Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
This what his ASS do on the job… Faggot. Or shall I say, fahjay (my word for FAGGOT)! – Bet he ain’t as fine as that dude, too. After calling out some crakkkaroaches from the great state of LOSER-ana (my home state unfortunately) after hearing them talk shit (I have telepathy and I can hear into thd spirit world)… This Los Angeles FAGGOT RANGER drove past reeeal quick like the cowardly ass crakkka he is and told me to put on a shirt which you can hear, here: [purchase_link id=”31500″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This me just blabbering, here… That said,
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It was nothing to dance about… – THIS WAS DONE FAR AWAY FROM PEOPLE IN THE FAR BACKWOODS OF MALIBU! Anyways, again, take the time to thank your Lord and Saviour, Antichrist Raven for being born on this day (May 14, 1983) so I can bring you this day: Drinking urine with sage leaves… That said, here the dumb shit I really did (I didn’t do shit): Went to get my mail topless: Asked the LAPD at Wilshire for a hug while topless: [purchase_link id=”31480″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] And bothered the poor lil sheriffs here for I don’t know what
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Years ago my lil baby brother committed suicide due to pharmaceutical drugs… He didn’t need it. It caused him to hear bad entities do because it is legalized meth. Think about it? When you take shit benadryl or even usd cosmetics which have urine in em (you can just use your own urine), they have all that shit in there like phorosphorus fermeldahyde and all that crazy. THAT’S NO DIFFERENT THAN METH WITH ALL THOSE CHEMICALS! Listen: [purchase_link id=”31474″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Now that I think of it adderall IS legalized meth, MADE BY BIG PHARMA: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/7bdabb/a-neuroscientist-explains-how-he-found-out-meth-is-almost-identical-to-adderall – Notice on
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I did some pondering as to WHY would spirits incarnate on this hellhole while having heaven – literally – in the “afterlife” which is literally the astral. See, in the afterlife, you can create whatever you want: houses, mansions, fast cars – anything you wish. That is because in the astral aka “afterlife” EVERYTHING IS THOUGHT! The less dense it is and the more spiritual it is the more you can conjure things up in a split second and – bam – all your material needs are met! No need to work hard and that is the KEY to what
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What I did was get LIT ya’ll like I did here… [purchase_link id=”31469″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] – I don’t think this apart of it but fuck it! With sage… ? That said, before you go any further, I want you all to take the time out to praise the Antichrist and all the things I have/and will do for your Earth and Ascension… Just like JFK. BTW That’s me and my family when I was a baby. I was loved… Anyways, it’s too many fucking pictures and vids so I just put all that shit in a gallery (some maybe
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Watch the video here… [purchase_link id=”31463″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] But here are the primary links to what I am talking about: https://toplessinla.org/2018/03/03/the-real-reason-why-this-world-hates-women/ https://toplessinla.org/2018/05/30/raven-masterson-is-satan/ One thing I will say is she is highly intelligent (she has a yellow aura at the crown chakra but black and brown due to trauma on the rest of her aura) but I will say they got you under spells and I explain how it works here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/19/the-spiritual-reasons-behind-why-sellebrities-like-beyonce-and-rhianna-have-so-many-followers-who-worship-them/
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I know where she is and I’ll say later… Before I begin, I saw a red ufo one night and I’m always seeing ufos in Malibu: [purchase_link id=”31458″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] They talked about a large alien base being located off of Dana Point in Malibu: Here is a Los Angeles Sheriff being nice (this reminds me of the old days of copwatching when I would copwatching and the Malibu sheriffs were exceptionally nice – brings back memories): Now, here a CHP officer (I wonder if it’s the one that be running that food truck – lol – up the
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What I have to say ain’t for everybody and here is proof…. When talking some deep knowledge which is MY WORLD – dude could not deal. He still stuck on crakkka christ aka Cesare Borgia. Watch! [purchase_link id=”31453″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]
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::2020- 2018 update: I now know his name is Allen:: I’m sorry he kinda look like a pretty ass girl… I’m sorry but most white BOIS do! This nigga a shapeshifter. With each change of his facial expressions he looks like a different person. Ya’ll gotta watch this video… [purchase_link id=”31447″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This shit funny. Imma repost here cause we know youtube ALWAYS taking people’s videos down: I’m surprised his fat ass didn’t kill that bike or can even ride a bike with his fat ass, walrus bad built demonic crakkkaroach ass self. I think he related to
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Mofos just don’t know… Some mofos are gonna be getting that Christopher Case treatment… http://www.raventheshaman.org/the-christopher-case-death-curse-special/ I just wanna say that white people in particular ARE SOME DUMB MOFOS!!! They have no spiritual protection in general cause they don’t havd souls. Baba Bobby Hemmitt breaks it down… In all honesty, they have an arrogance that’s too their detriment. They underestimate people, things while thinking the whold world revolves around. I understand cause they have no spiritual consciousness. THEY PROJECT! They arrogantly have a tendency to ASSume you think like them or that you should aks white “manifest destiny”: Even Colin Flaherty
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