Ely Jr’s Truck Pumping Employees Call Me A Nigger And Dehumanize Me For Being Homeless

Ely Jr’s Truck Pumping Employees Call Me A Nigger And Dehumanize Me For Being Homeless

These organic portals are gonna die:

Called on they ass:


I got worse in store….

Just like the old biblical saying, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live,” diss Goddess will not suffer organic portals being on the Earth. I’m sending them to the underworld (hell) or, worse yet, maybe even the shadow realms like I sent this man’s ma here:

TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump

And some folks here:

The Museum of Da ‘Woke

Man I love torturing my enemies using my spiritual powerz ???????

Can’t wait to get the confirmation that they are being tortured by my spirits and used as fuel for me just in the same manner Shang Tsung uses souls to feed on!

I now realize I been sacrificing people to me!

That being said, this some organic portal shit – and why I been sent out here.

In addition to this….

Man Informs Me That Homeless People In Malibu Are Being Abducted And Being Taken To A Blue House To Have Illegal Medical Experiments Conducted On Them

Malibu – and the valley – got some unsavoury energy: Malibu’s is demonic, reptilian, satanic while the Valley’s is angry, intolerant.

That’s why they been getting them fire ‘wokes like the saddleridge fyre fest ‘woke ????, the Pacific Palisades ‘woke (my fav ??????) where I SAW three days before (after wishing for it three days earlier) in a “dream” and then it happened, WHOOOSH!

You can read more about…. and watch videos on, my fire ‘wokes right here:

Malibu Is Gonna Get Another Fire ‘Woke AND I Feel I Am Revenge For What Ya’ll Did To Mitrice Richardson

That being said – even when I was topless – shit went smooth in my ole neighborhood of Miracle Mile. Nan of this shit happened: property values, rent even went up cause folks wanted to live around the toplesd lady.

There was a beautiful neighborhood vibe that ran concurrent in it – EVERYBODY got along, hispanics, blacks, whites, asians. Even with that wester-buck attacking me when I lived on the otherside of Wilshire in my car – there was still a familiarity. People were good people, cool people.

Not here!

It’s a grating, take take take e-VILE abd cruel energy. When I first came here a homeless bitch offered me a jump for $20 whereas in my old neighborhood people will stop and help you. It’s fucked up how it is out here but I came out here specifically to make change, be that change maker but in a fierce way!

Awhile back I had an astral vision in which I was shown as a blonde haired, blue eyed white girl (possibly harkening back to a past life) against a burning backdrop of Malibu while smiling then a song with altered lyrics by Lauryn Hill started playing where she was riding a bike in Eagle Rock near downtown with a lil girl I know that was saying: “Oh la la laaaa this is the way how things should be…”

That’s why I say ya’ll fucked with the wrong one!

You got the right one here!

Even back in Miracle Mile we all knew the street characters, homeless and folks treated em human. It’s weird out here almost!

That being said, I wanted to talk about this for a very long time: the hate for the homeless – which UNLESS YOU ARE PART OF THE 99% – ANYONE can end up as at anytime – is fucking maddeningly ridiculous! I mean these comments on streetpeopleoflosangeles (I may just ‘woke that fucking page) on insta-heaux is ridiculous and trifling:

This bitch here, some “emmy” award winning mk ultra sex slave heaux (I ain’t ever heard of her so YOU KNOW they got this half bred at the bottom end of the totem pole to push they agenda) commenting since her handlerz got ha materially secured (and screwed ✏?):

This commentator write here named Samuel Lucanda anaconda whatever IS an organic portal….

This comment here is the CREME DE LA CREME of organic portal commentary….

That being said, as I talked about here (and let me teach ya’ll how to recognise organic portals)….

To The Starseeds Out There Never Let The System or ANYONE Change You

We a come here with different purposes: some souls incarnate to live life and experience life in a physical, 3D body – some people like myself come here to teach (and ‘woke) then get gone. I am not supposed to live an ordinary life. I am not here for that.

That being said some come here to have jobs while those like myself are here to teach and make a way for those like me so we can succeed and remove the harmful things (like reptilians and organic portals) off this Earth realm.

That’s why I say I ain’t here for everybody!

Here is more info on what organic portals are:

Organic Portals – Soulless Humans

That being said, you get mofos like them organic portals who try to throw you off your path, make you ashamed for not living within this system (and being easily subject to indoctrination) and will try to make you feel less than human when I am more human then them cause I got a soul and they don’t (they ARE organic portals).

They started shit – like some others have – antagonizing me to get out my car (so they can look at my breasts) but they are gonna get more than what they bargained for, hoping to see!

They getting deported to hell…. where they belong ????

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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