I call em politrickians for a reason…. look up pizzagate: https://toplessinla.org/2018/01/07/pizzagate-illuminati-rape-of-children-exposed-with-proof-in-pictures/
HOLY SHIT when uploading this to youtube youtube put the vid on “private”, instantly: At the end of the year the spirit world always sends me messages….. 2008 saw fungi on an orange take the form of a world map: The next year…. 2019 a bowl of soup took the form of Africa: Well, this recent one, I may just very well be the antichrist and it’ll be after a series of natural disasters towards the end term of Biden’s presidency: I warned ya’ll…… Astral Vision Shows Biden Will Kick Start A War In Two Years That Will Lead To
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This video came out WAYYYY before smartphones existed – amongst the general population! Look at how in one of the pics she holds it up to her ear like she is talking like one would do with a smartphone… Why would she do that if it wasn’t a smartphone…. You can watch the video in it’s entirety here…. That said, let’s talking about cloning…. The one on the right is Christina Millian and the other is Lark Voorhees aka Lisa Turtle of “Saved By The Bell.” That said, Lark Voorhees has suffered “mental illness” aka split personality for a long
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….Annnnddd (in an attempt to be whyte) this creature demon seeds straight from the abyss of hell got nerve to talk about blacks…. Bunch of (rapist) race of degenerates, pedophiles – again, peep these things EXCEL at raping ayeeeee – thieves… their degeneracy knows no bounds…. – Just one look at that face PROVES he did it for me loool…… – Lol even the police union didn’t wanna represent him looool! This nigga here look like he should be in Danny Trejo pictures. If that ain’t a hardened face I dunno what is…. He brought the Quetzalcoatl out on his
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How do you like my border patrol t-shirt? Here is what happened when I wore it along with more pics – and my day – spent wearing my border patrol tee ????? It’a funny. My spirit animal is an eagle ??? Maybe I was born for greater things…. – PS the guy at the end was an ITALIAN! Italians have always been nice. The men were always nice to me and would defend me from sexual harassment, would never put hands on me as men shouldn’t do, something that WETBACKS have a foul demonic cult-ure of doing…. I saw
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THIS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS! That lil strip IS NOT MEANT TO BE A PLACE FOR OVERNIGHT FUCKING PARKING! It’s mad unsafe! Just now I heard a wetbuck couple arguing, bickering, physically fighting….. All this shit started with these fucking serial killers, looking for a more “desolate” place to kill and torture they victims – except I’M HERE ??♀️ They strike me as curmudgeon psychopaths who wanna and feel entitled to do what the fuck ever, including kill people. I can STRONGLY sense they got an antipathetic attitude. I Think The Dial A Ride Van People Are Serial Killers The
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This guy describes it….. Facebook tries to suppress ANY conversation over it…. This is what they are trying to suppress – these are stills taken from the vids (it was a series of em)….. They essentially skin and tortured alive these kids….. All this came up in discussions I had with a very nice gentleman recently who described seeing one of the vids where lil African baby girls were placed on a dresser drawer and had their faces filleted like fucking fish….. This was one of the scenes described by ole dude above: These mofos are even trying
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I had an astral vision awhile back in which I saw a future – it was far far into the future like 2539 – where EVERYONE was bunched into the cities, living piled up on top of each other like sardines: Pregnancy Dreams And Realizing Who I Truly Am That’s Agenda 21. – What I saw looked like THAT but the apartments were square room cubicles painted white. I WARNED YOU ALL by telling you all of a natal chart that I saw back in 1999 that used to be what was once called about.com where it showed via my
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Why would a hetero man shoot at a fine, gorgeous “female” like Megan unless….. – I’m sorry, but I can see the man in the face and this has NOTHING to do with stereotypes of how females should look based on the patriarchal view of toxic femininity! …..Unless it’s a man! Like Real Mag Truth says, “That’s a tranformaaaa.” “More than meets the eye”….. I actually find this to be quite a turn on ??✏? That being said, I am all for trans rights but you gotta understand that certain societies, cult-ures, esp. blacks and latins, are very fucking homophobic,
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I think ole dude is dead. Ever since that fight last week, I don’t think he here. Based on his locale – and the fact that he was constantly, ALL THE TIME DRUNK – I surmise he fell into that canyon here and never madd it back. Now that I think of it I saw his ghost running thru the forest in that EXACT area the other morning….. It’s sad! He told me that this gas station here: Diss Patrick’s Roadhouse: I’m a nut! Lol I was lit AZZ ALL FAWK (off alcohol) that day ?? NOW, he admits it
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If he was anywhere near me I’d knock the fuck out of him: Basically it was over a video involving a dutch black woman and her two nieces who got harassed by the police over there and this asshole was trying to make out like this ain’t about racism, it’s about the NWO trying to divide and conquer blah blah blah (a usual deflection tactic by RACIST) even tho racism long existed way before some fucking illuminati was ever invented: Looka the tags to see what I mean….. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEXJdAnRAd/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/tv/CBEf-xbnn48/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Fuck outta here! This BITCH decided to flag bomb my
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