Society is shit and I expose it!
I didn’t have time to listen to that bitch’s BULLSHIT… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29408″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] She claimed they gave those people a 72 hour notice but if you watch the vid below the guy say they DIDN’T! I warn some other folks beforehand about LAPD coming to get them. I think it might be that Santilini bitch, I forgot her last name, who fucked with me back in 2013 and threatened to TAKE ME TO JAIL FOR DEFENDING (I SWEAR these cops are straight PREDATOR ENABLERS) MYSELF FROM A NIGGA WHO WAS SEXUALLY HARASSING ME… Anyways, this
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This is a fucking shame and it is cold hearted evil… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29400″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Imagine you give birth AFTER NINE FUCKING MONTHS and go through all that excruciating pain just to have someone STEAL YOUR KIDS FOR BEING HOMELESS!!! They don’t provide social programs (the ones they have are BULLSHIT and nothing more than profit revenue generating centres) to REALLY help the homeless (other countries – even “poor” ones like Cuba – make sure their people have the basic necessities like food and housing, etc.) yet they pull SHIT LIKE THIS (I almost feel it
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And that KARMA IS NOT FOR THE RIGHTEOUS, EITHER. Here is why… Here is the article: Here is another article listing a rundown of ALLLL his victims, including a lil black girl: And here is ANOTHER article where racist ass “DailyMailUK” is saying that “the only victim who matters” is the Vietnamese victim (poor thang got blinded by “Marky Mark”) AND NOT HIS NUMEROUS BLACK VICTIMS (incidentally he is the only one who has forgiven “Marky Wahlberg” – a Jew – for his crimes [wonder how much the illuminati paid/threatened him to “forgive him” since he didn’t before]
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Looka this shit here: Here a video so people CAN SEE it was in fact in the police station: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29392″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] LOL! Somebody done posted a mofo sigil in the restroom of the LAPD community police station. Anyways… as someone who has dealt in the occult at one time (Satanism for a hot brief minute cause of money issues) I can recognize that shit from anywhere: Here is a thaumaturgic triangle which – via certain methods, is used to summon up demons: And you wonder why Alcoholics Anonymous has a high relapse rate!
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Listen to this (get to maybe 7:55 at the end): Now you can hear an employee snickering on the other end of the line KNOWING my complaint won’t get taken seriously. I believe it will NOW! The more I come into my own power the more I realize (or at least come back to the knowledge) that IT IS MY DESTINY to help the downtrodden, helpess, needy, rejected (like me) – but, unlike most others, I wear that rejection as a proud badge of honour… Cause who would wanna be accepted by a society where up is down and right
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Look at this shit right here: AND HERE: I WISH THIS MAN GOD SPEED AND GOOD LUCK!! Here is the video I did stating my opinions on this: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29371″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I predicted EVERYTHING HERE: THESE BASTARDS are already citing the 25th amendment to “impeach Trump” which would require: “The 25th amendment details the procedure for replacing the president in the event of death, removal, resignation or incapacitation…” They’re gonna kill this man…
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Okay, I’M NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT but… Everytime I go on youtube esp. on the “conspiracy sites” that contain alot of deep knowledge esp. on the occult I find this: Here: Look at this fucking channel here, lol: …lol, these motherfuckerz are silly… Anyways, I am saying this to say that anyone who gives into the ANTI-JEW – NOT ANTI-ZIONIST – agenda are pushing for Armageddon to happen. I’ll explain why: Okay, back when I was in catholic school I was taught that one of the signs that would herald “The End of Days” was MAJOR PERSECUTION AND ELIMINATION OF THE
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Decoding the occultic meaning behind “The Fifth Element”… Where do I begin… Anyways, now that I am older and much more knowledgeable in the occult, let me go ahead and explore the MOST OBVIOUS SYMBOLISMS: Her body was enwrapped in a tomb – much like in ancient Egypt – which was guarded by a bronze sarcophagus who are known as guardians and protectors in ancient Egypt: And, the most notable… THE “FIFTH ELEMENT” BEING WOMBAN = PENTAGRAM: I have always said that the pentagram represents the Womb-an, the Fifth Element and the allusion to this female – funny they get
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Look at this ugly black BITCH: IT’S name is Maya Roseman (Obviously she married to a KHAZARIAN KIKKKE JEW – one of those natural hair obsessed SELF HATERS) who works at – among all others – Sony Pictures! Anyways I’m outing this BITCH cause the HELL-LIE-weird gangstalking is REAL AND IS IN FULL EFFECT (I caught this BITCH connecting ITSELF to my linkedin profile to which I promptly BLOCKED AS I DO WITH ANYBODY-THING ASSOCIATED WITH THAT INdustry). I believe this mk ultra young lady – Thalia Buitron – is the one putting all my shit OUT to these people
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Before pizzagate, there was “The Report from Iron Mountain”, which you can read about HERE: In which was reported to be a “satirical” look at what the governments should do in case “world peace breaks out” and it spoke of “blood price” aka BLOOD SACRIFICE and subtle slavery via “mass technology” which we are seeing now with the lamestream media in an attempt to subdue the masses on a last noticeable scale. Note this excerpt: Also, TO FURTHER SHOW IT IS REAL the guy who claimed he wrote it, Leonard Lewin, claimed he did it in 1972 YET DIAL
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