Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Topless Lady Shows Up To Where The Satanic Fruitbat Truck and Chilling With Inuit

Topless Lady Shows Up To Where The Satanic Fruitbat Truck and Chilling With Inuit

– Got the same build as me, broad shoulders and Egyptian, feminine curves! Reminds me of what I talked about here:   [purchase_link id=”34981″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] https://toplessinla.org/2020/05/18/the-satanic-energy-of-malibu-and-the-chaos-energy-of-the-age-of-aquarius/ LOL! Seem my energy catching on. I honestly gotta say I HATE that fruitbat bitch! On the surface – in the past – she was “nice enough” but I sense – just like with the RejuvOhm broad – that there is something deep, dark, sinister and satanic with her ass, something real demonic. Here she is calling herself calling the cops while me and ole dude – an inuit aka “eskimo” from

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The Satanic Energy of Malibu And The Chaos Energy of The Age of Aquarius

The Satanic Energy of Malibu And The Chaos Energy of The Age of Aquarius

Here the vid series:         [purchase_link id=”34952″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] This what I talk about: https://toplessinla.org/2014/08/28/what-happened-to-mitrice-richardson/ – Diss the ole white broad whose property Mitrice Richardson’s body was found on. She pertains to the satanic energy topic I touch on which percolates thru Malibu and diss here: – Those are mad acc. nice pictures! This some fight the powa ✊??? shyte: Here are more pics of myself cause it is hard for my narcissistic ass to not take pics: Here I am doing this shit wid a bottle of wine: – My breasts done gotten bigger… Anyways,

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I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns

I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns

I excluded caribbean hispanics out the equation (Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Dominican) cause I lived in NYC and other than some rare colorist shit they aren’t demonic like these mofos. They also don’t come from the areas Quetzalcoatl, a reptilian, dominated – which were areas the Aztecs and Mayans lived in which was South America: – He didn’t look like this. He was a fucking serpent as shown in the pictures below: You can read more on him here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feathered_Serpent https://www.crystalinks.com/quetzalcoatl.html – This article is REAL interesting and I’m gonna reference this later on…. https://www.crystalinks.com/serpentbirdgods.html Sound like he was related

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What I Did For My 37th Birthday: Go Into Deep Contemplation Mode

What I Did For My 37th Birthday: Go Into Deep Contemplation Mode

THIS is a VERY powerfull pic here: This one is, too, representing where I’m going, the road of life! I ain’t gonna get all philosphical but as an addendum to here: https://toplessinla.org/2020/05/13/in-honour-of-my-37th-birthday-fuck-my-ancestors-and-all-the-gods-and-goddesses/ I made these two videos here yesterday:     [purchase_link id=”34755″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] That being said, certain things I’ve resolved to have play for the rest of my life: I don’t plan on getting married – or dealing with men EVER! I love my dad and brothers but the buck stops there ? I won’t have any kids (that fate woulda played out in the other timeline

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Weird Bitch Tapes The Topanga Public Works Site And Gets Defensive When I Tape Her

Weird Bitch Tapes The Topanga Public Works Site And Gets Defensive When I Tape Her

AS SOOON as I record, the suv with outta state tags rolls up to the lady and picks her up: Here the tape: [purchase_link id=”34607″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] She then rolls up on ME after I film and starts throwing shit back at me as if to deflect from me finding out what her purpose is: – As always I threw cards on the situation: The first thing that came to me was “cult” and then it kinda got confirmed when she said that “they” were looking for a new spot (compound): – I mean, why have outta state (it

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Alex Collier Predicted That The Corona Virus Is Going To Lead Us To A Totalitarian State Back In 2016

Alex Collier Predicted That The Corona Virus Is Going To Lead Us To A Totalitarian State Back In 2016

4 years before the plandemic broke out he predicted it:   You can listen to the full video here: I’ve been warning ya’ll here: https://toplessinla.org/2020/03/31/the-corona-virus-fake-scare-is-designed-to-lead-us-into-martial-law-then-agenda-21/ https://toplessinla.org/2020/04/20/the-corona-virus-fake-pandemic-panic-is-designed-to-wipe-out-people-of-color/ https://toplessinla.org/2020/04/11/lapd-uses-fake-corona-virus-parking-restrictions-to-discriminate-against-me-in-violation-of-the-party-of-one-doctrine-of-the-14th-amendment/ https://toplessinla.org/2020/04/22/corona-virus-dropped-via-chemtrails-on-malibu-beach-to-keep-niggers-and-wetback-spic-and-cspans-out/ https://toplessinla.org/2020/04/23/la-county-tells-you-that-the-corona-virus-is-nothing-to-fear/ https://toplessinla.org/2020/05/11/was-guatamalan-teen-in-ice-custody-cause-of-corona-virus/ That said, you can see it in the news: Avalon Shakti, a Seer, saw it coming: https://www.sacredserpent.net/crisis-podcasts.html She talks about it on her site sacredserpent.net I fear this shit coming now, for real! I’ll never forget how back in 2009 we had SOPA legislation that was about to get introduced that was designed to wipe away our internet freedoms! – Go online and you can’t find SHIT about it now!

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In Honour of My 37th Birthday Fuck My Ancestors and All The Gods and Goddesses

In Honour of My 37th Birthday Fuck My Ancestors and All The Gods and Goddesses

WHILE DOING THIS INTRO VID FOR YOUTUBE, looka what fell out:   Look at the procession of cards behind my card, “The Empress”: – Just like the Empress, I live outdoors! Also, right behind the devil card is the new beginnings card, The Fool: Also look at where and how the devil card landed when it fell out: – I take it as a spiritual sign: LOL! Basically it means that this life’s challenge is to overcome these so called “gods and goddesses” esp. the most tenacious – towards me of all – satan – AND the demiurge so I

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Play 6000Hz To Get Rid of Entity Attachments and Open Your Chakras

Play 6000Hz To Get Rid of Entity Attachments and Open Your Chakras

::JUST NOW A BIG ASS ROCK HIT MY CAR! The reptilians are pissed. IT’S WORKING:: LOL I woke up in the middle of the night (it was so peaceful) and went online before going back to sleep. One of my fav channels is 2Circles who exposes the shadow, SHADOW government aka archons, reptilians, redheads (ya’ll don’t know bout dat), nordic aka tall white blondes (they offset the Hitler shit) so I felt inclined to go on there witch ??‍♀️ I hadn’t in a while…. That said, I stumbled upon his video titled: “Defense Frequency Range Against Reptilians” Ya’ll go check

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