How to be crazy and live lyfe – like me!
That’s why I keep my distance! ICE ICE baby! YEAHHHH! I saw what I said here: Bedwench Wants To Fight Me After Calling Out Her Wetback Fake Boyfriend Who Wolf Whistled At Me Here (looka how he capes for wetbacks as they talk shit on us as we call em out): Calling Out Self Hating Kneegroes Who Defend Wetbacks Who Attack Other Blacks And the other night, here: I find that, like in these two cases, blacks who associate deeply with wetbacks take on their demonic satanic saturnian energy signature as can be explained here: Mexicans and South Americans Resonate
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While drawing this here….. I noted this all seeing REPTILIAN eye that stayed even well into the final version: Not just that I see a woman trapped in his belly with a reptilian connected to the side of her mouth which is the cause of my urges…. Damn! No wonder they say the belly of the beast! This connotes to the fact that a reptilian sent this mofo my way….. It goes back to how they put a stranglehold on my money to force me into satanism and then…. to that! THAT was the creature that I would hear making
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Someone need to do something about this girl in this rv’s dog here….. Everytime someone passes that violent ass dog be ready to attack and sometimes his ass ain’t on a leash posing a health hazard…. The other day I saw an angel appear on my window….. As I have said before beings have a way of manipulating 3D light and shadow to appear before us….. It also looks like a young lady wearing a jetpack….. Future visitor? Reminds me of this pic taken in the 70s of this time traveler who would not be able to get picked
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Since wetbacks are involved I must preface this post by saying: make sure to call ICE at 1-866-347-2423 to report their illegal asses (cause we all know they illegal) and operating in OUR country illegally ??? Here is a good example right here….. Calling me all sorts of monkies (they were pulling that before I even got the shirt or calling them creatures wetbacks which is what set me off on despising and then discovering these demon seed’s true natures which I have revealed to the world) but pretending to be nice when I fight back. As I revealed
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Anyways, I don’t like to get into petty fights with low vibratory ass, uneducated ass (about true spirituality) wannabe kitchen witch occultists/trendy new (c)age spiritualists – but I gotta say something about this fool cause e-vile spirits, in an effort to recapture me back into the wheel of samsara aka the realm of the demiurge soul wise (by recreating a karmic debt/contract) has this lil coke bottled glasses wearing gnat fly named BartmanhomerThe7th – he an African and I wonder if he the one who caused me the hip pain (I now think it’s from working out AND plus the
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Actually, I liked more like this as the angel of death….. The crazy thing is….. I been working on something now and guess who popped up to disract from my great work….. Also, 888 popped up while making this video: …..Cause I’m smart, I put two and two together and it all makes sense…. All these visions I had of being Abaddon made perfect sense….. Raven Masterson Named Abaddon In A Dream Spiritual Confirmation That I Am Abaddon I wasn’t even thinking of it….. Makes sense why even going back to when I was a little child shit around
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This shit was crazy….. I saw all sorts of shit. I astral projected last night. While in the astral realm I saw folks in tuxedos invading the white house and having a “party” by tearing down monuments and statues – including the a statue of Abraham Lincoln. I saw the secret service, military and security guards trying to corral em back. I then was taken to a realm in my old childhood home where I was told a female reptilian that looked like this (surprisingly I could NOT find the dinosaur she resembled): JUST. LIKE. THAT. was jealous of me
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I am so happy this shit is reaching so many people ??♀️ I am glad I ain’t one of those fake more than likely reptilian controlled “peace and love and light” hippie hipster faggot fake enlightened assholes who like to pretty up the truth if they even tell it and tell ya’ll the raw and ugly truth of how to fight this matrix system and stay as free as possible! By doing so it gives folks a better picture of what to fight and thus how to fight it….. That said the other day I talked about how on here
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….like no other…… I am so pissed off (they feed off of that). I was thriving, doing WELL after cutting off them tricks and then the fucking archons hit me with alcohol urges that were. THE WORST! I ever endured! On Thursday night – after cutting off the two toxic tricks – I did energy work on myself to remove this entity that seems to have imposed itself – it looks like the king of swords of the tarot deck: Right after fighting it, I fell asleep (it’s a stubborn mofo to get out)! I was then in a cave
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On a side note, before I begin….. I found Tom Berenger’s Messy-can cousin….. You know your country FAWKED-UP anytime you gotta take orders from another country to arrest your so-called “defense minister”: Looka how they had him, uniform all loose fitting – soooo unprofessional….. LOL looka what this article here is next to: ….How that “defend the police” shit going on, dumbasses….. ….That niqqa tallllll……. Ya’ll looka his son: you got this dude, looking like Sgt Barnes (probably cause of all the times the cartels kidnapped him) and his son a fabreige egg: – You can see that military dude
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