticed “Trayvion Curtis” aka Tray Cutts of the New Millennium Barbershop located at: 684 S. La Brea Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036 (PH.: 323-592-3802), put in an ad on well known hooker – amongst other things – posting page, “Backpage,” seeking people to get their hair cut, etc., which you can see here: But how many “barbers” seek their clients out on Backpage? His homophobic rantings which you can see and read here:
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I remember this move here, one of the most beautiful (and my personal most auspicious) film which uniquely illustrated one of the very Truths of Life: “You can not have light without darkness and darkness without light.” – This is very true today and the very culture AND customs of Christianity show this. Every other SMART religion around the world highlights – and celebrates – the good and the bad in every deity, showing the dichotomy of human nature and acknowledging it in their Gods and Goddesses. Goddess Kali of Hinduism is one such example. That said, xtianity are the
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I always said I wasn’t human… I want you to look at the right eye (or from your perspective, the left) in the picture down below: Note the vertical shape, much like a cat’s pupil, which you can see below: Also, note the image of a cross “glistening” in the eye down below: When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe it, too. When I first took the picture, a feeling of “calmness” overcame me, like I was in “good hands.” I knew instinctively that the image would come out “weird,” and what you see up above is what
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