I will be calling men “dick demons” from now on…..

I believe it is time to have a serious conversation on men and what we must do with them. Men are a threat to the planet and womynkind and the Divine Feminine and must be eliminated.

Thereby I will be looking to the methods utilised by the late great serial killer, Aileen Wuornos and famed dick cutter Lorena Bobbitt on how to deal with these dick demons….

LA County Courthouse Issues Warrants For Cases I HAVE ALREADY BEEN TRIED AND CONVICTED FOR

LA County Courthouse Issues Warrants For Cases I HAVE ALREADY BEEN TRIED AND CONVICTED FOR

IF THIS IS NOT EVIDENCE OF GANGSTALKING and going after a person who is a REAL THREAT (You can tell cause they trying to run me off of youtube AND ONLINE: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/15/google-is-putting-maleware-on-to-my-personal-site-so-people-wont-read-it/ and here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/10/17/google-is-so-intimidated-by-me-they-are-now-sending-fake-pro-black-government-shills-to-shut-down-my-site/ ) LISTEN TO THE LADY HERE SAY THAT IT WAS ONLY FOR 2 CASES Which you can look up right here: #7VW0806701 and #7VW08139 and you can go here to look up the two cases: http://www.lacourt.org/criminalcalendar/ui/ THAT SAID, you can hear the lady on the tape say that it was for 2 CASES (I recall the sheriff saying, “4” which I believe you can hear

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Inadvertent Alchemy Leads To Turning Fermented Urine Into Blood By Mixing Sage Ashes

Inadvertent Alchemy Leads To Turning Fermented Urine Into Blood By Mixing Sage Ashes

I had to do a standalone article on this here. While using my fermented urine = ammonia to cleanse my spiritual jewelry, I placed sage ash to cleanse it more and make it sacred thereby giving rise to this: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/28/using-urine-aka-ammonia-to-clean-spiritual-jewelry/ – Note, the jewelry I soaked IN THE URINE had copper, a main ingredient in alchemy! Blood was the inadvertent result. No, from what I recall, I did not taste it or drunk it so I don’t know how it tasted but… This is straight up alchemy I guess!

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Using Urine AKA Ammonia To Clean Spiritual Jewelry

Using Urine AKA Ammonia To Clean Spiritual Jewelry

I ONLY DO THIS WITH MY OWN PERSONAL JEWELRY WHICH I WEAR!!! That said, ammonia comes from urine: why not use your own preferably FERMENTED (that is how urine turns into ammonia) urine? I show you what to do, here: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29900″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] And here: AND how it ALLLL turned out! I also did a lil bit of alchemy and combined the urine WITH sage, and here is what happened: …It came out looking (but not tasting) like blood, unfortunately!!! Amun: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amun

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Nosey Bitches Calls The Cops To Fuck With Me LAPD DISSES THEIR ASSES

Nosey Bitches Calls The Cops To Fuck With Me LAPD DISSES THEIR ASSES

Let me get this DUMB SHIT out the way cause I got more IMPORTANT spiritual shit to expose. Anyways, what was it? Friday night, people at this house here: Were talking shit while I was talking with an acquainteance over the phone. That said, as soon as I came over and CONFRONTED the two sister LORD ASSES, they became quiet as church mouses and ran back inside, asking me some stupid shit like, “Do you need help” AFTER BEING CONFRONTED! This ain’t the first time some shit like this has happened (I recall someone from atop the building at “public

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Los Angeles Malibu Sheriffs Tell Me I Got Warrants for Court Cases I ALREADY GOT CONVICTIONS FOR

Los Angeles Malibu Sheriffs Tell Me I Got Warrants for Court Cases I ALREADY GOT CONVICTIONS FOR

How crooked is this??? Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29873″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, I feel like on a SPIRITUAL TIP THESE BITCHES deliberately do this to THROW ME OFF COURSE so I won’t focus on my inner self and thus, my life mission! They are DIVERSIONARY OBSTACLES MEANT TO THROW ME OFF COURSE! As you can hear in the video, I ALREADY went to court for these – been tried AND convicted – and they mention 4 AND NOT THE SOLE 1 they put on the “cite out” form – so why are they producing “warrants” for shit I

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Vision of An Older Russian Spirit Rape Victim Who Can’t Rest

Vision of An Older Russian Spirit Rape Victim Who Can’t Rest

While sleeping out in my car in beautiful Malibu – I had the following vision… Here are some pictures of orbs… That looks like an angel and here it is up close… Here is one of a yellow orb. This is not the first time I have seen this orb and out here. That said, here it is lying on the ground. Based on where this is and how THICK IT IS DIMEMSIONALLY YOU KNOW THIS ISN’T NO SUN RAY!   Here’s a prettier and BETTER picture: Last night, I “dreamed” I somehow moved onto a cargo ship to work

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Los Angeles Sheriffs STRAIGHT Harassing Me For Searching For Incriminating Documents Regarding Deputy Konrad Thieme

Los Angeles Sheriffs STRAIGHT Harassing Me For Searching For Incriminating Documents Regarding Deputy Konrad Thieme

This some straight BS right here – I am at a LOSS for words… Basically, as you can hear in the tapes, these bastards FOLLOWED ME AROUND the courthouse ALLL yesterday after I left to get a hotdog (I realized I didn’t have enough money so I went back in to use the ATM) after waiting for about an hour I recall to acquire some documents from the City Attorney’s office on the 10th fl at the Van Nuys courthouse… Note here, my Ankh was standing up, letting me know the ancestors (Ra) was around… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29691″

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LAPD Refuses To Follow Protocol and Take My Vandalism Report

In another case of full on straight up discrimination against me by LAPD, as you can hear in the recordings below, in particular the 5 minute one where they claim they are not supposed to send out a unit and then the where they said they did and you can hear in the that they NEVER SENT ANYONE: …they are refusing to properly handle a vandalism case because it involves me and because of a petty bias which they have against me.

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