Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
I Don’t Fuck With The Lamestream….Don’t Fuck With Me

I Don’t Fuck With The Lamestream….Don’t Fuck With Me

I don’t fuck with ya’ll…… This got sent not too long before this shit happened….. Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man And RIGHT AFTER I posted this….. I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry People say folks like myself are crazy about calling out these synchronocities but nan we not! That said I REMEMBER when I first started my topless thing they tried to “white wash” it in terms of who they gave it credit: Black Woman Starts Topless Movement in L.A. And White

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The Demiurge Sends A Yellow Dragon To Fight Me As I Come Into My Spiritual Power

The Demiurge Sends A Yellow Dragon To Fight Me As I Come Into My Spiritual Power

LOL! I used my third eye to send him and his buddies to hell ???? I won’t say much but I am becoming alot more powerfull ?? I’ve been hellbent and working or shall I say ‘wokeing on the inner changes necessary to help me become a beast when it comes to spiritual prowess. The demiurge don’t like it ?? and lemme break it down….. I’ve said before that I notice a trend: those who hurt me THE WORST seems to be protected by the higher evil powers I am fighting and seeking to overcome. Case in point the mofo

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Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man

Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man

Listen to his ass hear when he says, “You so cute!” – That was designed to taunt me. Looka how he looks in my direction, then looks away, as I film him….. This says ALLL I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WHY HE CAME AROUND! Here is the fight. Mofo kicked me in the stomach like I am a grown ass man! You can hear an explanation he throws out at one point which all sexual harassers do to put blame on the victim: You can hear him said during fight, “I’ll let you go” after I fought him off of

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Rapist Decides To Reupload My Vids To Youtube Channel The Life and Times of Raven Masterson

Rapist Decides To Reupload My Vids To Youtube Channel The Life and Times of Raven Masterson

I touched on it years ago! Attacked By New Millennium Barbershop Employees In Los Angeles and Selective Enforcement by LAPD This mofo – while I was drunk (this was back in my old apartment) I believe took advantage cause I noticed the odd dissemination of my clothes, took a $100 bill I had then acted like he was buying something at Ralph’s right around the corner like he a gentleman. He looked like a black version of this thing here: Flag this shit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUueZ8E7sYw7rjr0v7jFjdA It is called “The Life and Times of Raven Masterson.” Flag the WHOLE FUCKING CHANNEL DOWN:

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I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry

I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry

Fucking Mortal Kombat: Before I begin, I just wanna start off by saying – to the creepy ass, I presume based on the accents I heard coming from their voices, WETBACK mofos in the black jeep who be passing by close to my car – I saw ya’ll for TWO FUCKING NIGHTS PULLING THAT SHIT – Imma ‘woke ya like I did that crakkka in the big black-green truck Imma talk about later on, “telling me to leave….” THE MAIN EVENT (I know you heauxs been waiting for this video):   I remind me of this song here cause no

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Remember That Google Employee Asshole Who Kept Stealing My Vids And Putting Them Under My Name Under A Fake Channel: He Got ‘Woked

Remember That Google Employee Asshole Who Kept Stealing My Vids And Putting Them Under My Name Under A Fake Channel: He Got ‘Woked

I oin play! Cue Juicy J ??????✨??? When I first saw it I was thinking SERIOUS of going to a law office to resolve it Glaad ✊??️‍? my ‘woke demons got thurr first, on his blood ?? ?? – He “Ghost Host” here…. Enjoy the sleepless nights, asshole lol! SAY IF HE RESTARTS ANOTHER CHANNEL SEND A LINK HERE AT [email protected] Thank you! – Hope ya go to hell breh, just like where I sent ya! ???? I profiled his ass here: Google Allows Google Employee To Steal Copyrighted Material And hea: Google Employee Creates Impersonation Channel Of Me To

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Mofo With Micheloeb Beer In The Car Says He LAPD After I Run His Thirstay Azz Up The Skreet

Mofo With Micheloeb Beer In The Car Says He LAPD After I Run His Thirstay Azz Up The Skreet

BITCH GOT FUCKING MICHELOEB IN THE CAR TALKING ABOUT HE LAPD: I gave this bitch fair warning after I told him to step the fuck back…..   NOTE how he had to call me a “whore” – yeah I only fuck with men for money bitch and that’s only if I FEEL LIKE IT, IF I CHOOSE YOU! I define my sexuality so fuck you heaux cause you ain’t fucking me! Pissed off cause you think I got my titties out for you like so many of these dumb rancid ass bitches who think that. Heaux, I’m got em out

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I Finally Found The Elmer Fudd Looking And Sounding Mofo Using Electronic Harassment To Run Me Out of Malibu

I Finally Found The Elmer Fudd Looking And Sounding Mofo Using Electronic Harassment To Run Me Out of Malibu

He an ugly looking mofo: Bitch look like a Simpson’s character! THIS BITCH HERE:   This ugly Elmer Fudd looking ass Farmer Joe sounding ass heaux right here ?? I remember when I first came to mofo Malibu hearing a seeming “disembodied” voice telling me to get out, leave Malibu, blah blah blah ad nauseam shit rinse wash repeat….. THAT WAS HIM! I would hear it all over with no discernible derivation. I recall going back as far as NY, when I was renting a room in the Bronx off of Castle Hill Ave. – I heard what sounded like

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I Knew That There Was Something Keeping Me Bound And Miserable And Astral Traveling

I Knew That There Was Something Keeping Me Bound And Miserable And Astral Traveling

I am sooo pooped from my astral travels….. I gotta defeat the shit that is holding me within, captive from opening up my crown….. That mofo and this bitch too….. That being said, Imma miss my good friend from Arkansas. I FORGOT to take a fucking pic with him – I forgot….. Damn! That said, there is REALLY SOMETHING STRAIGHT keeping me from advancing….. I was in the astral last night, “dreaming,” and I was in a large 7-11 to get some popcorn. I saw a white lady working there who looks like the lady who works at Autozone who

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