My lyfe is interesting…. you’ll see ?️?️?️

Beaner Bag ILLEGAL Fruit Seller Talks Shit About Me Then Gaslights When I Confront

Beaner Bag ILLEGAL Fruit Seller Talks Shit About Me Then Gaslights When I Confront

Before I show you the video make sure to call ICE at: 1-866-347-2423 to report his ass (cause we all know he illegal) and get his ass deported out the country! That said his facial expressions reveal he is lying…..   That said I don’t know why stupid people who are beneath me in terms of intelligence and consciousness think they can fool me with gaslighting given that I am psychic, highly intuitive, perceptive with really good hearing…. ??‍♀️ I don’t understand it. I don’t like this mofo. Ever since he first came here (I been here LONGER AND AM

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Moving Closer To Defeating The Demiurge

Moving Closer To Defeating The Demiurge

This is the thing that controls the local homeless people out here in possesses them….   That orb….. I’ve touched on this before….. I Gotta Watch These Strong Psychic Homeless MK Ultra Mofos Man Shadow Man Hat Man And Yellow Eyed Entity Spotted IN My Car Plus Gangstalking By Other Homeless People Homeless Gangstalkers Get ‘Woked That said I am getting closer to defeating it…..   I was lead to read more on the “eye of Sauron” which is analogous and looks alot like the all seeing eye I see when battling it in the astral….. Touched on it here…..

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An Ankh Found In Mexico Proves That There Is A Link Between Ancient Egyptians And Certain Mexicans

An Ankh Found In Mexico Proves That There Is A Link Between Ancient Egyptians And Certain Mexicans

I be on to shit….. You can see certain resemblances….. That said, I touched on this here: The Difference Between Hebrew, Moor and Egyptian Black Americans I have said it before…. you got certain Mexicans who look Egyptian I swear up and down…… NOTICE that the only one to defend this post was a dude who looks like EXACTLY what I am referring to when I say certain Mexicans look ancient Egyptian….. Also NOTE fucking ig blocked me when I tried to ask him to elaborate on the know-ledge he was trying to spill…. The rest of them racist mofos

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Reptilians and Archons Changing Your Timelines For Worse and How To Change It BACK

Reptilians and Archons Changing Your Timelines For Worse and How To Change It BACK

It all started when I saw $1.33 being donated to me by a tow truck driver I am cool with in the astral…… Saw it in my list of Youtube subs a week ago….. SAW IT JUST NOW…. on Youtube again in one of my playlists…. Yesterday I saw all sorts of spiritual numerological signs like 22:02 here: …..Mofo JUST HAD to be right next to a dinosaur….. with a #6 = material realm in numerology! What’s crazy is for the experiment I just so happened to pick up a towel with dinosaur patterns…… Along with one showing ghosts in

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Breaking Free of The Demiurge Contract To Be The Angel of Death And How You Can Do It Too

Breaking Free of The Demiurge Contract To Be The Angel of Death And How You Can Do It Too

Actually, I liked more like this as the angel of death….. The crazy thing is….. I been working on something now and guess who popped up to disract from my great work….. Also, 888 popped up while making this video: …..Cause I’m smart, I put two and two together and it all makes sense….   All these visions I had of being Abaddon made perfect sense….. Raven Masterson Named Abaddon In A Dream Spiritual Confirmation That I Am Abaddon I wasn’t even thinking of it….. Makes sense why even going back to when I was a little child shit around

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Astral Projection Shows Female Reptilian Out of Jealousy Is Holding Me Back

Astral Projection Shows Female Reptilian Out of Jealousy Is Holding Me Back

This shit was crazy….. I saw all sorts of shit. I astral projected last night. While in the astral realm I saw folks in tuxedos invading the white house and having a “party” by tearing down monuments and statues – including the a statue of Abraham Lincoln. I saw the secret service, military and security guards trying to corral em back. I then was taken to a realm in my old childhood home where I was told a female reptilian that looked like this (surprisingly I could NOT find the dinosaur she resembled): JUST. LIKE. THAT. was jealous of me

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Angels Are Demons and The Bible Proves It

Angels Are Demons and The Bible Proves It

The film called Legion with Dennis Quaid was trying to tell you all something: Here another abomination….. This supposed to be how heaven looks like and the sound someone heard from it: That shit sounds and looks demonic, huh!? Everytime I get closer to fighting the demiurge aka god’s demonic kingdom I see walls with the all seeing eye! Most folks know that the all seeing eye is demonic and associated with freemasonry. Well, look at all them eyes on your favourite demons, oops I mean angels which merely means messenger in Greek: Here is re-ligious symbolism proving god the

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This Is How These Evil Fucking Entities Set Up Traps For Your Downfall

This Is How These Evil Fucking Entities Set Up Traps For Your Downfall

I am so happy this shit is reaching so many people ??‍♀️ I am glad I ain’t one of those fake more than likely reptilian controlled “peace and love and light” hippie hipster faggot fake enlightened assholes who like to pretty up the truth if they even tell it and tell ya’ll the raw and ugly truth of how to fight this matrix system and stay as free as possible! By doing so it gives folks a better picture of what to fight and thus how to fight it….. That said the other day I talked about how on here

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I Gotta Get Rid of This Car

I Gotta Get Rid of This Car

This mofo – as seen thru my third eye – got beaucoup spirits on it! I believe this happened cause in my less cognizant days before I knew my power I prayed to some gods in desperation for this pos and…. note the three 6’s…… I think it makes sense with all the shit I been enduring and saw in the astral as explained here:   These mofos create extraordinary toxic synchronicities and can infect you so deeply that it’ll have your ass running to crakkka christ aka cesare borgia aka the image of the beast, which is exactly what

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As I Fight Off The Archons They Gang Up With Matrix Gods To Hit Me With An Alcohol Urge

As I Fight Off The Archons They Gang Up With Matrix Gods To Hit Me With An Alcohol Urge

….like no other…… I am so pissed off (they feed off of that). I was thriving, doing WELL after cutting off them tricks and then the fucking archons hit me with alcohol urges that were. THE WORST! I ever endured! On Thursday night – after cutting off the two toxic tricks – I did energy work on myself to remove this entity that seems to have imposed itself – it looks like the king of swords of the tarot deck: Right after fighting it, I fell asleep (it’s a stubborn mofo to get out)! I was then in a cave

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