Society is shit and I expose it!
Okay, somehow, in our conventional culture – a “man” discovered to have been raping kids by neighbors has become an underground perennial favorite in, ironically, adolescent thug culture: I remember back even in my day Freddy was seen as a symbol of thuggness, revered underground just like Scarface and – back in the day – Trump before he became Mr. Trump! That said, this guy was an early child rape symbol for pizzagate. Let me explain. But first note the subliminal depictions in this scene that just SCREAMS illuminati and pizzagate: Here he is, in “Dream Child”, SERVING A FUCKING
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This was funny and I had noticed this: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31094″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here they are, from a distance: Here they are, up close: Here they are – appearing – the next night! I had the strong psychic sense they were parking across from me to observe me. I no longer see them, but when they left, I heard a female say, “We can’t get anything on her.” LOL!
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I go into detail in these two vids… Buy my vid here [purchase_link id=”31084″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Buy my vid here [purchase_link id=”31088″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]
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*This DOES NOT apply to the melanated black men – THIS IS REGARDING THE CRAKKKAROACH MALES WHO STARTED IT which I discuss here: That said, I’ve been doing alot of thinking on this. This is about womb envy, the envy over the womban’s ability to CREATE LIFE! This did not start with the black man but with WHITE MALES who feared losing their womban to the more masculine black men (peep this table to see that white “men” HAVE THE SAME BONE DENSITY AS BLACK WOMEN, LOL: ) due to fear of WHITE GENETIC ANNHILATION, which the Great
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– Now, why they censor her BITING OFF A DICK but show dick sucking = male entitlement THIS SHIT MAKE ME WANNA BITE A DICK OFF; turn the dick into a hotdog, balls into = buns and blood = ketchup (I already drink that shit and show how it can be turned into a spiritual elixir: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31080″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, I came up with this today ever since being in an emotionally heated state, like I wanna KILL SOMEONE, just thinking of all the male entitlement, fucked up things in the world –
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As I said before, as I said here: And here: YOU DON’T GET AS MUCH HATE, COURT CASES AS I DO – FOR NOTHING – unless you are someone special who is in the world to do something BIG AND GOOD! I won’t go into too many details but for the past two days I had visions, flashes of the Rothschilds where in one I just saw myself trying to warn others and I saw – as I visaged – how the Rothschilds started out – very small but they made deals with these ugly reptilian, blacm creatures
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I was originally gonna post this on my other site behind the spiritual dangers of doing weed which I talk about here: But this turned out to be something more – hence why I posted here so if the beginning seems off, just know what I meant to write about π Anything that puts you in a different state of mind AIN’T GOOD and what I mean by that is anything ARTIFICIAL! Artificial stimulators/ depressors like drugs, etc. OF WHICH MARIJUANA IS INCLUDED can put the mind in a different state AS A RESULT OF INDUCING TRAUMA THROUGH ARTIFICIAL
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HOLY SHIT, BOTH THE VIDS I POSTED OF HIM HERE END IN “33” LIKE THEY BOTH LAST FOR APPROX. 33 MINS: The dude I’m about to talk about in this article looks like 90s singer, Mya (the mouth real similar): Excuse me while I start off writing this in my car… – Always gotta start an article off with some BUSH like I did in the last two articles – lol! Anyways – and I am a GREAT student of observation – I noticed not too long after I wrote THIS article here: Lo and behold this nigga STOPS
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I can’t help but to marvel at myself… I am just BEAYOOTIFUL ALLL OVER including here… I love my bush! That said, I can’t help but notice that I look like a veritable shapeshifter in these pics (I kinda look like Scarlett Johansson in em)… – Those don’t even hold a candle to THESE (I LOOK LIKE A DIFFERENT PERSON, EXOTIC, ETHIOPIAN LOOKING) – I got my mama’s eyes. I’m sorry but… I LOOK LIKE A WHOLE DIFFERENT PERSON (The last ones in the dark are my favs.). – AND I WEAR NO MAKEUP AND LIVE OUTTA MY FUCKING CAR!
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For years people been saying that mug got RAPED when he was a child (I won’t him “mofo” out of respect cause of what he’s endured). I kinda believe he may not have been raped by Michael Jackson (who was on some weird MK Ultra, re-living his lost youth himself) given how vehemently he denied it (it coulda been a defense mechanism of denial to save what little he has of his sanity) but I sense he would still send behavioral cues giving SOMETHING AWAY! That said, look at his new video, “Bunny Ears”: The lyrics are FUCKED UP! He
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