Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
How The Ego Keeps You From Healing And Attracts Bad Shit To You

How The Ego Keeps You From Healing And Attracts Bad Shit To You

….like a fallen jar of jam, if left spilled, will attract roaches, rats, and other vermin….. Looka the natural alignment of those rocks…. Those mean that I myself am coming into natural alignmemt….. With that said, early this morning…. I had a dream. I entered into a troublesome Jurassic Park like entrance that was filled with giant T- Rex’s. I was guided by a sandy blonde haired white man. As I was being guided to avoid the danger of being gulped up by these creatures I witnessed what I knew in my heart chakra to be two enemies: one who

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This Is Why You Shouldn’t Have A Kitchen Witch Mentality When Approaching The Spirit Realm

This Is Why You Shouldn’t Have A Kitchen Witch Mentality When Approaching The Spirit Realm

This a SPOOKY ass image…. Look cool huh!? I was listening to her account of what happened to her at the hands of the police and – I mean – that shit MIRRORS what just happened to me yesterday…. Just like me, she was targeted based on a particular program that affects her heart chakra – in her case attacking black males programming and, in mine, forcing womben to bow down to men’s sexual needs and egos programming. In both cases, A MEXICAN SERGEANT WAS CALLED! What are the chances of that happening….. yesterday! Listen to the end which is

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I RealEYES That The Black Snake Right Eyed Entity Attachment Is Designed To Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix

I RealEYES That The Black Snake Right Eyed Entity Attachment Is Designed To Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix

Shit might be responsible for the reptilian shapeshifts…. This brilliant article here breaks it down: https://www.openhandweb.org/5d-shift-unwinding-black-snake-energy-deep-field Ya’ll gotta read it. It is a must read ??? It breaks down what I been dealing with….. I Think That I Am Under Vril Attack There Definitely IS A Parasitic Etheric Snake In My Right Eye   Here I am describing the various emotional changes and major spiritual alterations you feel as you remove bad soul pieces, energy blocks, and really, entity blocks!   That right eyed entity is fucking HARD to remove. That mofo creates synchronicities that create fucked up “coincidences” that

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Major Spiritual Healing Landmark Points To Innate Lack of Self Love For Why Entities Attached To Me

Major Spiritual Healing Landmark Points To Innate Lack of Self Love For Why Entities Attached To Me

Care Bears were dropping the know-ledge and telling ya’ll shit before chakras and know-ledge of em became en vogue in the West….. That’s the heart chakra ? they shooting from in the chakra system…. I see alot of green around me all the time due to the healing…. I can’t do too much right now as the implant that is in the top of my head – seems to be connected to the neck chakra/ pineal gland and that right eye attachment – is causing my head to POUND and I can’t think so I am just gonna pump this

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PROOF That Evil Entities Are Blocking Me From Using My Spiritual Abilities To Attract Material Wealth

PROOF That Evil Entities Are Blocking Me From Using My Spiritual Abilities To Attract Material Wealth

Don’t judge or project your reality onto mines, LISTEN!   Now that I think about it awhile back some reps came to me, saying they “ancestors” and how they didn’t like the world leaders THEY PICKED who became “corrupted” and are wreaking havoc and how they can’t do anything cause they got free will…..     You see how they pull bull? You gotta watch out! Everything conveyed to you in dreams ain’t true due to entity manipulation, etc. I’ve since done ALOT of spiritual work to release negative shit off of me and I been winning, getting better. There

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PLEASE Flag This New Youtube Channel Created By A Psycho Impersonator

PLEASE Flag This New Youtube Channel Created By A Psycho Impersonator

It is called “Raven The Shaman”: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPbNwTX5CaoFjs9hsJYAFDQ I KNEW this mofo put something else up! THAT IS NOT MY CHANNEL! Please FLAG IT UNDER VIOLENCE, ABUSE ETC. It’s some sick ass fucking nigger with alot of reptilian in him who asked me to do a reading a while back who, like many with reptilian attachments, becomes obsessed with stealing my energy and thus cause problems in my life….. FLAG THEY SHIT! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPbNwTX5CaoFjs9hsJYAFDQ Imma go ahead and file, again, a dmca to remove my copyrighted vids off of there. He’s done it before…. Google Allows Google Employee To Steal Copyrighted Material

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Black Bigot You Are Gonna Have To Fight These Reptilians

Black Bigot You Are Gonna Have To Fight These Reptilians

Lordt. As I was writing this I got interrupted which I’ll show and break down later….. Black Bigot I saw this coming…. To The Black Bugatti Aka Black Bigot Stay True To Yourself This man’s eyes are typically BRIGHT BLUE…. – Dat damn alki-(black)hole aka alcohol….. I was once where you were Mr. Bigot: – Same as yours…. EXACT! – All of these were after some heavy bout of drinking brought on by reptilian possession or a coupla days after….. I knew they were gonna get you…. As shown in that article, I saw it MONTHS in advance….. Watch your

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Just Found The Lil Rat That Has Been Building A Nest In My Car

Just Found The Lil Rat That Has Been Building A Nest In My Car

Looka who been doing diss….     Imma call her – I sense it’s a she – Rat Fink and let her live in my car to get her out the cold since she starting this shit early and is being too visible = poor baby cold ? I wanna say this tow truck driver, who drove his ass around one night as I stargazed – I don’t like him. He has an energy of maliciousness. I may have to get him spiritually cause I don’t want that low vibratory shit around me…..   Here he is the other night

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Healing And Mending My Soul Back Together Again

Healing And Mending My Soul Back Together Again

This shit – what I am going thru is a REAL spiritual awakening. It ain’t that frilly shit of unicorns shitting rainbows as new (c)agers as would have you believe ??? I have seen MANY folks with souls who, as I did, started off being EXTREMELY EMPATHETIC where they were not in control of their emotions just as seizure victims aren’t in control of their bodies. That is exactly how it feels….. That shit is happening cause it is your Soul crying out for help telling you you need to heal this, you need to mend this. That is why

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Illegal Wetback Impersonates Cop To TRY To Take Advantage of Me

Illegal Wetback Impersonates Cop To TRY To Take Advantage of Me

Fat mofo looking like he in a cartel…. Wetback ass probably is…. La miiiigraaaaa I was born for this shit. I was born to combat diss shit. Imma file a police report! This is crazy.   Here is his license plate: CA license plate #06316J2 This mofo was one of those assholes who just moseyed on past me to STARE like a leecherous animal and when I called him out, he didn’t like that. I can only wonder – look, all the wetback wetback shit aside – how many women he done taken advantage of who were on the periphery

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