Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
No wonder they been calling the sheriffs to run me out…. No wonder…. Poor baby pooch! Here is the original video: Hear ??? another (you will officially need your earbuds to hear it)! My cards confirm they been holding the baby pooch for months for the sake of dog fighting as evidenced by this card here: That’s why they been calling the cops on me, LYING ON ME, saying I’m doing this and that cause they’re doing illegal shit over there like the rest of Malibu does: Malibu Is Gonna Get Another Fire ‘Woke AND I Feel
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This was offered to me awhile back: I have a policy where I am afraid to work with entities outside of what I create ie egregores. That being said, listening to this video on Hecate last night: WHO IS SOOOO LIKE ME (someone said Lilith but I don’t believe in going around killing other folks’ kids like she supposedly does even though I had two abortions which don’t count) – the trajectory she took in life while physically alive, vowing to be alone, never having kids, misunderstood…. THAT IS ME in so many ways…. damn! That being said, I
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You thought cause I was worried (who I ‘woked ☠⚰), I forgot about you all…. Chasing My Rapist The Serial Rapist Who Drives Buick California License Plate Number 5SVE309 NEEDS TO BE KILLED I hate you mofos more than I will EVER HATE HIM! Goodt! Now you bully cowards are getting NOT EVEN A QUARTER of a taste of what ya’ll did, had been doing to US: Murdering OUR babies, women and elderly in racial acts of genocide. Glad we gettin’ ya’ll (wet)BACK, ASÉ ✊??? Now mass deportations of you wetbacks BACK TO HELL ARE IN ORDER! I just took
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Before I begin, I JUST FOUND THIS BLASS FROM DUH PASSS: What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch I had a crush on this depiction of Lucifer from Paradise Lost. I thought he was cutee ?? That being said, that whole thing of being “peace and love and light” is wide peepole schadenfraude (my new favourite wurd ??). We live in a fawking unity-verse ? of duality, as broke down by this BRILLIANT (with a fine ass devil btw) fairytale film by Ridley Scott called “Legend”: Devil fineeee ass a motherfawker here: I’m going to hell for this
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****UPDATE: GOT THEIR LICENSE PLATE**** CA license plate #6APL755 After that incident…. Wetback Gangmembers Attempt To Run Over A Black Woman This incident kept popping into my head…. This Is Why I Hate Wetbacks: Bitch Yells At Me Weirdo But Get Indignant When I Fight Back I hate jealous people…. and wetbacks…. with a passion. Based on what I saw, what others saw, the vehicle fits: it’s a green Ford Explorer I was told and it fits: – I rem. the grill, everything…. Here a lighter version…. I recall this incident: straight up fucking jealousy and bullying in that she
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That’s why ya’ll can’t get rid of me…. Another thing: I know ya’ll mofos are protecting the SOB who raped me. I got his ass (based on spiritual confirmation, he in hell) and Imma get ya’ll and send ya’ll to hell as well wit dat fyre ‘woke: Like I did with the Woolsey Fire…. The Pacific Palisades Fyre Fest (My proudest ‘woke and – 3 days before it happened I saw it in a dream after praying or shall I say preying ?? for it to happen 3 days before ??): Here I am LAUGHING at the destruction: Saddleridge FYRE
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****UPDATE: THE PUBLIC WORKS PEOPLE HAD BEEN MESSING WITH ME CAUSE THEY HAD BEEN ILLEGALLY HOLDING A DOG FOR MONTHS CAPTIVE FOR DOG FIGHTING AS CAN BE HEARD HERE: I came to the dog fighting conclusion based on my cards here: – See that and justice! ♎ That’s why they had been calling the cops on me for months cause I am the justice that is supposed to reel em in ??⚔ Poor baby doggo. Me and other folks FOR MONTHS had been hearing this and one time the cops got called to investigate! I believe they are holding
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? In this case I want da white boi and rejects the wetback (whose nastay ass was about to pull dat thang ?? out and start wanking wit it ?? #icubeauicuuuuu). Anyways…. I’m cooking here too: Lordt, looka dem facial expressions: LOL! PS Whoever diss cop iz iz my spirit animal, soon to be babay dadday ?????♂️ LOL, poor man! Peace! And, remember, I am THE Goddess of The ‘Woke And Da Heauxz SO I CHOOSE, BYTCH!
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LORDT HAVE MARCY I STILL CREAM OVA THIS ‘WOKE TO DISS DAY LORDT HAVE MARCY HEY-Zeus H CRAKKKA CHRIST: TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump – Flawless victory. LORDT HAVE MARCY THAT ‘WOKE WAS SO BEAUTY-FULL! Lemme share withs ya’ll the magical instance where he let me kno’ that ‘woke I puts is POWER-FULL ?? I’m petty tee hee ???☠☠☠ My ‘woke done killt three people relatives (who fucked me over HORRIBLY) since then! Imma kill this Richard Wachowski mofo’s 15 year old son for talking shit about
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To the boring mofo, calling himself “singing” at this lil farmhouse here on Topanga Canyon Blvd: I heard your bitch ass mentioning me, talking about “had an abortion”, “topless”, and “take your clothes off”, and I ‘woked ya! I CAN’T STAND MEN and in particular mofos who get intimidated by and are PISSED by a strong alpha femail womyn like myself who don’t take ya’ll bullshit. I heard lil snippets of conversation where mofos were low key pissed (cause they can’t stand that I am strong) cause I stood up to my rapist! FUCK YA’LL and this is why I
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