Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
Anyways, I don’t like to get into petty fights with low vibratory ass, uneducated ass (about true spirituality) wannabe kitchen witch occultists/trendy new (c)age spiritualists – but I gotta say something about this fool cause e-vile spirits, in an effort to recapture me back into the wheel of samsara aka the realm of the demiurge soul wise (by recreating a karmic debt/contract) has this lil coke bottled glasses wearing gnat fly named BartmanhomerThe7th – he an African and I wonder if he the one who caused me the hip pain (I now think it’s from working out AND plus the
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I want to preface this by saying….. If you see an illegal wetback please do not hesitate to call I.C.E. at 1-866-347-2423! Speaking of which I can’t wait to get my I.C.E. shirt tomorrow…. ???✨???? I.C.E. I.C.E. baby ????? YEEEEAHHHH Anyways, I remember how these mofos stay calling the police on me (while I call I.C.E. on them ?????), sending tow trucks to snatch my car (Eye see ?) while their illegal asses operate illegally without a permit I heard: This Is Why Blacks Are Justifiably Beating On These Illegal Mexican Vendors Well, they got ‘woked: Don’t play with
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I’m about to put sum ‘woke on these kneegrows…. ‘Woke em back to segregation…. And the fuck away from me….. Anyways, I played 4000hz frequency (over 6k hz frequency) to see if 4k hz frequency will run out niggers as it does wetbacks….. ….And it did! But the crakkka serial killer/rapist still remains! I saw him cavorting with a family of wetbacks – same mug who was low key saying “go” early but acted like he was saying “no” and directing it towards his anchor basturd – later on while on the beach: With that being said
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Smdh! ??♀️ Aside from the New World Order “Go inside but get your order outside for your safety” irony at the beginning of the video….. I couldn’t help but notice that female clothes are made for the male stare while men’s clothes are created androgynously (which is why I shop in their department while looking for clothes). This subtlety in misogyny really tees me off…. It pushes rape culture by perpetuating the notion that women only exists to be mere sex toys for men’s amusement and not feeling, thinking autonomous beings with our own thoughts and emotions who exist
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…… They’re mad cause I overpowered my demons that manifested in the form of addiction (mainly for alkie-hole) and now I’m whole and they got holes in their aura. Keep your hell to yourself! Don’t project that toxic shit ? on me! Also, ole boi here – Sean – does and sells drugs….. I’m out!
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That caption on the bottom right pisses me off ??♀️ Damn I rhymned lol…… This shit is designed to make the market crash since, the whole objective is to cause of this gamestop stock buyup psyop is to destroy the said hedge funds which the newspapers are saying can lead to a crash…… All this dumb shit – I mean you all are just enriching the system by fueling a big corp that is apart of that system using “stimmy funds” given by the same government that this whole bull is meant to undermine which will do nothing to stop
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Imma start prefacing this on ALL articles pertaining to wetbacks….. If you see an illegal immigrant (wetback) please report them to I.C.E. at 1-866-347-2423 and get their asses out OUR country ✊?????? Listen! It all makes sense…. Read these for primers….. I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians This right here confirms it….. I’ve Seen The Oversoul For The Wetbuck And It IS The Devil
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LOL! Everybody hates them things I conjecture. Good! ?? The conversations here are HI-Larious ?? This came right om the heels of after a wetback said I can’t do ayahuasca cause I don’t like wetbacks, trying to say it is an “indian” and them thingz are indian….. LOL! Where do I start with regards to tearing that lie apart….. There is a Youtube channel that I stumbled upon, that I am subscribed to called Kurimeo Ahau who BREAKS THIS SHIT that blacks ARE the true indigenious: https://youtube.com/c/KurimeoAhau Look! This what I am referring to everytime the wetbacks wanna claim that
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???? The pics in the vid don’t do em justice….. Check out my gallery here: – They gonna keep growing cause my creative juices keep flowing….. ??? *Click the lil circle thing in the gallery as I am gonna keep creating so keep refreshing it to see new works ??
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I just wanna preface by saying that I am looking SOOOO forward to getting my two ICE shirts…… I just made the order and they have been promptly sent! I plan to place the name of my website: Toplessinla.org in hotpink so more mofos can see who they are dealing with in me…. That said if you all see this built like a beaner bag beaner walking around…. illegally…… WHYYY all these mofos look like the fucking rock monster from Neverending Story….. Last week it was this wetback here who called the police on me cause I wouldn’t say hi
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